In a nutshell: "She is a silly and perfidious person." Hey, folks, if any of you tweet, tweet THIS directly to her @SenatorSinema !

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Oh, no! My God, she is the worst. Again, I totally agree with you. If I was as smart as you are, I'd write the same message. How horrible is she?

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I swear that she's a wannabe trumpista in disguise! Grrrrrrrrrr!

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You’re being way too nice to Sinema. Please don’t hold back, TC.

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The only thing Sinema and Manchin bring to the Democrats is the majority to allow the Democrats to elect the speaker. It is a big delivery. They are both traitorous being Republicans in all but name in order to get elected but without their confusing duplicity the Senate would today be Chaired by Moscow Mitch and even the few but very significant pieces of legislation enacted so far by the Biden administration would have been stymied.

Biden is playing the hand he has been dealt and playing it surprisingly well considering. A lot more show could be made of how slow the DoJ is in bringing charges and calling out the disgrace that is Sinema Manchin and so many other emotional trigger topics but far better to leave those subjects on a slow burn that they are still front and centre in the midterms than to get all excited in a sugar high of focusing on the injustices now when you really can’t do anything about them anyway.

As a 40 year ago founder of a local Green Party here TC, I think your characterizations are a bit broad. Greens are in a position to make significant contributions to government in systems other than two party systems. In bicameral houses I agree they are significant vehicles for grand standing egos and as such highly destructive. Then again there were Ross Perot and Ralph Nader. Those egos will always find a way. Speaking of which perhaps there is a way to harness Kentucky senator Rand Paul, another pure ego driven politician and allow him to preen in return for some small favour. Not on this issue but there’s his weakness and a Republican weakness.

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I'll say this about the Greens - the original people like you were looking at Europe for a model, and there was a lot of idealism. But the people who came after are not people like you. The number of cases where Green candidates have been outed for having campaigns actually run and financed by Republicans, or where they have taken Republican money to run, and ALWAYS against electable Democrats, NEVER against Republicans, identifies them as what they are. Egomaniacs without conscience, scruples or principles. That kind of person can never be trusted, and whatever they claim they have become since - like Sinema - the fact remains they are egomaniacs with conscience, scruples or principles. Which is why they can NEVER be trusted.

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Ohhh, now THAT makes sense. What clever, moneyed Republicans.

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They are always about the money!!

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Makes me wonder about the “dark money” supporting her campaign.

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She's one of very few Dems for whom think blue has never asked me for a donation.

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She’s a puta. And the cross she was wearing? Costume jewelry.

Obv to me now after her stunt yesterday that she knows more than what people think. I hope the Select Committee gets their hands on her. Not any grounds except guilt to refuse an invitation to come chat.

What an insult to the Democrats of the state of Arizona. Poor vetting on this candidate. Good liar must be on her resume.

I spit on her fan club. In Russia.

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TC, the only problem with your characterizing Sinema as "perfidious" ( which I love, btw) is that she was never trustworthy from the start!! Her sudden concern about the very divisiveness she has done so much to nurture and feed was breathtakingly disingenuous! She is all you describe and perhaps even more vacuous than any of us can imagine. I wish she weren't a woman because the words you use to rightly question her intelligence, honesty and competence are the same words that have been used by misogynists ( which you are not) to malign and destroy intelligent, honest and competent women through history. OTOH, What's good for the goose is good for the gander in the public life of politicians!!!! She deserved your skewering- every word of it!

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So right. She's been no one to trust since she first arrived in the AZ legislature, according to Democrats who served with her there.

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I just don't understand how the Dems ever thought they had a Majority in the Senate. Manchin and Sinema aren't Democrats. Never have been. Perhaps the strategy for BBB would have been different (and so many other things). Oh well they just don't know how to govern that well it seems. Sigh

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Unfortunately, "you fight your political battles with the political party you have rather than the one you'd want," to paraphrase one of those who departed the scene in 2021 and definitely Made America Great Again.

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I knew it was way too good to be true. Thanks, TC. At least I feel somewhat better having read your truths.

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