Newsflash: perfidious silly fucking MORON Kysten Sinema has now gone to the Senate Floor and and given a speech denouncing any changes to Senate rules that will allow the Democrats’ thin majority to do anything - in the name of “protecting the senate from devisiveness.” She did it an hour before President Biden as to appear at he Senate to press his case for a rule change that will allow democracy-protecting legislation to come to a vote.
This is why you hold votes. This. Is. Why. You. Hold. Votes. Refusing to make yourself accountable or available to voters is just a way of shadow boxing accountability and never having to say where you actually, definitively stand. It is a way of holding the floor and the attention perpetually without actually finally acting. It is in its way its own virtual filibuster. No one does or in any case should care what explanation Kyrsten Sinema gives for what she’s doing. She is a silly and perfidious person. The only thing that matters is what she does. And that means how she votes.
In case anyone was wondering, this is why you NEVER vote for a candidate of the Green Party, or for any candidate who ever was a member of the Green Party. The Green Party exists because MORONS like Kyrsten Sinema, Susan Sarandon, Jill Stein, and all the rest of the political illiterates think they’re showing how smart they are to do this.
In 2016, Sarandon claimed that not voting for Hillary Clinton would “speed the revolution.” This is the argument the Stalinist fools of the German Communist Party made in 1932 when they attacked the Social Democrats as “social fascists” and said a Nazi victory would “speed the revolution.” We all know how that turned out. And we all know how things turned out when the Susan Sarandons and Kyrsten Sinemas decided to show us what geniuses they are.
Jill Stein did them one better: she actually went to Moscow, dined with Putin at the same dinner Flynn did, and took money from the Russians.
Greens have a looooonnnnngggg history of taking money from Republicans in order to run against otherwise-electable Democrats, to split the left vote, giving the victory to the Republicans.
This is why you NEVER vote for a Green, or for someone who ever was a Green. Stupidity is forever.
Sinema has to know that there are three Major Democratic Donors (all women) who have gotten extremely pissed off at her ever since the little idiot flounced into the Senate to put “thumbs down” on raising the Minimum Wage. (Guess what, you silly fuckwit - John McCain you’re not, not now, not ever, ever! McCain had PRINCIPLES, something you wouldn’t recognize if you tripped over one.) These powerful women have let it be known that if Sinema kept it up, they would be willing to put up whatever it takes to fund a Democrat to take her out in the primary.
Me, I guess we’ll have to wait till 2024, even though after January 3, 2023 - because of this traitor - we won’t have to worry about keeping her on board (if the silly little opportunist doesn’t join the GOP next year). But as to this (many words you can no longer say) stupid, silly person, “If my thoughts and dreams could be seen/they’d probably put my head in a guillotine.
In a nutshell: "She is a silly and perfidious person." Hey, folks, if any of you tweet, tweet THIS directly to her @SenatorSinema !
Oh, no! My God, she is the worst. Again, I totally agree with you. If I was as smart as you are, I'd write the same message. How horrible is she?