You've put a bunch of my growing general dislike of Elon into some mighty fine points. Thanks. But this is a real home run: "Elon Musk is not a visionary genius. He’s a trust fund baby born on third base who thinks he hit a triple, who is very good at bullshitting the public." Outta the park.

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So agree.

ElonMusk-rat…go f*ck yourself. While standing next to Erdogan engaged in same practice.

Salud, TC.


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If Elon really thinks humans are going to live on Mars, he's either incredibly uninformed about Mars, or stupid. The radiation would force us to live underground. The notion that Mars could be "terraformed" is magical thinking. The the Martian "countryside" looks like someone took the 10 ugliest acres on Earth and duplicated them all over Mars.

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Musk is not even a genius and Twitter is for the birds!

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you've said this before, but as far as I'm concerned, you can't say it enough, because people can be idiots. when I brought this up to a friend, he said that anyone as capable of convincing the public he's a genius probably has a genius for SOMETHING. but then he and I often disagree about the definition of "genius." I tend to be very reluctant to apply the term to someone whose only "genius" seems to be at making money. forgive me for being hopelessly old-fashioned, but for me, a genius is supposed to create something with actual VALUE when the whole money part is subtracted.

am I hopelessly old-fashioned? maybe. but I'm also stubborn. especially about this.

my super wanted to buy a Tesla, mostly because he falls for this kind of branding bullshit. they promised him terms if he'd send in his application (for $100). he did so and they told him there could be no terms, but encouraged him to apply any number of times again, each time for $100. of course they did. I told him that obviously, they were appealing to people who liked to wipe their asses with $100 bills. and then I told him about the non-disparagement clause. how can they actually ENFORCE it? I think I've asked before.

the one positive thing I can say about Musk is that the long interview he gave the fawning (even disgusting) Bill Maher a few weeks back has cured me of my old silly habit of still "checking in" on Bill Maher's show, thus liberating an hour a week to waste doing my own thing. when the shows come back, I mean.

as for Twitter, I personally couldn't care less since I decided YEARS ago that it was fundamentally worthless. now, it's just more OBVIOUS.

I have no idea what a lot of these new "fluidities" actually mean, but EM certainly possesses something I'd (pretty clumsily) call "Ideals fluidity."

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I agree - about Musk etc. But also checking in with Bill Maher - used to watch his show every week - the only time in the past year or so that I've checked in was because Katie Porter was on - period. Not worth watching anymore. Now Jon Stewart or John Oliver? thats a different story - very very different individuals.

I sat here last night & found Obama's 2014 & 15 appearances at the Press Dinners - watched the whole thing & of course I had seen them before. I know - he may not have miraculously fixed everything & missed out a few times but then which president have we ever had that DID fix everything?

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Bill has lost his mind lately. Passed on by Elon, can’t look at him. Bill needs to “woke” up….

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Muck is just another attention seeking case of arrested development whose essential skill is being an eternal flame and eluding responsibility for who or what gets burned. Besides, Twitter has been sorting itself out into the various rings of Hell since he made his big impulse purchase.

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Are somebody's ears red about now? Or is that Mars just radiating. Classic TC.

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Elon’s also cranky because Tesla monitors his tweets after the I-have- the -$$ (NOT)-to go- private fiasco. There is is some justice in the courts !

And now he’s legitimizing the white nationalist, conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer,overtruming her previous lifelong sentence in Twitter jail.

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Yeah, it’s a little depressing that 80 years later we still have Nazis building rockets for us.

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Werner Von Braun was more of an American Patriot than Elon could dream of being.

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Amen, Bill Maher needs to wake up. Couldn’t be more clear that he is for Elon only. NASA will regret signing on with him for -ANYTHING. You couldn’t give me a Tesla.

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