If Elon Muck’s antics this past weekend don’t doesn’t raise bright red warning signs all over the world about his judgment and character, I don’t know what will
Also, his recent tilt toward Russia and China should raise some eyebrows in the Defense Dept. Odd positions for an American defense contractor.
Some folks with long memories may recall how Henry Ford was turfed out of his company when he went ‘round the bend during WWII. The Air Force wanted more B-24s and R-2800s — and less bullshit.
One can read "The Pseudo-Conservative Revolt, written 68 years ago, and the only difference is the specific conspiratorial fantasies the far right is engaged in.
A blogger said today that "every conservative accusation is actually an admission." Of course he meant treasonous or reactionary. But all you need to know about the truth of Hofstadter's words is that to this day, George Effing Will and other longtime propagandists still attack him.
I hear you. Suspect I would be diagnosed as being "neurodivergent" or "on a scale" were I a child attempting to understand this world again today - similar to being measured for a suit between growth spurts by a tailor with hyperopia.
Anyway, I do participate in a modest circle of Twits and most of us have concluded we shan't jump off the bird immediately as there's no readily available replacement that suits. So, we will optimistically wait for Jack Dorsey to do his new BlueSky thing and pick up the cream of the employees from all those that Lone Muks fired. Meanwhile I and some others attend to our feeds and block the accounts of every promoted tweet. Small, petulant, ineffective action - perhaps, but it feels good. Nice to have even minor aspirational (aspergerational?) goals sometimes.
The right wing politicians see the craziness, lies, and violence as beneficial to their political ambitions. They do not care at all for ordinary people. Every day seems more crazy and awful than the last.
I relished acknowledging Asperger’s particular glory reading such an incredibly knowledgeable and intimate piece on an Asperger’s path crash bound and seriously gone wrong.
Textbook material on the perils of the DSM-V.
And the intricate machinations of thinking necessary to understand the disturbing level of mental health aberrations in the Republican and MAGAt world.
I hate to seem like such a cluck but pray tell what is a DSM-V? I had hoped that someone else would be as mystified, and that my understanding would be able to benefit from the clarification that might ensue, without revealing that I was clueless as to what it means 🤷♂️ BTW that was a great post TC, much to think about as I sleep 💤
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, vol V - the "bible" for psychologists and psychiatrists in figuring out what's what with their patients. If you find yourself dealing with a mental health professional, ask them if they agree with DSM-IV or DSM-V - if the latter, get away. DSM-V is the result of a group of morons who got commissioned by the American Psychiatric Assn, and they came up with stupidity like Aspergers and Autism are similar.
"Aspergers and Autism are not the same thing and do not belong on the same “spectrrum” - further proof that the professional illiterates who wrote the current DSM-V have their heads up their ass, where 80% of that profession have kept theirs since birth."
My daughter (a voice actor) just recorded this letter to the editor from a parent for "Spectrum Autism Research":
"Families like mine who face profound autism have advocated for this distinction for quite some time. We strongly believe that the breadth of the autism spectrum has become unwieldy, and the phrase "autism spectrum disorder" has become such a big-tent term that the people under that tent often have little in common with one another. Autism can mean genius or an IQ below 30. Autism can mean highly verbal or nonverbal. It can mean graduating from Harvard Law School or exiting high school with a certificate of attendance. If we are going to be able to personalize our approach to care, as the Lancet Commission report suggested, we need terminology and language that are specific and meaningful, rather than terminology that lumps everyone together."
Ta Da!! I know some psychiatrists and PhDs who could use this explanation! My cousin also an RN, has 2 grandchildren with the same story. The first (early talker) is very bright and a gifted pianist. Her younger brother, on the other hand, didn't talk until he was 4 or 5, and has great difficulty connecting to people. My cousin saw one study that suggested there may be a genetic process with Aspergers and autism that is not unlike what happens with the sickle cell gene. If someone inherits one sickle cell trait gene, it is an evolutionary gift that protects the person from malaria. If both parents carry the sickle cell gene, and their offspring inherits sickle cell genes from both parents, they develop the terribly painful sickle cell anemia. Perhaps this is what happens with the gift of Aspergers vs the burden of autism. My cousin was never able to locate the article again (pre-internet), but the concept makes perfect sense to me. The one continuum concept makes NO sense to me. I haved worked in special education, mental health and general education, and have been part of evaluation teams. In my experience, your experience is closest to reality.
Ah. My cousin's husband was a wonderfully brilliant physicist, as was their daughter who married a brilliant chemist. I fear that the "spectrum" catchall diagnosis is getting in the way of more helpful research path.
Yes, and all the "high achieving" parents who don't want to know it was their "defect" that gave their child "autism." You don't catch it, it doesn't happen from what you ate or anything you used, it's how your brain is wired, but never discount the otherwise-unemployables of the Ambulance-Chaser Corps from coming up with some new bullshit to hook the to-rich-to-know-they're-morons parents in for another lawsuit that proves nothing.
Fascinating post. Very useful (and predictive) analysis that answers loads of questions. Also, yet again, the only place one can find such explanation. Legacy media MIA yet again.
The only problem is that Twitter is awesome. It provides almost instantaneous updates on everything under the sun. Of course none of it is reliable, but nothing is perfect. I don't think Mr. Musk will last long at Twitter. He's a big picture guy. He will quickly lose interest in the drudgery of cat-herding. He has also, with his intemperate tweet about Mr. Pelosi, found out that there are real pocket-book consequences to that type of behavior. He is a very smart guy. He understands how to correct processes to prevent repeated thumb flattening via misapplied hammer. Don't write Twitter (and Musk) off just yet. Besides, there is more to the story. See the attachment for additional information about his motivations: https://davetroy.medium.com/no-elon-and-jack-are-not-competitors-theyre-collaborating-3e88cde5267d
Pete, Are you familiar with Dave Troy, the author of the piece in 'medium', for which you provided the link? Are you also familiar with “longtermism,”? To quote from his piece, '... the heavily marketed philosophy being promoted by Musk and his friend William MacAskill that asserts the only thing that matters is humanity’s future in space, and that the only goal of the living is to maximize the number of future humans alive, as well as the number of artificial intelligence instances that could possibly exist in the future.'
The road from Twitter described by Troy is one terrifying leap as in the ambitions of Musk, Dorsey, Putin, et al. Pray tell, what do you know of this?
Longtermism is one of those "heavy, man... heavy..." ideas college sophomores come up with after too many bong hits in the dorm room. It's very popular among the Silly Con Valley Bros, and is part of "effective altruism," their idea for billionaires to do "charity" based on long-term ideas of what they think is "good for us" (since they're billionaires they must be geniuses, right?).
I was a little put off by that article, as you were, Fern. I thought the connection between Musk and Dorsey was interesting. I knew Musk had an authoritarian bent, but beyond that I really don't know anything.
Those people are EXACTLY as they are described. It's what happens when you get rich enough to live in "a world of no 'no.'" Your dumbest ideas get taken up by your minions who tell you you're marvelous.
The situation in Russia is highly illustrative of what happens when everyone surrounding the leader is a psychophant. You get an army with no NCOs, equipment that doesn't work, and inadequate training. From what I've read, Gen. McArthur had similar problems.
Don't get me going on Big Mac. Eisenhower was once his CoS in the Philippines prewar, and said "I learned all about acting - I served under General MacArthur." Half of his staff was the Public Relations Office - need I say why? You can get all the tear-down of MacArthur you'll ever need in my books The Frozen Chosen and I Will Run Wild.
Thanks, Pete. Troy's presentation was startling. My equaling troubling response is that the vision described seems Muskian given his biography and state of mind, which TC helped to elucidate and his mountain of money.
"If democracy-minded people don’t seize control of the information environment, powerful sociopathic autocrats will do so instead. We leave a power vacuum open at our peril, and at the moment, Musk and Putin are the ones with the most will to fill it."
Olof, I would have passed up opening the link if you hadn't pointed it out. It approaches the darkest of science fiction ideas. I wonder at the validity of Musk's, Dorsey's vision and plan, including aspects of Putin's ambition as described by David Troy, author of the piece. I am not disputing Troy's reporting. Musk's, Dorsey's and Putin's ambitions are beyond the pale, to put it mildly.
I use Twitter mainly to follow Russia's war against Ukraine. I have learned who is reliable and also to wait for multiple sources. Telegram also contributes
Thanks, TC. I am not a huge Twitter user, because it is already too full of hate and vitriol, but this just proved to me that abandoning that platform is the best thing I can do. In addition, thank you for your description of the governor of my State (for whom I DID NOT vote...) "Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin - the slimeball who proves Stephen King was right when he said “the best monsters have their fur on the inside”"...he IS a slimeball and I wish we could vote him out right now...he tries to act like he is concerned about the people of this state, but he is only concerned about the ones who will vote for him...the white right...I can't call them Christians because they aren't, in my book. Happy November...and may it actually turn out that way! 7 more days to progress or hell....
Also, his recent tilt toward Russia and China should raise some eyebrows in the Defense Dept. Odd positions for an American defense contractor.
Some folks with long memories may recall how Henry Ford was turfed out of his company when he went ‘round the bend during WWII. The Air Force wanted more B-24s and R-2800s — and less bullshit.
Was the Hillary Clinton body double the same one that had an affair with Vince Foster?
I'm struck by how many people are saying now that they see just how bad republicans are. Where were they for the past, oh, 60 years or so?
One can read "The Pseudo-Conservative Revolt, written 68 years ago, and the only difference is the specific conspiratorial fantasies the far right is engaged in.
A blogger said today that "every conservative accusation is actually an admission." Of course he meant treasonous or reactionary. But all you need to know about the truth of Hofstadter's words is that to this day, George Effing Will and other longtime propagandists still attack him.
I hear you. Suspect I would be diagnosed as being "neurodivergent" or "on a scale" were I a child attempting to understand this world again today - similar to being measured for a suit between growth spurts by a tailor with hyperopia.
Anyway, I do participate in a modest circle of Twits and most of us have concluded we shan't jump off the bird immediately as there's no readily available replacement that suits. So, we will optimistically wait for Jack Dorsey to do his new BlueSky thing and pick up the cream of the employees from all those that Lone Muks fired. Meanwhile I and some others attend to our feeds and block the accounts of every promoted tweet. Small, petulant, ineffective action - perhaps, but it feels good. Nice to have even minor aspirational (aspergerational?) goals sometimes.
The right wing politicians see the craziness, lies, and violence as beneficial to their political ambitions. They do not care at all for ordinary people. Every day seems more crazy and awful than the last.
Beyond sizzlin’, TC. Wow.
I relished acknowledging Asperger’s particular glory reading such an incredibly knowledgeable and intimate piece on an Asperger’s path crash bound and seriously gone wrong.
Textbook material on the perils of the DSM-V.
And the intricate machinations of thinking necessary to understand the disturbing level of mental health aberrations in the Republican and MAGAt world.
Get the rocket launches ready.
Unita 🗽
I hate to seem like such a cluck but pray tell what is a DSM-V? I had hoped that someone else would be as mystified, and that my understanding would be able to benefit from the clarification that might ensue, without revealing that I was clueless as to what it means 🤷♂️ BTW that was a great post TC, much to think about as I sleep 💤
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, vol V - the "bible" for psychologists and psychiatrists in figuring out what's what with their patients. If you find yourself dealing with a mental health professional, ask them if they agree with DSM-IV or DSM-V - if the latter, get away. DSM-V is the result of a group of morons who got commissioned by the American Psychiatric Assn, and they came up with stupidity like Aspergers and Autism are similar.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders….Fifth Edition.
Rott, oh Musk, has his fingers in lots of
different very strange pies. Neural Link
is one of the scariest. He's a menace.
And he is a twit. He opened the door on
Twitter to vile spewage from some of the
planets lower than wale poop life forms,
then withdrew his tweet. Of course, most
of the republican underbelly had to chime
in. While I really don't want to wish hardship on the people in Cancun Cruz
area, I hope Texas in his area gets hit
with the worst winter storm that grounds
all flights, all aircraft, and his house is without electricity or heat for a long time.
On a positive note, my Absentee ballot
came in the mail today. Red state voting
BLUE all the way and any other, but red,, where there's no BLUE.
I AGREE 1000%:
"Aspergers and Autism are not the same thing and do not belong on the same “spectrrum” - further proof that the professional illiterates who wrote the current DSM-V have their heads up their ass, where 80% of that profession have kept theirs since birth."
My daughter (a voice actor) just recorded this letter to the editor from a parent for "Spectrum Autism Research":
"Families like mine who face profound autism have advocated for this distinction for quite some time. We strongly believe that the breadth of the autism spectrum has become unwieldy, and the phrase "autism spectrum disorder" has become such a big-tent term that the people under that tent often have little in common with one another. Autism can mean genius or an IQ below 30. Autism can mean highly verbal or nonverbal. It can mean graduating from Harvard Law School or exiting high school with a certificate of attendance. If we are going to be able to personalize our approach to care, as the Lancet Commission report suggested, we need terminology and language that are specific and meaningful, rather than terminology that lumps everyone together."
I started talking understandably at 11 months. That's Aspergers.
My brother didn't talk understandably until age 4. That's Autism.
There's a difference.
Ta Da!! I know some psychiatrists and PhDs who could use this explanation! My cousin also an RN, has 2 grandchildren with the same story. The first (early talker) is very bright and a gifted pianist. Her younger brother, on the other hand, didn't talk until he was 4 or 5, and has great difficulty connecting to people. My cousin saw one study that suggested there may be a genetic process with Aspergers and autism that is not unlike what happens with the sickle cell gene. If someone inherits one sickle cell trait gene, it is an evolutionary gift that protects the person from malaria. If both parents carry the sickle cell gene, and their offspring inherits sickle cell genes from both parents, they develop the terribly painful sickle cell anemia. Perhaps this is what happens with the gift of Aspergers vs the burden of autism. My cousin was never able to locate the article again (pre-internet), but the concept makes perfect sense to me. The one continuum concept makes NO sense to me. I haved worked in special education, mental health and general education, and have been part of evaluation teams. In my experience, your experience is closest to reality.
That could make sense, since the difference between my brother and I was similar to what you describe here.
Ah. My cousin's husband was a wonderfully brilliant physicist, as was their daughter who married a brilliant chemist. I fear that the "spectrum" catchall diagnosis is getting in the way of more helpful research path.
Yes, and all the "high achieving" parents who don't want to know it was their "defect" that gave their child "autism." You don't catch it, it doesn't happen from what you ate or anything you used, it's how your brain is wired, but never discount the otherwise-unemployables of the Ambulance-Chaser Corps from coming up with some new bullshit to hook the to-rich-to-know-they're-morons parents in for another lawsuit that proves nothing.
Fascinating post. Very useful (and predictive) analysis that answers loads of questions. Also, yet again, the only place one can find such explanation. Legacy media MIA yet again.
"His tweet promoting the baseless allegation.... came from the bottom of the worst of the far right."
Sorry, TC. Not usually a nitpicker. But the above stipulates that there's a bottom to said environs. There isn't.
But that won't stop Musk from looking for it.
You wont get an argument here. They really are bottomless in their bullshit.
The only problem is that Twitter is awesome. It provides almost instantaneous updates on everything under the sun. Of course none of it is reliable, but nothing is perfect. I don't think Mr. Musk will last long at Twitter. He's a big picture guy. He will quickly lose interest in the drudgery of cat-herding. He has also, with his intemperate tweet about Mr. Pelosi, found out that there are real pocket-book consequences to that type of behavior. He is a very smart guy. He understands how to correct processes to prevent repeated thumb flattening via misapplied hammer. Don't write Twitter (and Musk) off just yet. Besides, there is more to the story. See the attachment for additional information about his motivations: https://davetroy.medium.com/no-elon-and-jack-are-not-competitors-theyre-collaborating-3e88cde5267d
Pete, Are you familiar with Dave Troy, the author of the piece in 'medium', for which you provided the link? Are you also familiar with “longtermism,”? To quote from his piece, '... the heavily marketed philosophy being promoted by Musk and his friend William MacAskill that asserts the only thing that matters is humanity’s future in space, and that the only goal of the living is to maximize the number of future humans alive, as well as the number of artificial intelligence instances that could possibly exist in the future.'
The road from Twitter described by Troy is one terrifying leap as in the ambitions of Musk, Dorsey, Putin, et al. Pray tell, what do you know of this?
Longtermism is one of those "heavy, man... heavy..." ideas college sophomores come up with after too many bong hits in the dorm room. It's very popular among the Silly Con Valley Bros, and is part of "effective altruism," their idea for billionaires to do "charity" based on long-term ideas of what they think is "good for us" (since they're billionaires they must be geniuses, right?).
Thank you, TC. Their visions combined with money, along the collapse of government and reason, plus political violence startles me to the max.
As it should!
I was a little put off by that article, as you were, Fern. I thought the connection between Musk and Dorsey was interesting. I knew Musk had an authoritarian bent, but beyond that I really don't know anything.
Those people are EXACTLY as they are described. It's what happens when you get rich enough to live in "a world of no 'no.'" Your dumbest ideas get taken up by your minions who tell you you're marvelous.
The situation in Russia is highly illustrative of what happens when everyone surrounding the leader is a psychophant. You get an army with no NCOs, equipment that doesn't work, and inadequate training. From what I've read, Gen. McArthur had similar problems.
Don't get me going on Big Mac. Eisenhower was once his CoS in the Philippines prewar, and said "I learned all about acting - I served under General MacArthur." Half of his staff was the Public Relations Office - need I say why? You can get all the tear-down of MacArthur you'll ever need in my books The Frozen Chosen and I Will Run Wild.
Thanks, Pete. Troy's presentation was startling. My equaling troubling response is that the vision described seems Muskian given his biography and state of mind, which TC helped to elucidate and his mountain of money.
Thank's for the link!
"If democracy-minded people don’t seize control of the information environment, powerful sociopathic autocrats will do so instead. We leave a power vacuum open at our peril, and at the moment, Musk and Putin are the ones with the most will to fill it."
Olof, I would have passed up opening the link if you hadn't pointed it out. It approaches the darkest of science fiction ideas. I wonder at the validity of Musk's, Dorsey's vision and plan, including aspects of Putin's ambition as described by David Troy, author of the piece. I am not disputing Troy's reporting. Musk's, Dorsey's and Putin's ambitions are beyond the pale, to put it mildly.
I use Twitter mainly to follow Russia's war against Ukraine. I have learned who is reliable and also to wait for multiple sources. Telegram also contributes
Thanks, TC. I am not a huge Twitter user, because it is already too full of hate and vitriol, but this just proved to me that abandoning that platform is the best thing I can do. In addition, thank you for your description of the governor of my State (for whom I DID NOT vote...) "Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin - the slimeball who proves Stephen King was right when he said “the best monsters have their fur on the inside”"...he IS a slimeball and I wish we could vote him out right now...he tries to act like he is concerned about the people of this state, but he is only concerned about the ones who will vote for him...the white right...I can't call them Christians because they aren't, in my book. Happy November...and may it actually turn out that way! 7 more days to progress or hell....