If Elon Muck’s antics this past weekend don’t doesn’t raise bright red warning signs all over the world about his judgment and character, I don’t know what will
I hate that I have to use the term "fellow Aspergian" to describe Elon Muck. He is emotionally permanently the 12-year old who got so badly bullied it affected him mentally, as he demonstrates daily.
Aspergians are really smart where we are "interested," plus we can be very successful in those areas when we apply ourselves because of our 8-10 hour spans of attention. Where we aren't interested, it's "in one ear and out the other" and we might as well be morons. I learned at an early age that "the mark of the intelligent man is to know where he's stupid," as my Aspergian (only they didn't know that was what it was then) father once told me. I stick to what interests me and all of you think I am really smart. Which I am. In those things. Trust me, I can be a moron's moron when it comes to what doesn't interest me, which is a long list.
Muck, because he was interested in computers and able to apply his massive span of attention, got rich with what became PayPal at an early age. Once that happened he was in danger, because being rich means being in "a world where there is no 'no,'" which eventually drives the inhabitant crazy but his enablers say nothing and he comes to believe because he is rich he is a genius in all things. When it involves someone who is emotionally permanently pre-pubescent and pathetic in his desire to be liked by those who bullies him, the result is what we see with Muck (that's not a typo). Personally, I'd like to take the worthless piece of shit and stick him in one of his tinny toys, then stuff that in one of his rockets and fire it into the sun. Make the universe great again.
But god I hate the fact I understand him because he's one of us.
I have long had my doubts about Musk’s character and judgment. He has repeatedly shown himself to be impetuous, unreliable, self-serving, and loony. He’s from that part of the Asperger’s spectrum (Aspergers and Autism are not the same thing and do not belong on the same “spectrrum” - further proof that the professional illiterates who wrote the current DSM-V have their heads up their ass, where 80% of that profession have kept theirs since birth) where they never quite make it into “reality adjacent.” This has only been magnified by the fact he’s been allowed to live in the “world of no ‘no.’”
It only took three days for him to demonstrate he has no business being allowed to control Twitter. His tweet promoting the baseless allegation that Paul Pelosi, the husband of the speaker of the House, who was assaulted on Friday at the couple’s home, had been drunk and in a fight with a male prostitute came from the bottom of the worst of the far right.
I’m not going to post that article, but here is the link to the archived article and if you have a strong enough constitution, you can go ahead and read it. I don’t personally think the Volkischer Beobachter would have published crap like this in its heyday.
Warning if you proceed: this is the mental equivalent of being thrown in a bucket of still-warm barf:
Terrible Santa Monica Observer Article
The people who posted this are not “deplorable.” They are so far beyond “deplorable” that they do not exist in the same universe with that term. They are completely irredeemable; there is no likelihood of their ever being “reasoned with.” I’m sorry to say this, but there is really only one thing that can be done with them.
“Termination... with extreme prejudice....” to quote a well-known line from a well-known movie.
This is what Elon Muck thought was worthy of the owner of Twitter posting a connection to, to spread it throughout the Twitterverse before he took it down
This is the same Santa Monica Observer, by the way, that in 2016 claimed that Clinton had died and that a body double was sent to debate the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.
If bright red warning signs about Musk’s tweet aren’t raised everywhere about his lack judgment and non-existent character, I give up. The fact that he personally posts such unhinged, dangerous drivel within three days of taking over the platform suggests he doesn’t possess the mental and emotional maturity to be allowed to run anything. This is the act of a mentally-disturbed child wiping his feces on the bathroom wall. Doing that is commonly considered by child psychologists to be a sign of severe emotional disturbance.
This is the kid who was bullied and chased, who now has an opportunity to say FUCK YOU! to the world, secure in the knowledge he’s now where he can’t be grabbed and beaten up for so doing.
Does he need reminding that America and the world are at a moment in history when hateful lies are having horrendous consequences?
The husband of the speaker of the House was almost murdered because of such lies.
He doesn’t care. His world doesn’t extend further than six inches from the end of his nose.
That Muck would choose this tragic event, an attempted assassination of the third-ranking political leader in America, to demonstrate the disgusting extremes such hateful lies can reach is an indictment of his inability to reach an adult judgment.
He takes this opportunity to stir up even more divisiveness with a lie so vile it cannot be directly reprinted, while announcing that he is readying Twitter for Trump’s imminent return, but it won’t be as “hellscape.”.
No one in a decent, civil society should have the unchecked power Elon Muck has accumulated.
And not a single Republican can respond as a human being with the slightest decency. That’s because they no longer have any.
A forum devoted to former White House adviser Stephen K. Bannon’s right-wing radio show alerted its 78,000 subscribers to “very strange new details on Paul Pelosi attack.” Roger Stone took to the fast-growing messaging app Telegram to call the assault on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband an “alleged attack,” telling his followers that a “stench” surrounded mainstream reporting about the Friday break-in that left Paul Pelosi with a skull fracture and other serious injuries.
The rush to sow doubt about the assault on Pelosi’s husband illustrates how aggressively influential figures on the right are seeking to dissuade the public from believing facts about the violence, seizing on the event to promote conspiratorial fantasies and provoke distrust. This is how fascists create the chaos they see as their route to taking power.
Dinesh D’Souza demonstrated this in a post Sunday morning to his 2.5 million Twitter followers.
“The Left is going crazy because not only are we not BUYING the wacky, implausible Paul Pelosi story but we are even LAUGHING over how ridiculous it is. What this means is that we are no longer intimidated by their fake pieties. Their control over us has finally been broken.”
And the despicables who follow him cheered that, posting “Amen!” as their reply.
Scores of other tweets included claims that the attack was a false flag, including some responding directly to messages from the House speaker. “@SpeakerPelosi Accountability is coming. Tired of your Lies and False flags. Your Treasonous.” Another wrote, “I don’t know why the Paul Pelosi story falling apart is such a surprise. False flag attacks are a common tool of the left.”
Wendy Rogers, the far right Arizona Republican state senator who was involved in he fake electors sceme in Arizona, has set fundraising records in her state while aligning herself with right-wing extremists. On Saturday she shared a spurious Amazon listing for a “Paul Pelosi Fake Attack Novelty Item Headpiece.”
Former Trump White House aide Garrett Ziegler directed his more than 125,000 followers on Telegram to a meme sexualizing the assault.
At a campaign event for a Republican Congressional candidate, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin - the slimeball who proves Stephen King was right when he said “the best monsters have their fur on the inside” - took a similarly callous approach. "There’s no room for violence anywhere, but we’re going to send her back to be with him in California."
The right-wing media has spent decades building a huge audience for these sorts of convenient conspiratorial fantasies. And their regular denunciations of the mainstream press built a bubble to keep out reality so that only the right’s commentators can be trusted.
Eric Swalwell put it well: “Sadly this attack was inevitable. Political violence is on the rise. And instead of GOP leaders condemning it, they condone it with silence or, even worse, glorification.”
There's not much that can be done for the people who will buy into this. But what can be done is to punish Musk for his role in the fiasco
Muck's Twitter takeover is financed with $24 billion of his own equity (Tesla shares), $13 billion he got friends like Larry Ellison to pony up, and $13 billion in loans from banks that are now "sketchy" since the change in finances since last April. All in all, it's a very shaky tree. According to William D. Cohan at Puck News, Muck may have to buy his own discounted bank debt when the banks are forced to sell it at the discounted rate it will bring, to keep the "loan to own" slime from buying it and then killing him financially when he misses his first debt payment.
As of Friday, he lost GM's advertising on the site and other major advertisers are pausing their advertising. Since advertising is 80% of Twitter's revenue, his financial situation is "shaky from the start" and his stupidity in getting involved with this crap this weekend is going to only make the advertisers more leery, not wanting to be painted with his brush.
How many people are going to want to buy “Pelosi’s”, which is what his tinny toys could end up being called? By the way, Tesla’s aren’t that great. “Service” on them is about what you’d expect from a “tech company.”
And Muck has announced that Twitter is planning to start charging $20 per month for “verification” of their account. How many people are going to be willing to have a blue checkmark on their tweet that proclaims “I’m dumb enough to give Elon Muck $240/year for this checkmark that now means nothing here”???
The rest of the world should jump off his stinking ship. The only way he’s going to be dealt with is when the vultures take him for every last dime. This is one little shitbird who needs ALL his lunch money taken.
Elon Muck delenda est! Make the universe great again.
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Also, his recent tilt toward Russia and China should raise some eyebrows in the Defense Dept. Odd positions for an American defense contractor.
Some folks with long memories may recall how Henry Ford was turfed out of his company when he went ‘round the bend during WWII. The Air Force wanted more B-24s and R-2800s — and less bullshit.
Was the Hillary Clinton body double the same one that had an affair with Vince Foster?
I'm struck by how many people are saying now that they see just how bad republicans are. Where were they for the past, oh, 60 years or so?