Trump’s demand that 60 Minutes be investigated because Kamala did well in the interview is nuts even for him. He’s in a full blown panic. I’m 75. I eat well and get exercise and enjoy taking Kurt Vonnegut’s advice to just fart around all day and farting around is plenty. I don’t see how Trump’s head hasn’t exploded by now. He’s proving an axiom long observed by school teachers. The really crazy ones never get sick.

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I agree as a former school counselor.

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Mack, Because the crazy ones already are very sick but so sick that they’re numb to the fact of being sick & crazy….ad nauseam works well here, yes? Some friends have mentioned to me that t’s on a steady stream of drugs.

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Maybe the viruses don't want to get infected with whatever the nut cases have.

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I laughed out loud.

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That would certainly explain most hedge fund managers -- and definitely Elon Muskox.

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Just in case anyone doesn't know. One of many articles.


I can't keep up. Yesterday I found out the his"God bless the USA Bibles" were printed in China. For less than $3 a book. How much of his other junk was made in China? Could not require that they be printed in the USA by American workers? And he wants to add a tariff of 100%.


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"Hey Bob: if you actually gave a flying fuck about this country, did you ever consider that we might have needed to know this as soon as you discovered it - on the front page of that rag you work for???"

Good question.

Maybe he just wanted to present it as an October surprise when there's still a little bit of time for people to read, absorb and vote with it in mind.


I too have been concerned about those missing stolen documents and where they (or copies of them) might be.

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That was my immediate concern, and it’s only gotten stronger with passing time.

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Maybe they are buried with Ivana on the golf course.

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And in other news, Mittens Wishy-Washy Romney said that he won’t vote for trump, but won’t endorse Harris either since he wants to be around to “rebuild” the GOP post -trump. What a load of crap…does he actually think that he has any influence over the rabid dogs that constitute the Republican Party today? What a delusional horse’s ass…

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He was a wuss in 2012. still is

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Right…he’s just so wishy washy and spineless. It’s a wonder he can stand up straight without bending over in a breeze.

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A weakling that can’t stand for anything. I should tell him what I put on postcards. It doesn’t matter as much who you vote for as what you stand for. Stand for something, you wuss

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From a pragmatic point of view he might as well vote for her. If his objective is rebuild the Republican Party then he should make sure the current incarnation of the Party is destroyed. And it is going to take at least if not more than four years to remove the taste of the MAGAts from the Party. Just to have reason to remove the riff raff. "We lost bigly and it is all your fault. Supporting such a vile POS. Go and never ever darken the our door again."

Note to the Democrats: Get the list of the Schedule F (F for Flunkeys) applicants to make sure they never work for the government in the future. They have black balled themselves.

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Rmoney is the guy who led pro-Vietnam war rallies in college, then used his family's status in that church to get assigned to France as a missionary for two years (the place most resistant to that bullshit). That's all you need to know about what a worthless piece of shit that worthless piece of shit is.

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Time for Bob to share the audio tapes so Independents and Undecideds get a full scope of why they MUST do their civic duty and vote BLUE up and down the ballot. We are at such a dangerous crossroad.

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NSA may have the audio. They may not be allowed to record USA citizens. But foreign nationals such as Putin talking to his agents in the USA I would think so.

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I meant the audio tapes that Bob Woodward always uses to back up any claims written in his book. Recordings of his interviews with Mr. Trump. But as you say, there could be those sorts of audio recordings, too.

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Well said Tom. Every profane

word of it. WTF????

Deep Throat Woodward?

What has happened to that

intrepid reporter of days gone

by? We now have Book #2

exposing more national

security Dumpster problems.

Does the NSA track burner

phone calls? I don't think so.

Good old clutching his pearls

Lindsay Graham and MBS.

Why not Dumpster and Rootin

Tootin Pootin?

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Rootin Tootin Pootin? Now THERE is the perfect nickname!

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Trump is fact-checked by the Kremlin…

“The Kremlin on Wednesday confirmed a report that former President Trump sent Russian President Vladimir Putin COVID-19 testing equipment during the height of the pandemic.”


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I wish reports on this would state clearly that it was "testing equipment" not Covid "tests" like the antigen home tests we're now pretty familiar with. Antigen tests are one-time use only and have expiration dates. PCR tests require special machines; I've no doubt that's what Trump sent to his "good friend" Putin.

"PCR tests are extremely accurate but require special lab equipment – like the PCR heating machine seen here – and can take hours or days to perform." https://www.umassmed.edu/news/news-archives/2021/11/whats-the-difference-between-a-pcr-and-antigen-covid-19-test/

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THANK YOU❤️!!! You kept me from getting in over my head trying to describe the difference between the little box with the test inside and the rapid test PCR machine that is a highly specialized piece of equipment for detailed medical analyses!

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So CFDT sent specialized testing equipment to a foreign adversary of the United States and not to an American hospital???!!! How many ways does CFDT have to show that he is a traitor (or useful idiot or traitorous useful idiot)?

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The PCR machine, also, requires chemicals that were in short supply in 2020, adding to the complications of getting widespread PCR testing. Then there were issues at the CDC itself and its extremely slow and cautious processes.

"In the United States, the slow rollout of coronavirus PCR tests has been widely attributed to a combination of stringent rules aimed at ensuring their reliability and a complex web of companies and health care systems responsible for developing, carrying out, and paying for tests. The Trump administration says testing is accelerating. On 16 March, at a White House press conference, U.S. Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Health Brett Giroir said the country would be able to process 1 million tests by the end of the week, and 2 million the following week. But the actual numbers aren't close to that yet. According to data compiled by the COVID Tracking Project, a nonprofit collaboration of public health officials and journalists counting tests given in the United States, 191,541 PCR diagnostics have been performed as of 22 March, with 24,345 of them positive for the virus." https://www.science.org/content/article/standard-coronavirus-test-if-available-works-well-can-new-diagnostics-help-pandemic

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When New York's upper crust shunned Trump because he's gauche, uncouth, and witless, he decided he'd join the upper crust of the planet and is still hoping to be rushed by the Fraternity of Arrogant Reigning Tyrants. That'll show 'em all right.

Now that Beautiful Loveletters Kim has sent troops for Putin to feed into the maw of war with Ukraine, Trump will just have to hope Putin's into threesomes. (Sorry. Try not to think about it.)

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Brain bleach, STAT!!!

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Ewwww, but yeah.

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Is anybody surprised. He is diagnosable as a severe personality disorder, not mentally ill. He is sub human. He fits the description that the OSS wrote re his hero Hitler. “His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”

Well, no wonder chump was thrown by Joe’s withdrawal.

As to chump’s attitude as a younger man, consider what he told the Sun in 2005. “You never blame yourself. You have to blame something else. If you do something bad, never, ever blame yourself.” Well duh! He warned us.

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"The Apprentice" - the movie about Trump and Roy Cohn and how Trump became Trump - hits theaters this Friday. The trailer made me want to see it immediately.

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Hope I get to, although his image and voice send me into fits. Regardless, there is no excuse for him or his parents.

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He's the fucking anti-Christ.

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That's my expert opinion. Ha

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I hope in the coming years we will see a least one prequel and three sequels:

Trump: The Monster Child - basically Mary Trump's first book on how to create a monster.

Trump: The Real Estate Mogul - Or how to go bankrupt on daddy's money

Trump: The Despot - Stormy and the '45' years

Trump: The Long Con - how conservatives tried to destroy a country

Eventually all on cable or streaming for all to see and learn

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Probably a mix of narcissistic and anti-social of the most malignant kind. This is mental illness, but personality disorders are very hard to treat, as the patients don't believe they have a problem and it's everyone else's fault when they experience consequences. And medications don't help much.

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My psychologist friend said that you treat the symptoms, the personality is set very, very young. I thought the DSM differentiated.

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Interesting to me that Woodward wasn't nearly as reticent about getting news out in a timely fashion during Watergate. Nor was the Washington Post so passive when "democracy dies in darkness"

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Thanks, Tom but I doubt Bob Woodward's book would make any difference if it was published in 2022 or 2028 The Magats are so brainwashed they think trumpscum is god reincarnated. I've seen fat images of gods but not quite this dumb

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Just to clarify, Woodward is a journalist emeritus at WaPo. He doesn't have a day job there. He writes books.

Yes, this was a horrible thing to do. Hospitals couldn't get the testing machines. There were not enough. For any other person, this would be slapped on to the other charges facing TFG. Not him. We will never know all the damage he has caused.

That JD would entertain the notion that Ukraine should pack it in and give Putin what he wants, to me is too far.

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That’s exactly what they want. We will join Ukraine as Putin’s property if he has his way. Not sure how P2025 will take to that.

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I loved every descriptive word. All of it right on. I think Lewis Black should read your rant aloud at his next show. It is perfect. I guess Woodward's book sales and interviews are more important to him than getting the word out. He is his own NSA it seems. 😖 People are already voting. Right now one way to stand against this crowd is to vote BLUE everywhere, every office.

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And the ugly stuff just gets uglier the closer we get to November 5. Sigh.

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Remember when the Republican Party was the party of Law and Order? Now it is the party of Scofflaw and Disorder.

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My one caveat on Woodward is that he really doesn't DO much at The Post--at one time, he was assistant managing editor and viewed as a potential Bradlee successor, but he oversaw the Janet Cooke debacle and he realized the money to be made in book writing. I'm not saying he shouldn't have shared things sooner if he knew them but that his role at the paper is more honorary and emeritus. The ones who REALLY annoy me are the ones who are out covering the campaigns daily and save all their stuff for later, as in the entire political campaign staffs of The Post and The New York Times.

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These back channels with Putin remind me of Reagan’s Iran hostage deal behind President Carter’s back. Keeping the hostages in captivity until after the election gave Reagan the win. This looks like more of the same along with tanking the Immigration Bill.

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And Nixon's deal to kill the Vietnam peace treaty before the LBJ/Nixon election.

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