Interesting column, TC. Your main point, "that most interesting of creatures one can run across - a capable, competent, charismatic, brainy woman - scares the hell out of them[men]. Always has. Always will" reminds me of my college days when I learned how to play chess and spent many days after class playing chess with guys and gals in the lounge of the girl's dorm. I was told by a girlfriend that the guys shy away from girls who play chess. It took me awhile to understand what she meant; then I moved on to playing bridge.

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While I confess to having missed the Whovian train, I am a crazed fanatic of Captain Marvel.

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Like you Ellen, I also missed the Whovian train. But I am a crazed all-time fan of Star Trek and the many additions.

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The thing about Dr. Who is, it might have great SFX now, but it didn't used to, and it thereby proves that it's not the SFX, it's the story. The Story is King in Doctor Who. It's also had great humanity since its first episode.

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(13 year old boys, even if they are 50, ought not be in charge of anyone's "world"!) This was really interesting--a glimpse , for us outsiders, into what sounds like the very, very tough, and maybe arbitrary, world of scriptwriting. I hope you are working on your memoir!

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