YES YES YES~ I find it difficult to even comprehend that ANYONE could come away from that shitshow without boundless empathy and compassion for Pres. Zelinsky. He behaved like a decent human being - apparently the only one in the room.

I sympathize with the Ukrainian ambassador - but this was a SETUP.

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yup. and so fucking OBVIOUS.

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An abusive madman in a jealous rage. This is truly the most offensive drama ever performed in front of an audience.

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Yes, that is some fine screed !

You have hit all the nails, the coffin is sealed !

That was such a setup to make Zelensky look bad I’m surprised it didn’t have commercial breaks from sponsors…but Zelensky DID KICK THEIR ASSES FAR AND WIDE, I dont blame him for walking out.

What a horror we’ve become.

Now would be a great time for this shit to STOP. The clock is ticking.

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Thank you, Tom. "He is nothing more than a playground bully and when he gets a bloody nose from someone who refuses to be afraid of him, when his bullying doesn't work, he erupts in frustration and demonstrates his complete inadequacy." Wise words that sum up the weakling trumpslime.

Time is running out for us, the Constitutional States of America. We have a roughly equivalent number of States containing 60% to 70% of the total population. We need to let the maggot States know they are welcome to secede peacefully, but we will retain our Constitution, our rule of law AND our Representative Republic. They can have their daddy dictator, and his band of merry morons, but we're finished playing nice.

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“All the goodwill created since 1918, pissed away in less than a month.” That was Vlad’s plan in 2016, but chump’s “grotesquerie” wasn’t quite ready for the Manchurian Candidate to assume the throne. All ready now. Chump is having the time of his life, like the jr high bully lining up the victims for his revenge marathon. Matters not that they had been friends or buds. So much more fun for the cruelty quotient. The damage is incalculable, the flamethrower is real. NO ONE is safe…

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Strongest writing from you, Tom. I’ll be watching the 6 o’clock news to see how they cover this. There is an evil stench coming from Washington.

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I broke my vow to not buy anything today. I bought a Ukrainian flag, made in Ukraine, via Etsy. Can’t wait to fly it!

Slava Ukrainii! 🇺🇦

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when I heard that there was going to be a meeting, my first thought was "it's gonna be very bad."

then, I watched a bunch of YouTube videos about "Nickel Boys," which I saw last night and it blew me away.

the, about three pm, I thought I'd check out the news and saw that TFF had "thrown Zelenskyy out of the White House," showing these video clips.

I am sick. this country is now a joke and I am ashamed to live in it. my impulse was to join the list of misfit presidential assassins, but I lack the skillset. I've never fired a real gun and have increasingly bad balance issues and a dodgy knee. I am actually listing excuses about why I can't be fucking Sirhan Sirhan.

if TFF doesn't kill me, he might send me to the bughouse.

I feel shitty.

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Yes! I’ve never felt this bad before. It’s a totally sucky and unwelcome feeling. I feel like I’ve been spattered with evil sticky tree sap that can’t get off no matter what i do. It’s in my pores. It’s in my nasal passages and lodged in my gut. I feel unclean.

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Very accurate summary: “Putin supported Dilbert’s return in order to get America to abandon Ukraine, to lift the sanctions on Russia that are strangling him, to create divisions within NATO leading to its self-destruction, and to remove Ukraine’s defenses before democratic Europe could organized a defense.”

I couldn’t help notice Trump’s interruption “2015? 2014? Oh, I wasn’t there!” in the flow of Zelenskyy’s message.

I read in the Guardian that Trump was about to cancel today’s meeting, but Macron persuaded him to meet Zelenskyy. I can imagine Trump and Vance gaming it out: We’re two against one and we have no inhibitions. Zelenskyy has to defend himself in English. We will put him in his place.

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Will we…

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Who knows how many Americans side with bullies? JD Vance practiced for his attack on Zelenskyy by attacking Europe in Munich.

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Most Americans didn't like that, either. According to polls, 81% of us think Putin is a piece of shit. Which he is.

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I agree. We are at the lowest point we’ve ever experienced as a country. Now what? How can we save ourselves from an insane dictator who never met a law he wouldn’t break? Who is smashing our country and the world order with a sledge hammer?

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I wrote a citizen’s letter of apology to the Ukrainian ambassador. If anyone else would like to do so, her info is here: https://usa.mfa.gov.ua/en

Also, I copied Dumpf, my senators, and Rep. And the local papers. Also pointed out this “performance” was in the service of corruption. 😬

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I would like to see your letter to the ambassador, reps, and papers.

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It was an ambush, planned in advance. It's time for Americans to go into the streets.


Also, see this from The Hill about Trump having been recruited by the KGB in 1980. Plausible. Democrats should run with it. The other side surely would.


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I was so outraged, I spent an hour leaving messages on my senators voicemail as well as others. Lindsey Graham said he was "proud of President Trump". JFC. I just don't think we can come back from this. I'm serious. These Putin bitches should be tried and hung for treason.

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I just donated directly to Ukraine: https://u24.gov.ua/

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I did earlier.

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Timothy Snyder points out how un-strategic is the Trump/Vance/Musk administration. Canada’s economy is much bigger than Russia’s. The combined European economies are many times bigger than Russia’s. What is in America’s economic interest to antagonize our traditional allies in favor of Russia?

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Putin has the leverage, whether real or manufactured, the money laundering, the defaulted loans, the Krasnov label, the Eastern Euro wives, the pee tapes, etc.

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Thank you, Tom. I am frightened for us and for Ukraine and the free world.

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