What can be said, other than there truly is no bottom with this traitor?
This whole moment was a set up by Dilbert to give him reason to stab Ukraine in the back.
It took about 5 minutes of that shitshow to see the whole meeting with Zelenskyy with Russian state media present in the Oval Office was done with the intention of humiliating Zelenskyy. However, given that Dilbert and Corporal Couchfucker don’t have a single digit positive number IQ between the two of them combined, the opposite outcome occurred when they made their pathetic attempt at bullying Zelenskyy, who walked out of the Oval Office with more support by Americans than the two clodhoppers will ever have. Even Trumpers were embarrassed by this shitshow.
Zelenskyy’s attempt to explain to the Dildo Brothers that diplomacy with Putin won’t work because the Russian leader doesn’t keep his word was heard by the country: “ In 2019, I signed with him the deal. I signed with him, Macron, and Merkel. We signed ceasefire. Ceasefire. All of them told me that he will never go. We signed him gas contract. Gas contract. Yes. But after that, he broken the ceasefire. He killed our people, and he didn't exchange prisoners. We signed the exchange of prisoners, but he didn't do it.What kind of diplomacy, JD, you are speaking about What? What you, what you, what do you mean?”
Corporal Couchfucker, who has done nothing since Enshittification Day but show his worthless vacuity, could respond with nothing but pathetic rhetoric and left him covered in his own shit. “But if you know Mr. President, Mr. President, with respect, I think it's disrespectful for you to come into the Oval Office to try to litigate this in front of the American media. Right now you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have manpower problems. You should be thanking the President for trying to bring an end to this conflict.” Every word that came out of his mouth was a pathetic lie. For a white trash shitbird like Vance to lecture anyone about “disrespectful behavior” demonstrates that Irony isn’t dead - she jumped in a rocket and left the planet.
In response, Zelenskyy asked Vance if he had been to Ukraine. Vance said no, but he has “seen reports.” When Zelenskyy said that someday in the future the United States will know what Ukraine is experiencing, Dilbert exploded in a tantrum of denial and delusion: “ Don't tell us what we're gonna feel! We're trying to solve a problem. Don't tell us what we're gonna feel. Because you're in no position to dictate that. Remember this. You're in no position to dictate what we're gonna feel. We're gonna feel very good. We're gonna feel very good and very strong. You're right now not in a very good position. You've allowed yourself to be in a very bad position, and he happens to be right about it. You're not in a good position. You don't have the cards right now. With us, you start having cars. Right now, you don't have, you're playing cards. You're playing cards. You're gambling with the lives of millions of people. You're gambling with World War III. You're gambling with World War III. And what you're doing is very disrespectful to the country, this country.”
With that, Dilbert demonstrated his complete loss of self-control as he descended into a parody of himself throughout that monologue.
All I could think of listening to the senile old traitor was what John Kelly said: “I never met a more determined ignoramus in my life.”
I wanted to throw up in his face, listening to the stooge Corporal Couchfuck telling Zelenskky to tell Dilbert thank you and be grateful to Dilbert, while the old shitbird demonstrated his complete loss of cognitive control when he started ranting about Joe Biden and repeating Putin’s talking points.
Today was Day 37 of Maladministration II, and Dilbert has managed in that time to make his top priorities clear: the destruction of the American government and our international influence, to preserve that of Russia. Any doubt that “Krasnov” is indeed a Russian long-term asset was destroyed this morning.
Dilbert’s unleashing of Elmo and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Dimwits on the federal government, his menacing of Canada and our European allies, his public embrace of Putin’s wish list for Ukraine and Europe, are all strategic elements of a plan to destroy this country as the democracy it has been for 240 years. As my historian friend pointed out last week, “All the goodwill created since 1918, pissed away in less than a month.”
Dilbert demonstrated his ignorance and stupidity by holding this Oval Office meeting in front of the cameras. He and Corporal Couchfuck ripped off their masks in front of every American who watched, and all those who will see the highlights of the sad performatoive mendacity on the news shows for the rest of the day, followed up over the weekend in the interview shows where they’ll send their stooges to try and repair the unrepairable. This is the kind of fuckup that it is impossible to unfuck. The two scumballs revealed to Americans and to our allies their complete obeisance to the Russian dictator. The truth is ugly, but they’ve forced all of us, and the rest of the world, to face it.
This staged event gave the lie to any claim that Maladministration II’s policy is driven by any strategic effort to advance the interests of the United States. There was no effort here to make a case for American interests, because these two ignoramuses have no clue what those interests are. Dilbert’s Stooge complained Zelensky had traveled to Pennsylvania to thank U.S. ammunition workers where the appearance amounted to campaigning for the Democratic presidential ticket. Dilbert continued to lose whatever marbles he once had as he ranted, “Let me tell you, Putin went through a hell of a lot with me. He went through a phony witch hunt where they used him and Russia, Russia, Russia.”
America saw today what New York City saw long ago when the decision was made that the glass door Dilbert had his nose pressed against would never be opened to such a low scum as he is, that he would never be allowed into civilized society.
The two traitors showed our allies something they needed to know: The international security system of the West is led by two traitors who sympathize deeply with the most aggressive dictator on the planet.
We now know what it looks like to see the alleged Leader of the Free World blurt out on national television his hatred of our allies, his rejection of the treaties that have defined international life in the West for the past 75 years, his choice to make a dedicated foreign adversary a personal friend.
After this morning, it’s easy to imagine the president of Estonia or Moldova or Lithuania or the president of Taiwan being in Zelenskyy’s place, berated by a pair of treasonous morons. It’s not hard to see the leaders of Germany and Japan confronted by the faithless men who hold our highest offices, to say nothing of the leaders of our traditional Allies.
Americans were forced this morning to bear witness to the self-sabotage of the United States. It is now clear that “America First” was always about creating America Alone, the result being a predatory America that voted with the world’s enemies at the United Nations against Ukraine, siding with the Russian and Chinese dictatorships against all our previous democratic allies.
This is what America is being turned into by those who have no understanding whatsoever of the meaning of the word “patriot” they throw around to describe themselves. They are the America that prefers the murderous dictator Putin to the democrat Zelenskyy.
We are now forced to reckon with the mess the two traitors Trump and Vance have made of our once-good name, how they have turned us into one of the Bad Guys.
Dilbert likes and admires bad people because he is a bad person. As demonstrated by the 34 felonies he stands convicted of. Vance is nothing but a more obvious example of the vacuous emptiness of too many Americans of whom we should have been able to expect better. Today he executed his personal demonstration of having completely crossed over to the dark side of Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, where he now exists beyond any hope he could revert and redeem himself. However shallow are Trump’s and Vance’s motives, the consequences of what they are doing are profound.
In Maladministration I, Dilbert was a rogue actor who expressed strange and disquieting opinions, but he was constrained in his actions by cabinet secretaries who were mostly normal, responsible people who contained the many abnormal appointees. This time, he has surrounded himself by mental and moral midgets who demonstrated yesterday they can do nothing but sit and gape at the performance of an opportunistic takeover artist as they debase whatever humanity they might have possessed with their performative acceptance of the monster who put them in those cabinet seats. Senator Graham may exclaim today that what he saw take place in the Oval Office was a “disaster,” but tomorrow he and the rest of the spineless scum in the Senate and the ignoramus loonies in the House of Representatives will continue to “drop ‘em and spread ‘em” for the monster they privately admit is indeed a monster.
The pro-treason party exposed itself to the world this morning in the Oval Office. No one who saw the face that was visible when the mask was ripped off is going to forget that grotesquerie.
Putin supported Dilbert’s return in order to get America to abandon Ukraine, to lift the sanctions on Russia that are strangling him, to create divisions within NATO leading to its self-destruction, and to remove Ukraine’s defenses before democratic Europe could organized a defense.
As was demonstrated in Dilbert’s talentless performance, that is exactly what his goals are.
Dilbert has no diplomatic skills or tools. He is nothing more than a playground bully and when he gets a bloody nose from someone who refuses to be afraid of him, when his bullying doesn't work, he erupts in frustration and demonstrates his complete inadequacy.
Instead of looking strong on the world stage, Dilbert revealed his weakness.
Couch Couchfucker revealed he has no political future outside of being stooge to Dilbert’s incompetent moron.
The two of them humiliated themselves and the rest of us. They made the United States of America - the country the three Cleaver brothers and so many others risked their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor through 250 years to build and protect - to look stupid and brutish and weak simultaneously.
The two traitors harmed America’s global image in a way it will take a very long time to repair.
President Zelenskky walked out of the Oval Office with even more sympathy from the world.
Dilbert showed clearly that he is a failure and an embarrassment. He will never ever measure up.
If anything is to be done to repair this damage, it is up to we Americans to save ourselves from these traitors and scum.
Washington Post is reporting that after the meeting Trump is considering ending all ongoing shipments of military aid to Ukraine, according to a White House official. That is billions of dollars of radars, vehicles, ammunition and missiles awaiting shipment to Ukraine that was previously approved by Biden. This was the result they were planning to do and the reason why they ambushed President Zelenskyy. Trump has completely sold out to Putin. “Krasnov” is demonstrating he is a reliable traitor.
The EU Foreign Policy Chief issued a statement from Brussels that the bloc will increase aid to Ukraine to make up for any shortcomings from the US commitments, and said that the free world will no longer look to the US as their leader.
We can expect Trump to withdraw from NATO sooner rather than later now.
This is what we have to deal with. Your support of That’s Another Fine Mess as a paid subscriber is even more important in this time. It’s only $7/month or $70/year.
Comments are for paid subscribers.
YES YES YES~ I find it difficult to even comprehend that ANYONE could come away from that shitshow without boundless empathy and compassion for Pres. Zelinsky. He behaved like a decent human being - apparently the only one in the room.
I sympathize with the Ukrainian ambassador - but this was a SETUP.
An abusive madman in a jealous rage. This is truly the most offensive drama ever performed in front of an audience.