As House Democrat Rep Jacob Moskowitz demonstrated yesterday at Comer's "Impeach Biden Fraud,' Jacob Moskowitz brought Comer's proposal up for a Committee Vote. NOT Comer -- not any stooge --NOT any R voted for their own fake proposal.

Comer is defrauding Trump's own b'se. "There will never be a vote on impeachment , not now, never ... it will not happen -- ever.'

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Rep. Moskowitz is like Toto pulling back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz.

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Love the visual!

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In 2015, the GOP rolled out what was touted as their strongest field of candidates for the Presidency, but who was the ultimate winner out of that collection…the least likely of that rotten bunch. And against all odds, trump won the ultimate prize. Now the GOP is stuck with him because there’s nothing else left in the or under the barrel to scrape up that would be a viable candidate for them. trump is it…he’s their last card in the pile to score the jackpot so they have to back him or face irrelevance in the future. Being chained to a dead hooker is what the GOP is reduced to…

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A *very active* dead hooker. :-)

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now you got me playing the video in my head, and I LIKE it.

otherwise, I stay off any television that's NOT playing old movies. a little bit of detoxing is necessary; I'm not exactly fond of playing assassination fantasy games in my head.

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Nice to know I'm not the only one with the fantasy games. :-)

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trust me, Tom...we are NOT alone.

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I know.

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I agree the GOP has had a penchant for shunning bright candidates since Ike, but I think the larger issue is the disfunctional worship of money vs, and the disfunction is that it is vs belief in the Republic.

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With a side order of "ends justify the means" -- which, true, does tend to go with the worship of money.

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"At long last, have you no sense of decency?" The Dems must preface their debates with magas with this quote from Joseph Welch because there is so much to point to in them that's indecent, cruel, and utterly stupid. But decency accrues to the Dems as they work to solve problems and improve the lives of Americans while maintaining global order, an order necessary to preserve peace whenever possible. There is indecency in having but withholding a solution to the immigration problem, in controlling the health and safety of mothers and other women, in withholding healthcare from the sick who are poor, in failing to live up to our commitments to our allies whose aid we count on when it's needed, in planning to cheat hard working Americans out of Social Security and Medicare that they're earning rather than raise the cap, in conferring hostage titles on convicted felons who acted against their own country, and on and on. When it comes to indecency, the magas want to make it the new normal because as Tom pointed out months ago, they are inadequate losers who want to bring Americans down rather than ennoble them and lift them up. (Ohio is full of contrarians who raise hell after every OSU game whether they win or lose. It's in the water there.)

By the way, as we move into the season of catastrophic weather events, I hope Biden and Harris will be highly visible and will tout the considerable efforts of the victims, local responders, and of FEMA in showing what the nation can do when it pulls together. Let folks know that resources beyond tossed paper towels are available to them. Those resources are what government is for.

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Did I mention that I want to run the Biden/Harris campaign, but they won't let me?

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Lord, I wish they would

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That question had little effect on Joe McCarthy (whose brain must have been pretty well pickled by then), and I can't imagine it getting traction with anyone leaning MAGA. They think they're the decent ones.

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Yes, it didn't affect McCarthy, but it was a definite turning point in those hearings. And I know the magas think they're the decent ones, but the contrast must be made more stark. The Germans who acquiesced to the nazis thought they were decent too until Eisenhower made them view and bury the dead at the camps, something that drove home a few points about decency and Hannah Arendt's "banality of evil."

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my understanding was that that particular moment WAS a turning point in McCarthy's career. and certainly the alcohol and heroin weren't doing him a whole lot of good. how long did he live after those hearings? I'm pretty sure it wasn't more than a couple of years, during which he was no longer any sort of force to be reckoned with.

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McCarthy's liver gave out in 1948, just under three years after the end of the hearings. Old Joseph Welch went on to have a small role as the judge in the film "Anatomy of a Murder" based on a Robert Travers book about an actual murder that occurred in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, where I lived and went to college for a year when classes were held at the Kincheloe AF Base.

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It was 1958.

Anatomy of a Murder was my screenwriting mentor's (Wendell Mayes) first Oscar nomination (and then he won one for "the Poseidon Adventure" - go figure)

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go figure indeed. sometimes, Oscars are given for an undeserving picture (or performer or whatever) to compensate for a previously undeserved loss.

oddly enough, this past year the movies and performers that won were pretty much the ones that should have won, which has become increasingly rare.

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you mean '58. and the movie was a great favorite of mine when it came out and remains one I keep returning to. the northernmost part of Michigan I've spent time in is Charlevoix/Petoskey. Lake Michigan was fucking COLD.

the score is the best one of the several movies Duke Ellington scored. the Criterion Edition has some great extra stuff and a bee-you-tee-full restoration.

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It may have been a turning point in the hearings, and in McCarthy's career (which may have gone to hell without it), but McCarthyism *still* isn't dead. It's still a big reason why we can't have nice things, like universal health care, or a tax system that doesn't benefit the wealthy, and it helps explain why anyone who advocates for these things is called "far left" -- a loose transition of "commie pinko traitor to the white American way."

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He also wanted pictures because as he is quoted saying, “get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history, some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”

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Plenty of evidence to the contrary.

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To the contrary of what? In long and/or convoluted threads, it does help to give a little more context to one's posts.

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Make them answer your question. Every time any conversation or exchange takes place….

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“They think they are the decent ones…” putting lipstick on Jan 6th doesn’t make those treasonous rioters into patriots. An example, but also racism, greed, phony religious zealotry, etc. thread hard to follow sometimes

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220+ days till Nov.24.

2 Senate seats that are a must for Dems: Brown/Ohio,

Tester/Montana. ⬅️This one

is going to be a really hard


Republicans sold their souls!

No more GOP left. MAGA all

the way.

The Discharge Petition now

has 200 signatures. There's

a link in Robert Hubble's

Substack comment section

on the reps who signed.

Only 15 more are needed.

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Have donated to both, will do so again several times in upcoming months. I urge all of the rest of us to do so as well.

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Will do

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I wish to counter TC's headline analogy of the GOP being a vampire with the opinion that it more closely resembles a zombie horde. Wooden stakes and holy water won't work against groups who want to eat your brains because theirs aren't functioning correctly. No, no, it's time to break out the Louisville Sluggers and axes and "Off with their heads" metaphorically speaking, as we are.

Perhaps the House Democrats could introduce a motion to vacate the (Speakers) chair? My understanding is that the zombies ruled that ANY representative can initiate a motion to vacate. So do it. Democrats require, what is it three or only two soon-to-retire Republicans to vote with them and "Hey presto" Mike Johnson's speakership is shorter than Kevin McCarthy's was.

When they go low, kick them in the teeth. Don't let zombies bite you down there.

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Good analogy

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Exactly. Put party politics aside and vote for democracy and freedom from tyranny. Nothing is freedom-loving about the Party of Putin who shoves those who challenge him out of windows, airplanes, off bridges, etc. Donnie threw bricks at a toddler at l0. Tried to toss a fellow student out the window at military school a few years later. And wouldn't he just love to get his hands on the rest of us? I'm tired of being bullied by sociopaths. The Biden Administration is doing amazing things the press is too blockheaded to report on. It's as if they're afraid a smile might crack their face.

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"The “issues voters” on the Democratic left need to see that this election is not about who is going to invest more in solar, or protect Palestine, or any of their other issues. It is about protecting a system that allows them to argue about and support these issues." Thank you so much for this statement that cemented my support for Joe!

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My favorite sentence in your post: "The fact is that about two-thirds of Haley voters say they are either planning to vote for Biden or are open to the idea."

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The old gop turtle who let the insurrectionist get off in the second impeachment trial will reap what they have sown. The nation might have been rid of this criminal and his crowd. This election is monumental not just for the US but for the world. We need a group of Toto's pulling the curtains back from the Heritage Foundatiin, the Federalist Society, little Stephen Miller's "think tank", and old fat and greasy loudmouth Bannon, among so many others who will not shrink from doing everything including colluding with the tyrant tsar and his acolyte in Hungary. I think we have a long and difficult battle ahead. Democracy must win or the things we know need to be made better will never get done.

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Hear! Hear!

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In Texas, the idea of voting for a Democrat is tantamount to a vote for the devil. The vitriol against Dems has been constant for 40+ years. I know this well since my best friend for many years was a Repub with a horrid repub husband. He once said that he found out the very worst thing about daughter’s boyfriend. I said what, that he’s a Dem. She said, how did you know? Ha. A no-brainer. Hope other states have a better shot at sanity.

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I can't decide whether the republican senatorial primary in Ohio was a shit-show, a clusterfuck or a goat rodeo: Moreno and LaRose competed to see who could out-wingnut the other. I think they both want to invade Mexico, or maybe Indiana; it was hard to tell from their ads. Poor Dolan (well, not exactly poor; he's part of the family that owns the Guardians, the Knicks, Madison Square Garden and God knows what else) spent millions of ad money hanging out with Real People and pretending unconvincingly that he'd done that sort of thing before. What a show.

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There is no decency left in the former GOP. None.

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You’re assuming most people are old enough to remember when that happened.

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Spot on. I think how you characterized the D.C. Press Corpse was a bit harsh though, and you need to take back some of it. They are definitely not over-educated, though some of them may have attended school for a while. I wrote something about this…


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They claim to be graduates of Ivy League schools, which since they are under-intelligent (which you didn't take issue with) proves they were over-educated. :-)

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Over-educated like Dunning and Kruger sharing a crack pipe.

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Mar 21
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Good to hear! And I’m hearing more of it, too.

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