Charlie Pierce reposted something he said about Biden back in 2012 just before his "debate" with Paul Ryan to explain what happened last night. He's right:

"Joe Biden is not riven with self-doubt. Joe Biden is not exhausted by the hurly-burly of politics. Joe Biden is not burdened by the weight of events and laid low by the constant battle against know-nothing obstructionism. Joe Biden is not going to take the stage tonight and find himself wishing he were anywhere else. I mean, god be good to him, as my gran' used to say, but Joe Biden actually likes all these silly performance pieces in which we insist he be engaged in order to stay vice-president. He revels in them. He would do ten of them a day, if he could. When I consider Joe Biden, and I look at the enthusiasm with which he throws himself into the various cataracts and torrents of hogwash that constitute our politics these days, I find myself looking at him the way I look at people who sky-dive or drive in demolition derbies. I have no idea why they do what they do, and I have absolutely no intention of doing it myself, ever, but, goddamn, do those people look like they're having fun."

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My husband worked many years as a skydive tandom instructor (he was the guy you were belted to, on a trial fall ;). And now I understand Joe Biden much better. We really got who we needed, and I thank our lucky stars.

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Another post puts a big smile on my face. It's true!!!

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Nailed it! Thanks for sharing this TC!

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Best description of MTG I have read today (from CPP): "Marjorie Taylor-Greene, dressed (as a friend of mine said) like the White Witch of Narnia..."

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There was another who compared her to Cruella deVille and suggested a search for missing puppies.

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Or Tanya Harding in a fur coat!

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Where's the laugh emoji?!!!

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Newt Gingrich came out of his crypt this AM to insist that almost everything Biden said last night was a lie. As the godfather of rightwing sliming Gingrich must reinforce that separate reality going on over there in the gutter.

The great thing about being Joe's age, as I am, is that we just don't give a crap about anyone else thinks about us any more, and Joe kept his cool which is really what frosts the wingers the most.

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I could never have done that, don’t know how he did

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Apparently, MTG is now topping the charts with memes that certainly are not whatever she hoped for. I agree. She did herself in last night. So did the entire bunch; those video clips that show them sitting while Joe was talking TO America about things that Americans WANT will not play well over these next two years. They have no agenda and no platform and they made that crystal clear last night. They just want the job and the money and the power. Even dummies could see that.

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And I love this bit from The Washingtonian: "The Georgia Congresswoman’s jacket—appearing to contain two-thirds of the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe—was undeniably eye-catching, and arguably a sartorial step up from her previous classic Carmen Sandiego look. " https://www.washingtonian.com/2023/02/08/marjorie-taylor-greenes-meme-ready-coat-has-plenty-of-company/

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The numbers you share TC are quite a savage indictment of the generalized media.

They capture the difference between what one understands based on direct experience, versus understanding through the lens of another.

Bernard Lonergan might have described the generalized media as under a condition of group bias or scotosis, a hardening of the mind against unwanted wisdom.

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I LIKE that.

I like it a LOT.

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Love that, must remember

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Over the next two years the liberals should use clips from the debate to advantage.

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Hope they do better than they did screaming about the plans to ditch SS and Medicare before the Nov election. Joe was the only one I heard mention it. Do better this time, Dems

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I’m probably too much of a classicist, but I hoped he’d give them old Steve Martin riposte to a heckler:

Yeah, I remember my first beer.

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I Laughed Out Loud.

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Tailgunner Joe drank himself to death, and we should be so lucky that today’s rendition of McCarthy would do the same. What a sad spectacle that the GQP rabble in Congress showed so little class, acting like a bunch of kindergartners on TV or more like monkeys throwing feces at onlookers at the zoo. How adult of them…

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actually, a recent book ("In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts?" or possibly the other one that came out about the same time, the name of which I forget) presents very good evidence that McCarthy was also a heroin addict (not that there's anything wrong with that AS SUCH, but it demonstrates really bad faith, doesn't it?). but for sure it was the booze that killed him. it took more time than it should have (his death would have served the world better if it had occurred in, say, 1951), but it happened.

I hope you're right about Ms. Goon already being a spent force after her display of....(think of this as a blank to fill in a la "Mad Libs"), but I'm not completely sure her "Party" has hit bottom quite yet. in Boobert's case, the best-case scenario would be a gun-cleaning accident (a la Eric Rhodes, which is actually my niece's ex-husband's FB handle). except, of course, hers needs to be fatal.

yeah, I know that sounds terrible, tasteless, etc. but so the fuck what?

and Newt weighing in reminds me of those huge flying cockroaches (Palmetto Bugs?) that occasionally show up in my kitchen at night. except they're a lot faster than The Walking Bloat that Newt's become.

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Newt is a walking cockroach.

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I read in a book that McCarthy would put away a bottle a day of hard liquor, sometimes two. As for being on heroin…wouldn’t surprise me any since with Republicans, it’s always projection. Joe McCarthy had the money to afford his habit as he used the money the marks sent him for his “crusade” against so-called Commies in the government to line his pockets and dabble in farm futures and stocks.

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I’ll be curious how the MSM try to transition back to Joe bashing. They now know that a large part of their audience is not going to want it. But the news execs and producers will try. I’m just not sure of the angle they will take. Old Joe’s performance last night (and the substance of his address) was extremely strong.

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They will find a way,

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I'm not entirely sure that's true. if you think about it, they mostly follow. the narrative now is about Repug dysfunction, which is fun to watch, and they know it.

is this a little bit of wishful thinking? probably, but not entirely.

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I did cheer when he pulled 218 chairs out from under the congressmen.

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As the POTUS said, “Look it up!” 😎 And watch yourselves on video while you’re at it…..that’s what getting rolled looks like.

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When I this newsletter, TC, all I could think of was the Towanda scene in Fried Green Tomatoes, where Evelyn bashed the mean girl's car. That's what happened last night in the. SOTU. I loved it. No backing down!!!

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“You’re not so tough without your car, are ya?”


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Thank You, TC! The name "McCarthy" is Irish in origin, and means " loving" in Gaelic. Joe twisted that into hate. Sure would be nice if Kevin twisted into guts.

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A great way to end the day, reading

all of these wonderful comments.

Put a big smile on my face. Enjoy

the evening, wherever you all are.❤

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And Steve Doocy asked McCarthy "what happened"? Even on Faux, it came across!

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I didn't know that, but it makes me happy.

fuck them.

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I just happened to see that on msn as I was scanning the "news". Should have copied the link - sorry. And yeah, I chuckled over that.

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I can't help thinking, or asking, where were those '72% majority' as the 'press' week after week had only doom and gloom to say! So, in one night, 72% saw the light? Where have they been. Or, as I believe, they have always been there .. just ignored!! We already know there are more of 'us' ... so why is it that the MINORITY gets so much attention, and so much power!!

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