President Biden’s State of the Union address tied for the third highest bump since 1994, according to a CNN flash poll. A 72% majority of Americans who watched President Biden’s address had a positive reaction to the speech.
And the biggest movement came from people skeptical of Biden to begin with. Among those who said in the pre-speech survey that they disapproved of the way Biden is handling his presidency, just 7% said before the speech that they thought Biden’s proposed policies would move the country in the right direction; that rose to 45% post-speech. Among political independents, the share saying Biden’s policies would move the country in the right direction rose from 40% pre-speech to 66% after.
Back during the 1948 campaign, when President Harry Truman went at the Republicans hammer and tongs, he was said to “give ‘em hell.” Asked about that, he replied, “I don’t give them hell. I tell the truth and they think it’s hell.”
That’s a very good description of what happened last night.
For Marjorie Traitor Goon, her steroid-addled “brain” will probably never comprehend that last night was her “McCarthy moment.” By that, I refer to the moment in the 1954 Army-McCarthy Hearings, when Joseph Welch asked the preening ignoramus Joe McCarthy, “Have you no sense of decency? At long last, Senator McCarthy, have you left no sense of decency?” McCarthy tried but he had no response. That was the day he died - the actual event of his death took awhile to happen, but that was the day he lost everything.
Last night was hers.
Marjorite Traitor Goon’s descent into pure goonery, in front of an TV audience that had many viewers in it who had never seen her insanity before, will do the same. She has no clue what she did to herself.
She wasn’t the only one. The entire House Republican clown car demonstrated to the country what mendacious, malicious fools they are. They’ve performed their goonery in their bubble in front of the hayseeds for so long, they have no clue just how ignorant they are, and how they come across to “normal people.”
They all got owned last night by a guy who’s been doing his job for longer than most of them have been alive.
Last night they got the lesson of their lives: Don’t mess with Uncle Joe. He is not “too old.” Actually, what he is, is “too experienced” to be played by Republicans.
Heckle, troll, get called out, and get told.
In public.
By the man they’ve been telling people can’t think.
Dark Brandon rose up, smiled, offered a slice of truth and then cut them to the core with "So we agree."
"So, folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off the books now.”
They got their heads handed to them and they have no fucking clue it happened.
Fuck Around And Find Out, Asswipes.
Age and experience will always beat youth and ignorance.
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Charlie Pierce reposted something he said about Biden back in 2012 just before his "debate" with Paul Ryan to explain what happened last night. He's right:
"Joe Biden is not riven with self-doubt. Joe Biden is not exhausted by the hurly-burly of politics. Joe Biden is not burdened by the weight of events and laid low by the constant battle against know-nothing obstructionism. Joe Biden is not going to take the stage tonight and find himself wishing he were anywhere else. I mean, god be good to him, as my gran' used to say, but Joe Biden actually likes all these silly performance pieces in which we insist he be engaged in order to stay vice-president. He revels in them. He would do ten of them a day, if he could. When I consider Joe Biden, and I look at the enthusiasm with which he throws himself into the various cataracts and torrents of hogwash that constitute our politics these days, I find myself looking at him the way I look at people who sky-dive or drive in demolition derbies. I have no idea why they do what they do, and I have absolutely no intention of doing it myself, ever, but, goddamn, do those people look like they're having fun."
Best description of MTG I have read today (from CPP): "Marjorie Taylor-Greene, dressed (as a friend of mine said) like the White Witch of Narnia..."