Rebecca, you, I and other sane peeps, know that. Bimbo of Belsen (BoB) has been a Dilbert cultist since his $25k campaign donation stopped her investigation TrumpU’s defrauding Florida citizens in the 2015-2016 timeframe. Seems she’ll do any T directs no matter how nonsensical.
The right minded and like-mindeds in the DOJ and FBI should be huddling in dark places to figure out how they can save the Constitution they swore to uphold. Because their asses will be grasses anyway, they ought to give it a go. There are ways to skuttle, so get skuttling. I can't get it done down here at the small city level where I strive but have limited impact.
As for the Mad Megalomaniac of Mar-A-Lago and the crazies who serve him, Euripides’s quip applies: “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” Just look what happened to Adolf and Benito. And man-o-man ochevitz, those gods did a bang-up job on old Dilbert and his lackies, didn’t they? We’d have a better government if we turned it over to the inmates in a facility for the criminally insane instead of the nuts now carrying on in MAGA Land. "Jaysus F. Kareestomo, these mofokies are totally nutzoid,” as my friend Cleo the street lady exclaimed when she watched Donnie and Benji rapping insanely at the White House. Cleo is poor and disabled, but she ain’t stupid and she ain’t crazy and I believe her prediction that this shit show is going to end very badly for Musk and Donnie when the Leviathan sleeping in the hearts of the now silent American people wakes up. When it reviews all the reports about Elmo and Dilbert and sees the shit-eatin’ grin on Netanyahu’s face whilst Donnie was ranting about his new resort project in Gaza, the shit will hit the fan and make a mess finer than anybody has ever seen before...
I do believe John Fetterman voted for confirmation. Then again, the Senate unanimously voted to confirm Little Marco, so I hope Democrats are figuring out that their opposition is Nazi. I figured it out about 25 years ago, which makes me wonder what took them so long.
I'm not being snarky. About 30 years ago, we had an election in Nevada where I voted for a republican everybody told me was reasonable. He was secretary of state for three terms and really good. Then he ran for the House, and later moved up to the Senate, and became a total wimp who would jump at Pol Potbelly's command. Same with some others.
Project 2025 Chapter 17 Department of Justice page 559
“While the supervision of litigation is a DOJ responsibility, the department falls under the direct supervision and control of the President of the United States as a component of the executive branch. Thus, and putting aside criminal prosecutions that can warrant different treatment, litigation decisions must be made consistent with the President’s agenda. This can force line attorneys to take uncomfortable positions in civil cases because those positions are more closely aligned with the President’s policy agenda.
Ultimately, the department will have to make tough calls as it manages its litigation, but those calls must always be consistent with the President’s policy agenda and the rule of law. A line attorney should never either directly or indirectly pursue a policy agenda through litigation that is inconsistent with the agenda of his or her client agency or the President.”
Thanks, Tom. Damn any Democratic Senator who voted for Blondie, er Bondi (I get confused with Blondie Bumstead). there wasn't a single trumpscum appointee who had the necessary experience, knowledge, or respect for the office they were sworn to lead. And worse is yet to come, waiting for dictator in waiting Mucky Muck to demolish, with the help of RFK jr, the Department of Health and Human Services and, with the help of Linda McMahon, the Department of Education.
They've already nullified Congress. Next thing will be to turn the Capitol Building into the Trump museum of all things Donald Trump
I only hit "like" so you know I read your articles. I do't like any of this. Every day the sun dims a little bit more. Now I know how Frodo felt when he was traveling in Mordor... Where is Aragon when you need him?
Chump certainly has given common sense a bad name. Used to be experiential knowledge based on life lessons and the wisdom that comes from learning from your mistakes. Well, since he never did, fat chance of chump having any wisdom except what he learned as a bully. Blame anybody else, never stop, get their money, hate the people they hate, use the playbook of the world’s most evil and less human example. And most of all, fool the fools, your masses of asses will love you.
Going after state cases is peak stupids, even Bondi should know that the feds lack jurisdiction there…
Rebecca, you, I and other sane peeps, know that. Bimbo of Belsen (BoB) has been a Dilbert cultist since his $25k campaign donation stopped her investigation TrumpU’s defrauding Florida citizens in the 2015-2016 timeframe. Seems she’ll do any T directs no matter how nonsensical.
The right minded and like-mindeds in the DOJ and FBI should be huddling in dark places to figure out how they can save the Constitution they swore to uphold. Because their asses will be grasses anyway, they ought to give it a go. There are ways to skuttle, so get skuttling. I can't get it done down here at the small city level where I strive but have limited impact.
Thus starts a glorious career of deception and illegality the likes of which we’ve never seen.
I like that.
As for the Mad Megalomaniac of Mar-A-Lago and the crazies who serve him, Euripides’s quip applies: “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” Just look what happened to Adolf and Benito. And man-o-man ochevitz, those gods did a bang-up job on old Dilbert and his lackies, didn’t they? We’d have a better government if we turned it over to the inmates in a facility for the criminally insane instead of the nuts now carrying on in MAGA Land. "Jaysus F. Kareestomo, these mofokies are totally nutzoid,” as my friend Cleo the street lady exclaimed when she watched Donnie and Benji rapping insanely at the White House. Cleo is poor and disabled, but she ain’t stupid and she ain’t crazy and I believe her prediction that this shit show is going to end very badly for Musk and Donnie when the Leviathan sleeping in the hearts of the now silent American people wakes up. When it reviews all the reports about Elmo and Dilbert and sees the shit-eatin’ grin on Netanyahu’s face whilst Donnie was ranting about his new resort project in Gaza, the shit will hit the fan and make a mess finer than anybody has ever seen before...
I do believe John Fetterman voted for confirmation. Then again, the Senate unanimously voted to confirm Little Marco, so I hope Democrats are figuring out that their opposition is Nazi. I figured it out about 25 years ago, which makes me wonder what took them so long.
It’s funny I watched a joint interview with Mark Warner and Rubio back after the invasion and he seemed normal. Guess that’s been abandoned.
No loyal republican is normal.
I'm not being snarky. About 30 years ago, we had an election in Nevada where I voted for a republican everybody told me was reasonable. He was secretary of state for three terms and really good. Then he ran for the House, and later moved up to the Senate, and became a total wimp who would jump at Pol Potbelly's command. Same with some others.
It's in the plan...
Project 2025 Chapter 17 Department of Justice page 559
“While the supervision of litigation is a DOJ responsibility, the department falls under the direct supervision and control of the President of the United States as a component of the executive branch. Thus, and putting aside criminal prosecutions that can warrant different treatment, litigation decisions must be made consistent with the President’s agenda. This can force line attorneys to take uncomfortable positions in civil cases because those positions are more closely aligned with the President’s policy agenda.
Ultimately, the department will have to make tough calls as it manages its litigation, but those calls must always be consistent with the President’s policy agenda and the rule of law. A line attorney should never either directly or indirectly pursue a policy agenda through litigation that is inconsistent with the agenda of his or her client agency or the President.”
I agree.
Thanks, Tom. Damn any Democratic Senator who voted for Blondie, er Bondi (I get confused with Blondie Bumstead). there wasn't a single trumpscum appointee who had the necessary experience, knowledge, or respect for the office they were sworn to lead. And worse is yet to come, waiting for dictator in waiting Mucky Muck to demolish, with the help of RFK jr, the Department of Health and Human Services and, with the help of Linda McMahon, the Department of Education.
They've already nullified Congress. Next thing will be to turn the Capitol Building into the Trump museum of all things Donald Trump
Fetterman was the only Democrat to vote for her. I genuinely believe he has mental issues.
I'm thinking there was more damage when he had his stroke(?). Not only reading comprehension.
I think his brain took a big hit with that stroke He was a good Lt. Gov in PA.
Sending a simple “Keep your chin up”. 😘
Trump is shamelessly inserting his incompetent toadies everywhere.
Be the Mitch McConnell of the D party Obstruct everything, vote No on everything and delay, delay, delay
Brazen, thy name is Bondi
Wonder how much $$$$ that will cost. In so many ways.
Makes Kathrine Harris look better with each utterance.
I only hit "like" so you know I read your articles. I do't like any of this. Every day the sun dims a little bit more. Now I know how Frodo felt when he was traveling in Mordor... Where is Aragon when you need him?
But I really like that it’s being written.
Chump certainly has given common sense a bad name. Used to be experiential knowledge based on life lessons and the wisdom that comes from learning from your mistakes. Well, since he never did, fat chance of chump having any wisdom except what he learned as a bully. Blame anybody else, never stop, get their money, hate the people they hate, use the playbook of the world’s most evil and less human example. And most of all, fool the fools, your masses of asses will love you.