As much as I understand the zeal for wishing to see DJT in an orange jumpsuit, I think the more realistic and probably more effective result is for him to be, as you say, taken off the chessboard and made to quietly go away. As long as his confinement in Mar-a-Lardo (or Graceless Land) includes a thorough muzzling of his ability to whinge on social media. Or any media.
I think you are right, for my sanity only. I fear that it will be tantamount to the pardon given Nixon by Ford. As much as I want to wake up from this chump nightmare, I want it to end with others being loathe to try the same. God forbid that there are others with chump’s celebrity gall and con man savvy who can spew hate as well. Silly me. Of course, there are. But maybe not in my lifetime.
As much as I think this may be the most we will get it also seems not nearly enough. The enormity of his destruction/division of our country requires consequences to match. Fines mean nothing to him-- mere money-- which is why Judge Engoron should have put him in jail for contempt of court of the gag order.
Here are my consequences for the man:
Non- negotiable:
1) off all public office "chessboards" forever.
2) no social media ownership or use for 20 years
3) no campaigns, public speeches, interviews, appearances and no communication of any kind with foreign leaders-- forever
4) Convicted felon record-- no expungement
5) House arrest/probationary structure-10 yrs
Includes 1000 hours of supervised, non- publicized, community service
6) Ankle bracelet for 12 months, Permanently revoked passport.
7) Pay bill's owed to all contractors
8) Weight Watchers program for 1 year
9) Within first year of house arrest begin weekly psychotherapy sessions to treat numerous serious pathologies and undiagnosed learning disability and to learn how to be a non- transactional human being and a decent grandfather.
10) Within first 2 years of confinement take an online Bible course with Mike Pence to learn how to properly quote Scripture
If you can handle the aches and pains. They are at least manageable, compared to those externals plaguing us daily. My wife teaches Yoga and practices a few hours a day for herself. Even she deals with real pains here and there. But then, she is young, only 71. The news of the world hurts her more than the internals too. I guess I'm just used to it. Quiet walks help.
I am also getting to really appreciate the commenting followers of the Substacks I follow. It is heartening to know that there are a lot of smart good folks out there. Lots of them. It helps to put my mind at ease.
It truly is. When Heather switched to it some years ago now, it became my first. Looking at commenter's follows, many other good ones popped up. (like yours)
I am lucky, not too many personal trials at present. Tai Chi and a Unitarian community help. Worried about my grands, but they have good sense, just innocents in a dog eat dog world.
Yes, news of the world hurts, how can it not. I remember Idi Amin, Pol pot, Uganda, Serajivo, on and on. The past was bad enough, but present day pain and suffering, and so many blind to it, is sometimes hard on old “golden rule” types.
Ugh. Of course I don't like it because it is ridiculous and outrageous that the rich and connected get away with hand slaps and It Shouldn't Happen. But... (uff) ... okay, now that I've had a moment to go off in the next room and stomp and huff a bit I suppose I'd accept that outcome but against my sense of justice and only because I am actually fearful the spineless powers that be will actually end up settling for less in the way of punishment.
Plus, (to be read in a tuneful lilt) there's always the rest of the court battles. I'm in agreement with Michael Green that with a bit of effort they could get Trump to give up his kids, and I really hope they find something solid on Jared. I am especially hoping that eventually someone comes forward with something solid showing Trump or Jared sold or shared classified documents with Saudi Arabia. Not just the boastful stuff too many are apparently willing to tsk tsk over then write off as regrettable but just "oh well, Trump will be Trump".
With all the talk of intelligence failures that enabled Hamas to know exactly how to disable that fence, while neither Israel nor the US knew what was being planned for two years - I wonder if that is connected to Trump’s known penchant for gifting top secret info to Russian officials, his taking of reams of classified docs on leaving office, the disappearance of multiple intelligence sources during that time...
2 down. 17 to go. And here in Michigan, 16 gop "leaders" who were talked into signing bogus documents " as "electors", in case they were" needed" (after pence disallowed some votes) indicted on 8 counts each of what amounts to election fraud. Not only must the electoral college go, but djt must be prohibited from being a candidate or elected to any type of office. Along the way how parties select candidates must change. The primary system run by the parties often means the most rabid candidates win especially when turnout is typically low OR limited often to only those voters registered officially as party members. This process skews who candidates are in the general. There is plenty to fix where our political system is concerned. And I haven't even mentioned gerrymanders or SCOTUS.
Open primaries with ranked-choice voting will pretty quickly weed out the really insane candidates. We need to pass enhanced voting rights acts and eliminate gerrymandering. The Electoral College may be on the way out anyway - Texas (in spite of its recent draconian laws) is still gaining moderate and more liberal voters as more out-of-state people and Latinos move here for jobs. When Texas goes blue for national elections, that will give a successful Democratic candidate 1/3 of the electoral votes needed to win the White House - no really conservative candidate could ever win the presidency without these two states. Even the most conservative Republicans will then see the wisdom of pushing a constitutional amendment to eliminate the Electoral College.
It's not enough. Ford let Nixon skip off to the beach and that lesson was not forgotten. There has to be some actual punishment for his crimes. Ford once said, "I know I'm going to hell because I pardoned Nixon". If these crimes go unpunished we are all going to hell.
Consider the person being punished. As Dennis pointed out in his post, being made irrelevant, silenced, and the spotlight taken away are punishments that would affect Lardo far worse than they would you and me. Sentencing him to wander the empty halls of Mar A Lardo, unable to do anything any more, being forgotten the longer his silence is enforced, kills him yet leaves the body still mobile.
The more I think about it, the more I am unwilling to find out just exactly how strong this country is, because so far the evidence is it isn't as strong as we thought. Reduce the pressure and give time for additional remedial strengthening of the structure (what I call passage of The Trump Laws, in which all the "assumptions" will be written down with the force of felony law) is something to be seriously considered.
And I say that as someone who would personally like to knot the rope, wield the sword, and flog the horses.
TC, first I suspect you are correct how the punishment will eventually be meted out with some sort of a consent decree that silences Trump. The legal system has a curious deference to wealth.
Second, I share your suspicion that our nation is not strong enough, morally speaking, among a sizable proportion of our citizenry, to accept imprisonment of Trump for his crimes.
I also suspect the moral rot is deep enough to prevent a sufficient suite of anti-Trump laws to be passed and our “norms” written into the law. After all, consider the failure to reenact Glass-Steegle post the Great Recession (and there are other obvious legislative fixes which I can’t remember right now because I’ve been drinking too much rye tonight).
I am thinking that we must remember the Ford-Nixon debacle and it’s role in the deterioration of the respect for law in our country. Trump needs to be imprisoned if he’s convicted of these crimes. Anyone else would. TC, I implore you to not give up on a righteous and just outcome. I agree Trump would be crushed if he’s silenced but do we really care about retribution? I suggest to you that this country needs an example to be set for deterrence. You know full well that there are young high functioning sociopaths watching what’s going on, taking careful notes, and plotting their attempt. We must make it clear to them that an attempt to subvert our democracy is made at their great peril. And we must make clear to all that fortune and fame is not a get out of jail card.
You're right, we do need to do that; he does need to be imprisoned for the good of the country. Looking at the way things are, however, I proposed this as probably the best we can hope for in this fractured country. I think the enormous disappointment if he is not imprisoned could give strength to the movement to enact "the Trump Laws."
As I suspect you are correct about the ultimate outlines of Trump’s punishment, I will hope you are correct about the impetus for the enactment of Trump Laws.
And adding to this slow "drip by drip" torture of being completely irrelevant, Trump would also face the loss of much of his business empire, a great deal of his money, and the loss of the value of his name - after he is convicted, no one is going to pay him to put his name on any buildings.....his name will be coming off most of them.....
NO,NO,NO.NO,NO, a thousand times NO. No plea deal with the insipid POS, no more golf, no more club, no more private jet, no more scamming the American public. Sell everything he owns to satisfy the debt he owes the nation. Turn whatever he valued the most, into public urinals, with covenants in place to keep them public urinals for a thousand years. We have a shit hole of a prison here in GA in Reidsville, they should be welding his name on his cell door, and it should be made very clear to him that he will never leave there alive. CLANG! Such a sweet and final sound, as final a sound as hundreds of thousands made with their last breaths due to the plague. I am very very clear how I see him. All of that after they shave his head of course.
Becoming irrelevant is poison to a malignant narcissist. While I would like to see him and members of his family doing time in a Federal lockup, banishment from center stage might be the best alternative, but would trump actually abide by such restrictions? Guess we’ll have to wait and see…but then there are still the civil suits against him where maybe there won’t be jail time, but he’ll be ruined financially as well. No more private golf clubs for Fat Boy to work on his putz…and no golf carts either.
How much more proof do we need. Frankly, I’ve had more than enough. Since the threats of MAGA shitstorms didn’t get Gym what he wanted, maybe some repubs are tired of being browbeaten cowards. Many MAGAts tried to coerce and bully, according to interviews, but seems they didn’t change one mind. Or, I missed it if they did.
I will go with your suggestion provided it happens at a time that maximizes the inability of the GOP to field a remotely viable candidate, preferably also for Congress in many states. The reason: holding tRump accountable will punish one man. But he couldn’t have been what he was or is without the complicity of the whole GOP leadership. We’ll never get them all in prison, but for a politician losing his perks and power is almost as bad.
We are still dealing in the Middle East with the difference between defense and revenge. The vision of him in a face-matching jumpsuit leans more to the revenge side if nothing is done to the others in defense of democracy.
Chesebro did in fact "write a series of memos in late *... 2020 into early 2021" but, my understanding of the entire set of seditious blue prints is that "writings", digital & paper, are not limited to the "fake electors" fraud.
Thus, I say no deal with the Mob Boss nor any of the Gang members without a full understandung of all the plans, overt acts & criminal intent.
What you propose is possible. Some other considerations involving Orange Julius:
--Offering to give up his three kids and The Cuckold if it helps him. He will.
--He has grown loonier. I claimed years back he had syphilitic dementia, and I stick with it. But now he thinks to himself, I was the economic king, then I was the political king, so I will get my subjects to do my bidding.
And the subjects have. If any Dem ever thinks that McCarthy is a remotely acceptable partner to govern, I hope somebody puts him on a permanent loop of his fawning blather about chump and his incessant hate rhetoric about Dems. He is the primary reason that we are in this mess. Don’t try to get out of a mess the same way you got in it,
Oh, you are absolutely right. Frankly, I cannot think of one republican in Congress who I would not try to prosecute on treason charges for how they dealt with Pol Potbelly, and I include Mitt 3.0 or whatever version he is now.
Love Pol Potbelly, Mitt still thinks he is a real old-style Repub. if so, then they have all been traitorous trash, since Ike, and except for my favorite Everett Dirksen
Thanks. I do claim the right to call that one my own. Someone else may have first used Orange Julius.
Ev watered down some legislation that we like. But the point is that the legislation still passed and did a lot of good. Interestingly, his caucus eventually removed him as leader. I guess republicans don't change all THAT much.
As long as the ultimate consequence is “dead in the water”. That will cause a rapid withering on the vine of MAGAt world. An example of this is starting in Congress with Jordan’s bid dead in the water. Few impressed with Gaetz and Co showing their weak asses and overinflated egos. Which the pricks have pricked themselves.
Tom, another excellent analysis..... I tend to agree that if Trump could be completely removed from our politics - no public statements of any kind, no Truth Social, no politics at all, and locked in Mar-a-Lago for 5 years in "soft detention", I'd be cool with that. He richly deserves jail time, God knows, but I just want him gone. It would be nice to make him confess his crimes, but I doubt his fragile ego would allow him to do that. But if he and his malign influence were truly gone forever from US politics, we might just have a chance to avoid beaching the ship of state on the nearest sand bar (Florida).....
The Trump cult mantra I keep hearing, “Trump did some really great things. If he just would have kept his mouth shut.” Sounds like, is, (what’s the difference?) desperately hanging onto Santa Claus. If it weren’t for all the arsenals it would be a childish fantasy. Or something like that. Maybe this fine mess will pass and people will use the weapons for hunting squirrels.
Oh please, don’t wish these vermin on poor squirrels. Name one really great thing. His hands are dripping with blood. He promoted hate, violence, misogyny, religious terrorism, and Jim Cow was waiting in the wings for legitimacy if he would return . Big bucks for billionaires is the only Repub “great thing.” It’s why they continue to fund the arse. Heaven knows why the poor ignorant MAGAts continue to send him their last dime. Jordan Klepper interviews would make anyone weep.
Ok. Does being taken off the chessboard mean that he can never, never, EVER be allowed to run for president? It’s my only requirement. I need some reassurance here, please.
Evidence indicates tRump is a traitor. Prison for life and not some fancy place like Mar-a-Lago. I think Gitmo fills the bill. Gym Jordan , legislative terrorist, can go with him.
As much as I understand the zeal for wishing to see DJT in an orange jumpsuit, I think the more realistic and probably more effective result is for him to be, as you say, taken off the chessboard and made to quietly go away. As long as his confinement in Mar-a-Lardo (or Graceless Land) includes a thorough muzzling of his ability to whinge on social media. Or any media.
I think you are right, for my sanity only. I fear that it will be tantamount to the pardon given Nixon by Ford. As much as I want to wake up from this chump nightmare, I want it to end with others being loathe to try the same. God forbid that there are others with chump’s celebrity gall and con man savvy who can spew hate as well. Silly me. Of course, there are. But maybe not in my lifetime.
Don't hold your breath too long!
As much as I think this may be the most we will get it also seems not nearly enough. The enormity of his destruction/division of our country requires consequences to match. Fines mean nothing to him-- mere money-- which is why Judge Engoron should have put him in jail for contempt of court of the gag order.
Here are my consequences for the man:
Non- negotiable:
1) off all public office "chessboards" forever.
2) no social media ownership or use for 20 years
3) no campaigns, public speeches, interviews, appearances and no communication of any kind with foreign leaders-- forever
4) Convicted felon record-- no expungement
5) House arrest/probationary structure-10 yrs
Includes 1000 hours of supervised, non- publicized, community service
6) Ankle bracelet for 12 months, Permanently revoked passport.
7) Pay bill's owed to all contractors
8) Weight Watchers program for 1 year
9) Within first year of house arrest begin weekly psychotherapy sessions to treat numerous serious pathologies and undiagnosed learning disability and to learn how to be a non- transactional human being and a decent grandfather.
10) Within first 2 years of confinement take an online Bible course with Mike Pence to learn how to properly quote Scripture
11) (Numerous other ideas)
As for No. 10, I want to remind you the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishments.
Being old is a blessing sometimes
If you can handle the aches and pains. They are at least manageable, compared to those externals plaguing us daily. My wife teaches Yoga and practices a few hours a day for herself. Even she deals with real pains here and there. But then, she is young, only 71. The news of the world hurts her more than the internals too. I guess I'm just used to it. Quiet walks help.
I am also getting to really appreciate the commenting followers of the Substacks I follow. It is heartening to know that there are a lot of smart good folks out there. Lots of them. It helps to put my mind at ease.
The overall quality of Substack, compared with other social networks, is really amazing.
It truly is. When Heather switched to it some years ago now, it became my first. Looking at commenter's follows, many other good ones popped up. (like yours)
I am lucky, not too many personal trials at present. Tai Chi and a Unitarian community help. Worried about my grands, but they have good sense, just innocents in a dog eat dog world.
Yes, news of the world hurts, how can it not. I remember Idi Amin, Pol pot, Uganda, Serajivo, on and on. The past was bad enough, but present day pain and suffering, and so many blind to it, is sometimes hard on old “golden rule” types.
Yup, for sure.
Getting him off the chessboard with a permanent gag order is the most important thing to me.
He will never keep his evil mouth shut, unless it is wired shut. Ok by me…
‘Whinge,” I really like that.
I used to see it a lot, mostly in British literature. Interesting how it now appears regularly in American usage.
Ugh. Of course I don't like it because it is ridiculous and outrageous that the rich and connected get away with hand slaps and It Shouldn't Happen. But... (uff) ... okay, now that I've had a moment to go off in the next room and stomp and huff a bit I suppose I'd accept that outcome but against my sense of justice and only because I am actually fearful the spineless powers that be will actually end up settling for less in the way of punishment.
Plus, (to be read in a tuneful lilt) there's always the rest of the court battles. I'm in agreement with Michael Green that with a bit of effort they could get Trump to give up his kids, and I really hope they find something solid on Jared. I am especially hoping that eventually someone comes forward with something solid showing Trump or Jared sold or shared classified documents with Saudi Arabia. Not just the boastful stuff too many are apparently willing to tsk tsk over then write off as regrettable but just "oh well, Trump will be Trump".
With all the talk of intelligence failures that enabled Hamas to know exactly how to disable that fence, while neither Israel nor the US knew what was being planned for two years - I wonder if that is connected to Trump’s known penchant for gifting top secret info to Russian officials, his taking of reams of classified docs on leaving office, the disappearance of multiple intelligence sources during that time...
I fear that such would embolden other arses to try the same, maybe a younger, more savvy arse, sort of like DeSatan thinks he is, but isn’t.
An old friend who moved to Florida many years ago calls that creep DeSatan too.
Oooo, I do like your way of thinking about Little Ronnie.
2 down. 17 to go. And here in Michigan, 16 gop "leaders" who were talked into signing bogus documents " as "electors", in case they were" needed" (after pence disallowed some votes) indicted on 8 counts each of what amounts to election fraud. Not only must the electoral college go, but djt must be prohibited from being a candidate or elected to any type of office. Along the way how parties select candidates must change. The primary system run by the parties often means the most rabid candidates win especially when turnout is typically low OR limited often to only those voters registered officially as party members. This process skews who candidates are in the general. There is plenty to fix where our political system is concerned. And I haven't even mentioned gerrymanders or SCOTUS.
Open primaries with ranked-choice voting will pretty quickly weed out the really insane candidates. We need to pass enhanced voting rights acts and eliminate gerrymandering. The Electoral College may be on the way out anyway - Texas (in spite of its recent draconian laws) is still gaining moderate and more liberal voters as more out-of-state people and Latinos move here for jobs. When Texas goes blue for national elections, that will give a successful Democratic candidate 1/3 of the electoral votes needed to win the White House - no really conservative candidate could ever win the presidency without these two states. Even the most conservative Republicans will then see the wisdom of pushing a constitutional amendment to eliminate the Electoral College.
3 down. Next Flipper? Possibly JENNA.
I would list her most likely. She has no money and her Christian GofundMe isn't raising diddly for her defense.
"Get on the wagon rolling West or you'll be left Alone." without Counsel.
It's not enough. Ford let Nixon skip off to the beach and that lesson was not forgotten. There has to be some actual punishment for his crimes. Ford once said, "I know I'm going to hell because I pardoned Nixon". If these crimes go unpunished we are all going to hell.
Consider the person being punished. As Dennis pointed out in his post, being made irrelevant, silenced, and the spotlight taken away are punishments that would affect Lardo far worse than they would you and me. Sentencing him to wander the empty halls of Mar A Lardo, unable to do anything any more, being forgotten the longer his silence is enforced, kills him yet leaves the body still mobile.
The more I think about it, the more I am unwilling to find out just exactly how strong this country is, because so far the evidence is it isn't as strong as we thought. Reduce the pressure and give time for additional remedial strengthening of the structure (what I call passage of The Trump Laws, in which all the "assumptions" will be written down with the force of felony law) is something to be seriously considered.
And I say that as someone who would personally like to knot the rope, wield the sword, and flog the horses.
TC, first I suspect you are correct how the punishment will eventually be meted out with some sort of a consent decree that silences Trump. The legal system has a curious deference to wealth.
Second, I share your suspicion that our nation is not strong enough, morally speaking, among a sizable proportion of our citizenry, to accept imprisonment of Trump for his crimes.
I also suspect the moral rot is deep enough to prevent a sufficient suite of anti-Trump laws to be passed and our “norms” written into the law. After all, consider the failure to reenact Glass-Steegle post the Great Recession (and there are other obvious legislative fixes which I can’t remember right now because I’ve been drinking too much rye tonight).
I am thinking that we must remember the Ford-Nixon debacle and it’s role in the deterioration of the respect for law in our country. Trump needs to be imprisoned if he’s convicted of these crimes. Anyone else would. TC, I implore you to not give up on a righteous and just outcome. I agree Trump would be crushed if he’s silenced but do we really care about retribution? I suggest to you that this country needs an example to be set for deterrence. You know full well that there are young high functioning sociopaths watching what’s going on, taking careful notes, and plotting their attempt. We must make it clear to them that an attempt to subvert our democracy is made at their great peril. And we must make clear to all that fortune and fame is not a get out of jail card.
End of drunken rant.
You're right, we do need to do that; he does need to be imprisoned for the good of the country. Looking at the way things are, however, I proposed this as probably the best we can hope for in this fractured country. I think the enormous disappointment if he is not imprisoned could give strength to the movement to enact "the Trump Laws."
As I suspect you are correct about the ultimate outlines of Trump’s punishment, I will hope you are correct about the impetus for the enactment of Trump Laws.
Need to imprison Faux News.
Yes! Give them their own FEMA camp. Hannity needs to go on a (prison) diet.
Can his silence really be enforced? Is it possible to even do that? That would make him irrelevant, something he would go to any lengths to avoid.
However to my mind shutting his gob is the most necessary thing of all to rid ourselves of this plague on mankind.
Bingo! We have a winnah!
And adding to this slow "drip by drip" torture of being completely irrelevant, Trump would also face the loss of much of his business empire, a great deal of his money, and the loss of the value of his name - after he is convicted, no one is going to pay him to put his name on any buildings.....his name will be coming off most of them.....
NO,NO,NO.NO,NO, a thousand times NO. No plea deal with the insipid POS, no more golf, no more club, no more private jet, no more scamming the American public. Sell everything he owns to satisfy the debt he owes the nation. Turn whatever he valued the most, into public urinals, with covenants in place to keep them public urinals for a thousand years. We have a shit hole of a prison here in GA in Reidsville, they should be welding his name on his cell door, and it should be made very clear to him that he will never leave there alive. CLANG! Such a sweet and final sound, as final a sound as hundreds of thousands made with their last breaths due to the plague. I am very very clear how I see him. All of that after they shave his head of course.
Becoming irrelevant is poison to a malignant narcissist. While I would like to see him and members of his family doing time in a Federal lockup, banishment from center stage might be the best alternative, but would trump actually abide by such restrictions? Guess we’ll have to wait and see…but then there are still the civil suits against him where maybe there won’t be jail time, but he’ll be ruined financially as well. No more private golf clubs for Fat Boy to work on his putz…and no golf carts either.
He will never “quietly go away” never. As long as he’s out and available he will continue to wreak havoc on our country.
How much more proof do we need. Frankly, I’ve had more than enough. Since the threats of MAGA shitstorms didn’t get Gym what he wanted, maybe some repubs are tired of being browbeaten cowards. Many MAGAts tried to coerce and bully, according to interviews, but seems they didn’t change one mind. Or, I missed it if they did.
I will go with your suggestion provided it happens at a time that maximizes the inability of the GOP to field a remotely viable candidate, preferably also for Congress in many states. The reason: holding tRump accountable will punish one man. But he couldn’t have been what he was or is without the complicity of the whole GOP leadership. We’ll never get them all in prison, but for a politician losing his perks and power is almost as bad.
We are still dealing in the Middle East with the difference between defense and revenge. The vision of him in a face-matching jumpsuit leans more to the revenge side if nothing is done to the others in defense of democracy.
Chesebro did in fact "write a series of memos in late *... 2020 into early 2021" but, my understanding of the entire set of seditious blue prints is that "writings", digital & paper, are not limited to the "fake electors" fraud.
Thus, I say no deal with the Mob Boss nor any of the Gang members without a full understandung of all the plans, overt acts & criminal intent.
Yes, that has to be fully laid out and they have to confess to it.
What you propose is possible. Some other considerations involving Orange Julius:
--Offering to give up his three kids and The Cuckold if it helps him. He will.
--He has grown loonier. I claimed years back he had syphilitic dementia, and I stick with it. But now he thinks to himself, I was the economic king, then I was the political king, so I will get my subjects to do my bidding.
And the subjects have. If any Dem ever thinks that McCarthy is a remotely acceptable partner to govern, I hope somebody puts him on a permanent loop of his fawning blather about chump and his incessant hate rhetoric about Dems. He is the primary reason that we are in this mess. Don’t try to get out of a mess the same way you got in it,
Oh, you are absolutely right. Frankly, I cannot think of one republican in Congress who I would not try to prosecute on treason charges for how they dealt with Pol Potbelly, and I include Mitt 3.0 or whatever version he is now.
Love Pol Potbelly, Mitt still thinks he is a real old-style Repub. if so, then they have all been traitorous trash, since Ike, and except for my favorite Everett Dirksen
Thanks. I do claim the right to call that one my own. Someone else may have first used Orange Julius.
Ev watered down some legislation that we like. But the point is that the legislation still passed and did a lot of good. Interestingly, his caucus eventually removed him as leader. I guess republicans don't change all THAT much.
As long as the ultimate consequence is “dead in the water”. That will cause a rapid withering on the vine of MAGAt world. An example of this is starting in Congress with Jordan’s bid dead in the water. Few impressed with Gaetz and Co showing their weak asses and overinflated egos. Which the pricks have pricked themselves.
Tom, another excellent analysis..... I tend to agree that if Trump could be completely removed from our politics - no public statements of any kind, no Truth Social, no politics at all, and locked in Mar-a-Lago for 5 years in "soft detention", I'd be cool with that. He richly deserves jail time, God knows, but I just want him gone. It would be nice to make him confess his crimes, but I doubt his fragile ego would allow him to do that. But if he and his malign influence were truly gone forever from US politics, we might just have a chance to avoid beaching the ship of state on the nearest sand bar (Florida).....
The dominoes are falling.
Cracks in the dam, followed by full-size breaks, followed by collapse and the deluge.
The Trump cult mantra I keep hearing, “Trump did some really great things. If he just would have kept his mouth shut.” Sounds like, is, (what’s the difference?) desperately hanging onto Santa Claus. If it weren’t for all the arsenals it would be a childish fantasy. Or something like that. Maybe this fine mess will pass and people will use the weapons for hunting squirrels.
Oh please, don’t wish these vermin on poor squirrels. Name one really great thing. His hands are dripping with blood. He promoted hate, violence, misogyny, religious terrorism, and Jim Cow was waiting in the wings for legitimacy if he would return . Big bucks for billionaires is the only Repub “great thing.” It’s why they continue to fund the arse. Heaven knows why the poor ignorant MAGAts continue to send him their last dime. Jordan Klepper interviews would make anyone weep.
Ok. Does being taken off the chessboard mean that he can never, never, EVER be allowed to run for president? It’s my only requirement. I need some reassurance here, please.
Evidence indicates tRump is a traitor. Prison for life and not some fancy place like Mar-a-Lago. I think Gitmo fills the bill. Gym Jordan , legislative terrorist, can go with him.