I don't want him dead yet. I want him to really feel the full measure of the rule of law. If the minimum sentence he gets, behind bars in a Georgia prison is 5 years, I want him to feel the bite of every minute of those minutes, hours, days, weeks months and years of that sentence. No goodies for him. No SS detail. Hard-core prison. It's what he and his enablers deserve. Let it be a warning to anyone else who thinks they can run over the will of the people of this country, its Constitution and Democracy.

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Agreed, sort of. He can drop as dead as anybody wants, after the verdict is delivered for his final case, while serving the sentences for the previous ones. Let justice be seen to be done.

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Agree totally ty! Marsha

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Unfortunately he would probably end up in a white collar crime situation that is not nearly what a regular prison is. But any incarceration for him and his leeches would be good in my book. I know he thinks he can wiggle out of this one too, but there are a lot of dedicated public servants in our justice systems who know how to do their jobs and do them well. Now they just have to remain safe until this can all get done. And that should be a concern. I would not put anything past any one of these people to keep themselves out of jail.

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We have a real shit hole of a state prison here in Reidsville, I really can't think of a better place for him to rot out the rest of his days.

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Victoria Brown BRAVA! Marsha

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Dying of an acute MI is too easy a send off for the Orange Bloat…he should be made to suffer for all the horrible things that he has done to all the people he has ripped off with all his scams and welching on debts. As for the bozos who willingly helped him in his con’s, the same thing…

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I'm in favor of getting rid of him. However it happens.

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I'm all for getting rid of the orange defendant, as long as the defendant's death is natural; I'm against seeing him assasinated. The Dems would be blamed regardless of who actually did the deed and the MAGAs would turn the defendant into a holy orange martyr. As with "St. Ronnie", we'd never be rid of him.

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No assasination, no martyrdom, just puke on him and cult nuts.

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what's wrong with a little bit of suffering THEN the fatal MI? shit, we've waited THIS long....

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You know what, Mr. Levine...I often drift off to sleep by imagining the orange defendant having a CVA. Not fatal...but enough to prevent speaking, "truthing" and the activity formerly known as tweeting. Aware but incapable. I don't think the MAGAs would continue to worship the orange defendant or think much of the useless cranky hulk he'd end up being. I think Trump having to watch and not being able to speak would be a severe punishment

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I stand with Victoria Brown on this one. I want Trump "to feel the full measure of the rule of law," the law he so arrogantly flouted in his quest to fulfill his demented, narcissistic needs. Trump is a treasonous, demagogue, as are his fellow conspirators, a rabble of louts who also deserve to feel the lash of Justice righteously administered.

This indictment, which also includes some of these despicable miscreants, is especially apt because it allows the Orange Menace no recourse to pardon himself and others if, God forbid, he is again elected president. The Congress of the United States also needs to be purged of the insurrectionists in its ranks and the new Supreme Court majority made possible by Trump and McConnell must be held accountable for their fascist affront to the structures of democracy, the long consensus of liberal governance and the American people.

Whenever I think of Trump and his entourage of criminals, I think of friends I watched die in Vietnam, brothers-in-arms who lived up to the oath they took to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and who did not shirk in their duty, even if it meant dying on the field of battle. Their deaths were a waste, but they were at least honorable, despite the dishonorable pursuit of the war in Vietnam on the part of their leaders. If Trump, the nation's erstwhile Commander-in-Chief in name only, were to die without having first faced the wrath of the people for his misdeeds, it would be an insult to all the men and women who have died in service to the law of the land as well as a cosmic miscarriage of Justice.

To celebrate this auspicious occasion, I propose that we drink a toast to The Donald, one raised in the same spirit as Americans pledged to King George during the Revolutionary War: "To the King, and may he roast in Hell!

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Well, my thought is that the fatal infarction happens upon hearing the Jury Foreman speak the final "Guilty" to the final charge of the indictment.

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Nah, too much potential for hero worship.

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Stewart you connected your well deserved contempt and fury at -- there is no word to match the horror they inflict; their combination of cruelty, greed, crudeness, stupidity, destruction...and then you turned to the men and women who have sacrificed or risked their lives to save ours. It was heart churning to go from one extreme to the other.

Let us drink also to our strength in winning a new day.

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Blessings to you for your service and your continued support of our

Democracy you are a Patriot and your words are heartfelt my day

Is made better by reading your response Ty, hugs, Marsha

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Judith Matlock bless your kind

Response to my comment TC

Enriches my life! Love, Marsha

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TC, you covered the trip to the morgue better than any first responder could. I have nothing to add. Here are a couple of my favorite lines of yours.

‘He may sentence himself to capital punishment …’

‘One should only say good of the dead.'

'Donald Trump dead.'


Umm humm, good!

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So well said - sentence himself to capital punishment… damn straight

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excellent citation of Bette Davis's comment on Joan Crawford's demise. I use it all the time, as it seems to apply to more and more people more and more frequently.

so much for us "mellowing with age..."

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Dorothy Parker praised it a lot.

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I hope he doesn't get a state funeral. Something like the end of "Amadeus," where the coffin is unceremoniously pushed off a wagon into a pit, would still be too good for him.

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What about an Out of State funeral at a prison maintained by a state especially to incarcerate those convicted of serious crimes? Georgia, you're on my mind.

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But New York would certainly do!

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I've got just the place, Andrew: Auburn Correctional Facility.

'This maximum security facility is not only among the worst prisons in New York State but also happens to be New York's second state prison. It was opened in 1818, and it is one of the oldest continuously operating prisons in the United States, holding 1,821 prisoners.'

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based on TFF's behavior regarding state funerals, I'm not sure his family would want one. on second thought, they're probably all cheap fucks, like dad.

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Yes they are, count on a big one with plenty of mourners, most paid to show and weep. After a big fundraiser, gotta keep the scam going…

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I never thought more appropriate your use of the word "piece of shit" to label this traitor to the country, along with his cohort, most of the very silent, some more vocal despicable enabler Republicans . Thank you!

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I can smell the goal line!!

Which for me is great because covid stole my sense of smell

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Covid is a bi*#h! I'm sorry Dave.❤

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David, I read that about 25% have not yet recovered their sense of smell after COVID. Is recovery of it unpredictable? I hope that you soon have your sense of smell restored.

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Thank you. Taste is coming back slow, no other after effects so I’m blessed

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Dave, thank you for your response. You have terrific spirit. Wishing you all the best!

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I've never really had one, at least not since decades of smoking and puberty. it's a neurological thing I inherited from my mother. until a few years back, I'd have about a day a year during which the sense would return and I'd realize it wasn't such a great thing to have if you live in NYC, which is full of disgusting smells.

just trying to cheer you up a little...

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Thx, I’m good, its just weird trying to cook when you can’t smell what’s burning

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I hadn't even considered that, preoccupied as I tend to be with the aesthetic dimension of these things.

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Prison would be good - but not a nifty white collar prison. I do wonder how the SS issue would be managed - cannot imagine all those "suits" & ear pieces hanging about outside his cell. And frankly I'd worry about how much influence he could bring to bear over correction officers.

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If Trump is convicted, we the people could make an excellent case that he has forfeited the trappings of being a former president and deserves neither a pension, nor a Secret Service detail, NOR a presidential library..... It might take an act of Congress or an executive order by the current president, but he could be stripped of all his ex-presidential perks.....

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hasn't he already said that he's not interested in a presidential library?

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Totally Excellent Applaud!!!!

Blessed my night 🌹Marsha

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I like this!

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Oh - lovely lovely idea! I can almost visualize it now.

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Secret Service said they could do it. My hunch is he'd get a speedy, illegal release.

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Yeah - that concerns me - as it does all of us.

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Maggie, it doesn't concern me at all. Time to investigate the secret service officers who worked with him to find out if any among them belong in the cell next to his.

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Oh yeah - that little problem kind of got lost in the shuffle, didnt it? I wonder if he still has the same bunch of "protectors" that he did in the WH. Actually, I dont remember hearing anything about the ones who told the story on his ride away from the Capital on the 6th. They just got a slap on the wrist?

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Didn’t they delete all calls, texts, etc. that should have been criminal

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I went back & re-read some of the articles - the SS claimed to have turned over some thousands of emails - but, yeah I remember the convenient "loss" of the ones from the 6th.

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You could Google it, if you're interested.

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Agree believe they colluded find out truths

Great comments!

Thanks everyone ✅

Gratefully Marsha

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Should have been done two years ago…

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'About two dozen Secret Service agents have been subpoenaed or have appeared before a federal grand jury in Washington that's looking into former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents, two sources familiar with the matter confirmed Tuesday.' (NBCnews, June 6, 2023)

'The sources said prosecutors have interviewed agents assigned to Trump’s security detail at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, about 24 of whom have been asked to testify before the grand jury. All complied, the sources said.'

“They are routinely counseled that they are law enforcement officers first and foremost and not the president’s private security.” a source familiar with the Secret Service agents‘ testimony before the grand jury.' See link below.


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I wonder about the ones from Jan 6, the ones who deleted subpoenaed communications.

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TC: The 19 Defendants have until Friday August 25, to show up in Fulton County for their Mug Shots. It is now a race to see Fani. the first 2 to arrive can Plead Out instead of Bleed Out.

I want decent odds on Mark Meadows, the Morning Line Favorite

Tuesday 8/22 UPDATE: "Bail for Trump Set at $100,000.00". Better yet, Trump has entered into a "BOND AGREEMENT" with the Prosecutor enforced by the Court that as an express "condition" of Trump's bail, tfg cannot communicate with his 18 Co-defendants "except through lawyers". 🦾

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Meadows will fold like a cheap suit. The question for him is, did he cover all these acts he got indicted for in his deal with Jack Smith?

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I think Giuliani would be first in line, if he could walk straight or walk. He's got to have had more than a few.

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Fern, I am not sure he will even get there ... Rudy thinks the Booking is at Four (4) Seasons Fulton.

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Open you hands, Bryan, for TAFM forum's comedy award. So far, your post has landed two (2) of the BIGGEST LAUGHS I've had for a while. Maybe, we should look for him at Four (4) Seasons Fulton for some more fun.

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FERN, I am ready for Rudolph's Booking.

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…are you winking as well?

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Let's say, I have a variety of responses.

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your last two lines are now my mantra. I'm breathing deeply, repeating them over and over. Ahh, peace and relaxation at last.

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patent “All the Presidents Conspirators”

Write a book, script for film or television

You’re writing is extraordinary thank you

For all you have done! Love, Marsha

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Can't copyright a title. :-)

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❤️❤️❤️your talent shines brightly

Blessings as I’m enjoying my two grandsons with my son up at Lake George in NY state hugs, Marsha

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Any thinking person knows exactly what the nation is facing where this criminal boss is concerned. He has engaged in criminality his entire life and here toward the end, we may all hope, the counts are finally adding up. I wonder how many people he has stiffed throughout his life or dragged through court who may be hoping he finally gets ALL that is coming to him. And all those co-conspirators. Power is a drug that creates an infection that burns like wildfire. It's worse than Covid. Maybe the fires on Maui could be an apt through tragic metaphor. The gop "leadership" in DC and in various states continue to prove how venal they have become. All of them should be ousted as well. The 14th Amendment awaits. But who drops the hammer on that one. I think the Founders could not fathom such a debacle. Having been carried along by the Age of Enlightenment (despite their obvious dedication to a business plan that enslaved the many so that the few could get wealthy, ( look where that has led) that they must have felt quite sure that integrity, ethics and morality would offer some internal controls over love of power. Even poor George with his example could not persuade djt. The nation has been and IMHO still is the best hope for humankind HOWEVER there are some things missing from leaders and wanna be leaders - morality, ethics, and integrity independent of personal financial gain. We the people had better get smarter about those we vote to represent us, and guess what - that means our own personal ethics, morality and integrity must be judged in the light of truth, (not alternative "facts"), and they will all be found wanting (yes wanting). May they be transformed for our own good and that of our nation, then finally of the world order. I mean, putin is just behaving like a mob boss (like too many others I will not name) and the world is not doing nearly enough to pull his plug. The mantra seems to be, "Maybe there's money to be made." And it has been the same with djt. I keep waiting to hear the word treason pronounced but conspiracy to defraud is what we have presently. I'll accept that for the time being. Wonder what DeSantis will do about THIS history?

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I want Trump dead in the water.

Salud, TC.


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The end of this post is sublime.

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Can you imagine the wailing, gnashing of teeth, rending of garments? . . . A state funeral will be a magnet / excuse for another, J6-style event that will dwarf J6, replete with armed yahoos of all stripes descending on Washington. I hope they’re planning well for those security needs now, because he could drop dead at any time and throw the country into that fresh hell. Unfortunately, the longer he lives, the better, if for no other reason than that. The entire populace needs time to move on as he fades away and maybe, as he recedes from view and relevance, his flock will lose some of its fervor.

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they won't. they never will. the world will just have to wait for them to die off.

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Exactly, Ike and deprogramming is all that makes a dent on cult nuts

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I sometimes despair that we will ever see the day the infamous aphorism of Trump is no longer valid..... "Only the dead have seen an end to Trump" (with sincere apologies to George Santayana).....

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