Hot DAMN! I love the idea that it is UnAmerican to have one's fraud revealed. EVERYONE should be able to commit fraud in complete privacy, right? It's in the Constitution. (Oh wait, I forgot that Alito has found there IS no right to privacy in the Constitution. Oh well, next argument).

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I laughed out loud :-)

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I'm here TC. That's a good read. Do you have an archive of "Flight Journal"?

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That's right Susan! And, ANDY BOROWITZ reports today that former Trump University students are OUTRAGED were never taught how to DEFRAUD banks.

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I saw that and already posted it to Facebook!! Somehow they never learned as well how not to piss off a judge with inane arguments. Could it be that trump doesn't KNOW?????

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Another nail. Keep pounding them in.

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Trump has been a criminal his entire career, not to mention a pitiful businessman. He bankrupted casinos, for Pete's sake. How incompetent does a person have to be to bankrupt a casino??!!

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Very, very incompetent.

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Sounds like an oxymoron

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Or, just a moron...

🎶 ... or two or three! 🎶


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I love it too. I just hope enough of this sort of thing falls down upon Trump to stress him out to the point where his body will give out.

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Sooner rather than later!

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My sentiments too!

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He's in SUCH good shape.

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"The healthiest man to ever run for president," he wrote for his "doctor."

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His mind is in a whirlpool and organs will fail. Sharks and rattlesnakes get plenty of rest and Trump does not sleep.

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There's a really good book: Landscape With Reptile: Rattlesnakes in an Urban World, by Thomas Palmer. It actually covers a lot of stuff, but its' more about rattlesnakes than any of the other subjects, and it's beautifully written. Rattlesnakes are interesting and impressive creatures. Among much else, there is no documentation of death by rattlesnake in Massachusetts, and the truth is, they don't want to bite. Venom is costly. And that's why the rattle evolved.

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TMI, nah, fascinating.

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Thank you David. I am a fan of rattlesnakes and a member of the Orianne Society. I will order Thomas Palmer's book.

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When I lived in Southern Idaho I did a lot of hiking and mountain biking in the high semi arid sagebrush country. I came across many rattlesnakes and none of them were threatening. They moved away quickly like I was the threat. I probably was.

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This is very interesting and sounds like a good life to me. I wonder if the same number of rattlesnakes are present today and have not been replaced by development.

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Possibly in much of Idaho there may be plenty of rattlesnakes, although not around Boise which has gone through a population explosion. In Massachusetts they may be completely gone, or there may be a few. I saw a few sitings on iNaturalist, so I'm somewhat hopeful that there are still a few. But there's very little empty space here--Massachusettss is the third most densely populated state. Idaho on the other hand... well, it's almost 50 years since I rode my bicycle through the panhandle on my way from Seattle to Boston. And Boise, in southern Idaho has boomed. But my guess is there's still plenty of wide open space there.

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You MAY have to go onto some place like AbeBooks.com to find it. Or I could put you in touch with the author who has a few boxes full. But let me know what you find and you can contact me directly if you're having trouble finding it, on holzmandc@outlook.com. (I met the author about a month ago with another rattlesnake loving friend for coffee.)

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Wow. That is impressive. I have the book ready to press the button on AbeBooks as we speak.

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Turnabout fair play, he has stressed America to the breaking point. Turn it back on him.

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May he have to absorb the tidal wave of reflux he's caused this nation and may he balloon to the point that he blocks the sun he stares at for seven full minutes before we hear the mighty growl, recoil from the flash of light, and bask in the mushroom cloud of his beautiful--very beautiful--combustion. Wear sunglasses.

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Oh, Judith, may it happen as you describe!

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Wow, I may try to live to see this. Love your vision more than I can say

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I have my Ray-Bans! :-)

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Ditto! After years and YEARS of criminality this crime family is finally getting what they have deserved for so very long.

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Could the judge have done otherwise? The fraud was so obvious.

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Oh yeah, why do you think he does so much judge shopping.

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Fortunately he did not get his legal ethics education from the same a faux law school like Cannon in Florida!

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This sort of illegal conduct has been suspected and even charged in some press stories for many years., but no one ever brought the Trumpster up on the legal charges - now they have. I made a comment here I think that Trump had skated all his life, never paying the price for his illegal actions, and that now the charges were all coming in at the same time like a regimental time on target for an artillery exercise. Today, Trump got hit by 'Anzio Annie' (the biggest gun the Germans had in Italy).....

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I was thinking that the "Grand Piano of Karma" got pushed off the roof of Trump Tower and has just squashed him, standing there in front of the main entrance.

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All dissonance Tom. Then a great and glorious silence: for at last the monsters mouth will be slammed shut 🎼’forever and ever!’

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What a vision

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💙💙💙Thanks,TC, for all your postings today.I don’t know how you do it . I imagine a Rod Serling-like journey inside your brain would be fascinating :)…Today’s posts sure give me hope as a blue dot in a red Fl sea!

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They're a nice break from invading Italy in 1943 when I set the time machine to return to 2023. :-)

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Shout out to my cousin, Dalton Kenneth Harris, killed in Italy in December, 1942, 18 years old.

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That would have been 1943. In December 1942 we were fighting to hang on in North Africa while we "learned to walk, then run."

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you are amazing, and right. Dec 15, 1943 and he was 19 years old. I should have rememberd correctly since my bro was born in Feb 1944 and was named after him. He was a magat and I chastised him for thinking the Nazi lovers are cool. Last conversation, he said he was sick of chump. We'll see.... Thanks for correction

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That would have been the battle to break the Bernhard Line, the first major German defensive position north of Salerno on the road to Rome. Fought in winter rain and snow, pretty miserable up in the mountains where they were fighting. I was just writing about it yesterday in the new book.

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Thank you. I will add this to the info I have about him in my genealogy records. His ghost hung over our family in a way. My sweet Aunt Carrie never got over the loss, nor did my Mom who was close to them all their lives. So wish my husband were here to enjoy your books, he had a life long interest and was an avid reader of the history.

I went to Salerno in 1999, such a beautiful place. How war ravages our beautiful Earth.

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I actually shouted YAY when I

read the judges ruling on this

today and am wearing a big

smile, TC with your Header

and follow up. 10/2 is my

birthday, so this will be a

really auspicious happy day

for me. And Kise has to pay

a $7500.00 sanction. Wonder

if Trump will reimburse him

for that. 🤣 Couldn't happen

to better bunch of lying, thieving, grifting, gaslighting,

burn it down louses.

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10/2 is my birthday, too. As though even Mother Nature is celebrating this verdict, we are finally getting some great Autumn weather.

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TC, Don't forget Ivanka: it's a Trump Family Fraud aka the 'Trump Organization' coupled with the Judge's findings of "Adverse Inferences" as a result of tfg"Taking the 5th"many times in a civil case which has credibility consequences. Cred or lack thereof is evaluated by the Trier of Fact in this case the Judge who found tfg a fantatist.

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Perhaps the Justice Dept. will

eventually be having more chats with Ivanka and Jared.

Where are those voting machines she bought from

China? And all the clothing

line of hers Made in China.

Jared of course with his

his 2 billion Saudi investment

fund deal. Ya never know

what DoJ has cooking on

those back burners.

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Still think a check of the grave of Ivana might yield better results than the Search for Al Capone’s vault.

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Modern Post-Mortem Reports (PM's) of a "Silent Witness" are often quite revealing.

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Well deserved. Couldn't happen to a better set of idiots.

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The burp at the end of the feast. What a gas.

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I laughed out loud. :-)

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For a while I was thinking there was no such thing as Truth and Justice in neoliberal America, but it was impatience and anger that provoked those goblins of doubt. Justice's long arm finally reached out, got old Donny and his progeny in a crushing embrace, and sealed their fate in the history books as the fraudsters they were born to be. Gotta love it when the rule of law prevails against lying scum such as the Trumpsters, like when Clint rides in and runs a band of miscreant assholes out of town. The Fweedumb dolts, their patsy Speaker, the loose stools on the Supreme Court, and the congressional insurrectionists (at least 139 of them) are next . . . They are all frauds who attempted to overthrow the Constitution and now they must held accountable for the mess the Goddess of Justice has to clean up . . .

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Damn, it’s been illegal to call him a fraud all this time?! I’m guilty. Glad the court agrees. His blatant attempts to bamboozle with bull Schitt are called what they are, not clever business practices. No wonder other business “geniuses” don’t want the IRS to look their way. Hope that judge has security protection.

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Excellent reporting…. Great News! I’m off to sleep and grateful to you for your gift:)

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“Gloating is for paid subscribers” - love it!

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Yeah, that throwaway sentence made me LOL

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