For years I said there were 5 1/2 journalists at CNN, and I think Don Lemon was half and Jim Acosta was one, and the rest may have been Christiane Amanpour. I DID think of Tapper as a journalist, but his performance on this show reminds me that to cover DC politics for a newspaper or network, the first requirement is a lobotomy.

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More like this, professor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9Pw0xX4DXI

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Does everyone here recall the hearing & back & forth between Carson & Katie Porter over REOs when Carson thought she meant oreos - she then had to explain what REOs were to him - sec. of Housing & Urban Development? Its on Utube - I remember the first time I watched it - unbelievable example of one of Trumps "cabinet secretaries".

Not a good example of Jake Tapper's journalistic abilities.

Sort of says CNN wants to be more """non-partisan"""? In other words, using alternative facts.

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I had to look it up. Katie Porter was a champion of FHA loans. I had one in the 80’s. My first home as a single,20-something with an interest rate of 12%.


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She certainly tells it like it is. Sad that she didnt win the primary, but I'm betting she will keep her finger on the button even so.

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The debates are going to be a joke no matter who moderates or what network hosts. It might be fractionally better not to have Faux involved, but even the notionally professional network operatives will go all out to preserve "access" to the new/returning administration.

It was much better when the League of Women Voters was the sponsor because they had no commercial interest and served as a buffer for the networks carrying the debates. If someone really wanted to be serious about it, they could invite Heather Richardson and Condoleezza Rice to moderate, forgo a studio audience, and leave microphone control to the moderators.

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I don't have a TV, haven't watched a Sunday "news" show since the Pleistocene, and get most of my news from print sources and online commentary. Since Jake Tapper was named as a co-host for the first presidential debate, I've been paying more attention to the guy -- but I sure didn't learn much from Barry Friedman's column. Seriously -- how much can one learn about an interviewer from a single interview when the subject of that interview with someone like Ben Carson? I'll keep looking for more useful assessments of Tapper's strengths and weaknesses.

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The reason I used Barry's is the other examples are all like that, except not written with the proper level of snark.

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It must be so easy to sleep at night with no conscience and no brain activity whatsoever.

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The vampire Lestat would agree with you (at least according to Episode 1 of Season 2 of the new show). :-)

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Can’t be any worse than when Susan Page moderated a debate, which means Tapper will be a dumpster fire …

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Carson should have remained in his neurosurgeon lane where he did the most good for mankind. Trump should have remained in real estate where ethics don't matter. Pence should have remained at the radio pulpit to inspire the prayer-challenged. Barr should have remained at the Powerhouse Gym or wherever he was, where he could stack towels and look sternly at those fudging their curl counts. And for complete neutrality, something now impossible in the US, I want an English speaking Tasmanian adult to ask the debate questions.

As for VP, my guess is Jared for all kinds of Freudian reasons.

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Oh, Lordy

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Another book to add to my NTBR list.

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Thank you, Tom. Even when I had TV and watched CNN for News, I did not like Jake Tapper and turned him off, he comes across as a pompous stuffed shirt. For a REAL debate you need a moderator who will control the trunpster, tell him to SIT quietly while the President is speaking and wait his turn. The 2016 debates with Hilary Clinton were a farce, the trumpster stalked the stage behind her, leaned over her shoulder constantly, crudely, and rudely interrupted her and the asshole moderator ignored the whole thing, (I think it was Matt Lauer). In the "old days" - prior to 2015 - debates might get heated but they were civil. No one ever prowled the stage.

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If I needed any type of

neurosurgery, Carson's the

very last person I'd want near

me. Is he still board certified?

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Tom, that was painful enough to read the first time. Please, for the love of all of those bounced checks Barry sent out for years (although they do make nice wallpaper and bookmarks), don't make a habit out of this.

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I believe that I, and the Nation, are ready for Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho to assume the Presidency. If you know, you know.

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The wingers have been grooming us for Dwayne ever since they called Ike a commie.

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I like Terry Crews..... :-)

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I can't STAND Jake Tapper!! He is slimy and not very bright. I understand that he is the "pariah" over at CNN (meaning no one over there likes him, either). Another failed CNN performance in the works, I'm afraid...

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Hold my hat while I hurl into the nearest toilet. Sickening.

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Sigh..... In my writing classes, my instructors would NEVER have allowed us to put out plots like this "Republican dream" fetid pool of cliches, tired aphorisms and downright insanity..... TL:DR - We're fucked..... If this is what Tapper thinks passes for responsible journalism, it is truly BOHICA time in the Rockies. There are days when I have real hope we will pull the tar baby out of the fire in time, and other times when I think becoming an expat is the only rational response to the nuttitude that is descending on us these days. Well, I have a few ounces of a decent sweet Riesling to finish off tonight, and that seems the best bet after reading this from "the party of Lincoln".....

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