Not what my writing instructors at SMU would recommend including in any political novels we might write..... There isn't a movie producer in history who would not have thrown you out into the street for submitting a plot device like a presidential candidate simulating fellatio at a political rally - and yet here we are..... On a more positive note, the Bride and I voted early, and the guy manning the vote tally machine that collects completed ballots told me that early voting at our local library broke existing records every day from the beginning of early voting to the last - the day we voted. The place was packed, with a waiting line to get in and more lines to access one of the 25-30 voting machines. It was quiet too, people there for a purpose, and serious about it. Such heavy voting encourages me.....

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Thanks for the good news.

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Now, that is a story worth reading. Thanks for sharing it.

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It's hard to believe. I'm glad I didn't see it. And I don't ever want to look at this creepy excuse for a human being again. I imagine he'll dream up something even more disgusting to engage his fan club. Count me out. I hope the Republicans are happy with this. Maybe they find it titillating. I hope not, but that's anyone's guess. Way too much time, energy, and money spent on such a nothing burger.

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What a sorry spectacle…and thousands of idiots stayed to watch that fiasco and cheered that lunatic as he degraded himself in public. What a sick fucking country this is…even Hitler never did anything that sickening on stage.

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Dennis, even Hitler is the lowest bar, yet here we are.

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This guy was our president and maybe again. I'll never understand how anyone could think he is fit to lead our country. He is a disgrace.

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Hillary was right when she called them Deplorables. I just call them Fucking Morons.

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That was exactly what I was thinking! And then I toned it down.

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He certainly knows his crowd, doesn't he? The US will deserve whoever wins this election.

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No we won't. Even MAGAs don't deserve being ruled by this sick f*ck.

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When a sorry excuse for a POTUS can not only be elected but then re-elected, the problem is indeed us, all of us, just as pretty much all of the German population who were't smart enough to leave when they first smelled smoke were. And there are no Bands of Brothers, Marshalls, Pattons, Eisenhowers or Greatest Generation to rescue us. If Harris/Walz wins we have saved the magas from themselves, something their children and grandchildren will acknowledge later even though magas themselves won't. Red caps = armbands.

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What an embarrassment. When I hear those screaming monkeys in the audience, I cannot help but think of my own relatives who think this orange ape is worthy of their vote. Disgusting.

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Don't diss apes. :-)

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Good point.

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Show him a crowd and he performs. He is vulgar. I can’t imagine being with someone so crass. He has no depth he will not go to get applause. I don’t wonder what Melania thinks about those. She really wouldn’t care would she.

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Judith, why would she care. She gets to spend the money.

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She made the deal! She is complicit.

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once in a proverbial blue moon, the NYT gets something right. I refer to Carlos Lozada's review of Melania's "book" on today's "editorial page."

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David, early on I gave her the benefit of a doubt. No more. As the headline said they are “made for each other”. Sad sad sad!!!

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I generally err on the side of giving everyone too much benefit of the doubt, but not her. From the start, I figured that someone whose agent got her a nudie shoot on board tRump's private jet with invitation for him to be present was angling for an opening. Then she began dating him knowing he was still married. A year later he wasn't. When he kept commenting he should run for president, she reportedly told her girlfriends she told him to either do it or shut up about it - thus manipulating his "manly" pride into causing the damage to this country we've endured. Not a fan.

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Perhaps, in retrospect, the Access Hollywood tapes were the usual macho posturing 4X4 big wheeled throw off any suspicion device. Actually, a REAL man would not "Grab'm by the..." As his dementia loosens his inhibitions, a lot of inner reality is beginning to show. I'd like to hear Mary Trump's take on more of this.

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The access Hollywood Tape is making the rounds this week among voters under 22 who were too young to know about it back in 2016, and having "a proper effect."

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Does everyone get Jay Kuo's Xeets and Giggles? Please tell me you all do... we all deserve the comic relief. Near the end there is a hand made sign quoting the "Grab 'em by the" tape but substituting voting throughout culminating in "and when you're registered, they let you do it".

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Saw that somewhere else. It's good.

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And those young folks are asking their parents "Did you really vote for this creepy? Why?" I'm encouraged that they are engaged and irate aabout his behavior.

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Rick Wilson showed a screenshot of The Drudge Report. Holy crap. Then I watched the video clip. Self own indeed.🤣

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Is that what Vlad really has on him after his visit to Moscva? There was talk of golden showers back then.

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No words... The people in that stadium are absolutely, totally, completely insane. What right do they have to vote for President of the United States?!!

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"The best argument against democracy is five minute conversation with the average voter."

- Winston Churchill

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"It was a joke; you

misunderstood what he was

doing - saying; that's not

what he did or meant, fake

news, doctored video." MAGA

GOP top 5 sound bites.

Believe what you see, this is

the demented bloated yam

🍠 in living color.

ROFL Tom on your prison

prep comment.🤣

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'It was a joke' or poor Trump's actions 'were misunderstood' or were 'not what he meant'....none of those worn-out excuses matter; Trump is mentally diminished, ill, corrupt and has lost any filters he ever had. He's a convicted felon and should never have been nominated.

In order to keep his cult revved up, Trump has to keep finding more and more "red meat" to throw to them, thus he has to keep going lower and lower....at the same time, each instance of ever more outrageous "performance art" that flaunts his total disregard for decency and some semblance of good taste, the media goes gaga over it and once again, Trump is rewarded for his disgusting performance by controlling the news cycle for another 24 to 48 hours (albeit not in a good way--but it's still HIS name that is everywhere and that makes him happy, I guess).

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Gee, what a class act!

How is anyone so braindead that they sit there and cheer and clap for every piece of whatever is flowing out of his mouth.

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It always blows me away how sexually freaky these Christians are. They make the 1960's look prudish.

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Susan, he is not a real Christian and his followers in name only!

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Susan, I don't care who he commits fellatio with. Not my business. That he simulates it in front of a crowd is the freaky part.

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He came out as bisexual. Good for him.

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Most likely he's been trying to convince the world he's really hetero. Getting in shape for his prison stint.

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actually, I've thought this for a very long time. too much overcompensating for comfort.

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I have had people comment to me that Trump is the personification of sexual identity issues what with his hypermasculinity fantasies alternating with (clearly) very different fantasies.

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Eh - come to think of it I really can't see him actually getting prison time. I feel like the powers that be will (justifiably given our personality differences) be more fearful of repercussions from imprisoning him than of those from disappointing justice. He'll get the slap of home confinement in Mar a Lago if anything. Hope I'm wrong, we'll see...

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2000. hours of community service on a NYC street-cleaning crew would be a life sentence. He could even wear the same vest he wore in the garbage truck.

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You're correct, I'm sure. But isn't it a hoot to imagine him living out the rest of his sordid life in prison -- like his old bud, Epstein? (Wait, come to think of it. Epstein wasn't actually in there for very long...)

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Yehawes, I think you are right.

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Like that will help him....

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Honestly, I don't think he has the kind of empathy for differences in people and the way it feels like to be treated harshly or even just indifferently that he would probably have if he actually were bisexual.

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"EMPATHY"??? Did you just say that he doesn't have "THE KIND OF EMPATHY" for whatever??!! That guy has NO empathy!!! Zero! Zip! Nada! Keiner! Aucun! 没有任何! ни один! אַף לֹא אֶחָד. !.لا أحد.! कोई नहीं.! མེད་! Well, you get my drift.

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Woah - cool font access. Did you really get all that right or make some of it up?

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I cut and pasted! Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi -- and, because I wanted all of the major languages to be represented, Tibetan. (Well, actually my husband is Tibetan, so it seemed only right to include Tibetan in the list of major languages since it's a "major language" in our house. :-) )

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So much cleverness hidden in a simple (but Decorative!) comment!

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Thanks! (( ))

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I think you are right. Or we're mind melding today.

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It’s almost like he doesn’t want to win.

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There's an article in The Atlantic that is an insider view of the Trump campaign. The short version is that his campaign staff managed the singular feat of reining in Trump's worst impulses until just after the debate with President Biden--then Trump got tired of being managed and went rogue, and so did the campaign staff.

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