I spoke with Gena Griswold, CO Secretary of State last summer, asking her to proceed with disqualification under Artcle 14. At the time she said her lawyers didn't think she could do it. Guess she grew a pair since then.

Happy we are the first state to hold him accountable as an insurrectionist.

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CREW not Griswold got Wreck barred.

That is Citizens Responsibility & Ethics in Washington (CREW) along with 2 Law Firms & additional named Plaintiffs -- you know real people.

The CO ruling is in effect a "mandamus" ORDER directing Griswold to bar Wreck's name from the CO primary Ballot.

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Thanks, counselor. :-)

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TC ... come on ... did you write this script?

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I wish.

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CREW it is, and they are not done and still need our $upport. They've been on one of my monthlys for quite a while and it looks like it paid off!

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Thank You!!

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dare I hold this as yet another sign/signal that the trump swamp is starting to actually drain? God, I surely hope so...... Full on, game on.

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Probably not. The SC will twist itself like a pretzel to get away from dealing with this.

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Peter: I'm honored you have shown up here - and as a paid subscriber! Thank you much. I love your photography. If you look around the site, you'll find some of my photography - of airplanes from airplanes.

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I'll interject many thanks for your lovely photographs that appear on HCRs Substacks from time to time. Such beauty captured by your eye and lens. Yes--one can hope, but I think we're due for a lot more stress and strain on this nation.

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THE Peter Ralston? Great work and great to know you are in the mix.

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The Presidential Oath of Office

I do solemly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute

the office of the president of

the United States and to the

best of my ability, preserve,

protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Article II Sec 1 U. S. Constitution requires the new

President to take the oath.

Let's stop the tap dancing

in court about Trump's oath

of office. "Execute the office

of the president" he's an

officer in service to the

Constitution and people of

the United States.

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The most crucial year of our lives, no doubt. May we all guard against exhaustion as it unfolds.

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Which makes me think of the Ukrainians and what they are facing. Winter is coming.

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Yes, winter is coming, and now more than ever we need our winter soldiers.

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And they need our winter support and commitment. 🇺🇸(🇺🇦)🇺🇸

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Thomas Paine is with us

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Momentous for sure. But with the stay and scotus in the loop the ride promises to be terrifying. And what about Thomas? He should recuse himself given his wife's connection to election subversion efforts. That's all publicly reported. Not to mention her connection to the "heritage foundation", probably one of the most dangerous "conservative think tanks" in the US. There are so many that were seeded during the Reagan reign just as anti-democracy...the Federalist Society comes to mind. So...here we are. And no matter what getting out the vote for democracy will be incredibly important in 2024. The gop (government of putin) intends to do authoritarianism with or without djt. That is their MO whether in the states or in DC. Maybe we can take a lesson in long term resistance from Ukrainians. I believe that is what it is going to take.

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A number of State courts have declined to remove the failed insurrectionist from primary ballots, arguing that those are necessarily partisan events not covered under 14.3. They've left open the possibility of further legal action to bar him from the general election, probably waiting for something like this to punt the conversation to the Supreme Court. Glad to see that the regular contributions to CREW are being well used.

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It will be this contaminated SC that will deliver the US into full-bore fascism, I fear. Tom, you are right that they will wriggle around like the bag of snakes the majority of them are, but just as SCOTUS should not have taken up Gore v. Bush in 2000 (Sandra Day O'Conner acknowledged her regret over this during an interview after she retired.), they will display an effort to shirk, but in the end will provide payback to their oligarch patrons.

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Terribly sad, but probably true.

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Of the three dissenting opinions only one held a degree of merit, that TFG hasn't been convicted of insurrection and as such the section three may not apply. None argued that he did not actually commit the crime of insurrection. The Supremes will have their dirty hand full of soap trying to wash this away.

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Thanks TC for adding your perspective on this news. Going to be interesting to see how this plays out and how rapidly it plays out.

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This is GREAT news!!!!

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my first question, as soon as I heard about the ruling, was whether you were a little happier with your native state.

as you know, I've always had a sort of thing for it.

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There's a lot more to this, which I will write more about tomorrow. This decision is as dangerous as it is welcome.

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We can not hold our breaths on this one, I watched about 3 hrs of commentary on MSNBC last night starting from when the decision was released. Constitutionally the law seems clear and if the SC sticks with the Constitution which they claim to hold in such reverence, it’s an easy call, BUT, Dobbs was political and we know how they twisted themselves into knots to arrive at Dobbs, so no breath holding but there is an air line pushing oxygen in there somewhere and it has a tag on it that says “The Constitution”. I know the day will come, won’t it be wonderful when we never have to see his face again except on our toilet paper?

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Those four justices better file with the FEC for in-kind donations. For Trump.

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