I just want to point out that Biden might be an old white guy but he has the most diverse cabinet that's ever existed. Not to mention his running mate and the amazing woman he masses a Supreme Court Justice. That's the kind of leadership we're voting for in November. Contrary it to what Trump is offering and has done.

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Thank you for this post. “ You can’t roll up your sleeves if you’re wringing your hands .” I wish I’d said that and here’s another I wish I’d said: “Show up. Shut up” and get s**t done”


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Here's a reality check for all those still fantasizing about their dream ticket. No one besides Joe Biden is running for the nomination. No One.


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Yep! Just hold the convention. If something terrible happens, the Convention is the logical place to deal with it. Insight for some people: The future is unknown---those dumbclucks posing as news reporters, etc. wanted Joe to predict the future! They don't even know their fate for the next day, next hour, next minute. The future is a contingent reality, for heaven's sake. But the reality NOW is that Biden is THE CANDIDATE.

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This is most definitely a troubling time. I think of a movie plot, where things are moving along, a happy ending not assured by any means, but pretty likely. And then, the script suddenly flips, as if to purposely ratchet up the emotions, the fears, of the audience. NOW, will it still turn out ok? Maybe there WON'T be a happy ending after all! Yikes! And part of you thinks, "this is so damn convoluted! It would never happen like this in real life!!'

Bringing this back to the election, I am now thinking, "There are three possible outcomes: 1) CFDT gets elected, 2) JB gets elected with the possibility of Harris finishing his term, 3) Harris takes over the campaign and gets elected. #1 is out of the question, it simply can't be allowed to happen. That leaves #2 and #3, which are undoubtedly different, but lead to a fairly similar result.

So, whatever the Hell the "television" Democrats decide to do makes little difference to us: the millions who make up the grass roots army. We need to continue publicizing Project 2025 and CFDT's craziness, GOTV, write to editors, and others, donate to Dem campaigns, and Make. Sure. All. Democrats. Win.

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Excellent, Denise

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Well said, Denise!

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Thank you for posting this, TC---reading your column before his. You, HCR, LKTIV, and Robert Hubbell are the Four Messengers of the Truth I read daily. I've added Joyce Vance. To see how wacky things are out in pundit-land I read the NYT and WaPo. Keep up the terrific work!

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I no longer waste time reading the Sulzberg Sniper or the Bezos Bugle.

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Love those tags.

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Hey Tom. I was just about to open Lucian's post as you popped. up. We catch up later. Lucian is great.

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Great post and double coverage. It is far better to be us than them, despite the occasional self-righteous attitude of some. Democrats always vote their values and principles, and the inherent values of Democracy will win out. It’s not about a man called Joe.

The Reich Party has no burden in that way, their values are based on fear and hate, are like kindling which always consume the fire bearer. We just need to build the biggest fire wall in history to save our Democracy. The fires will self-extinguish.

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We surely do need to build the biggest firewall in history. However, the embers of evil fascism are never fully extinguished. They have flamed up because trump's corruptness was like gasoline to those fascist embers. Also the Greatest Generation that beat Hitler and the Nazis are nearly all gone. Their institutional memory of grit, determination, and shared sacrifice will soon be gone. Most of us who have been privileged to grow up since 1945 don't realize how truly terrible and difficult things can be. Loss of such institutional memory allows the embers of hate to flame back up.

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I do understand that, and realize that some parts of society will always look for scapegoats and rely on hate for sustenance. But hope with effect is a good counter strategy as long as it is grounded in reality and the continual development of countermeasures, I.e., whatever is required.

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Thanks for the reminder about "the passing of generations". I got a taste of that when suddenly, in my college classes, students who were born after JFK was assassinated had no personal experiential knowledge of that tragic moment. It makes a difference. Just like those of us who had parents who went through the Great Depression. Different outlook on some basic things in life.

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Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. If you ever wondered what you would do if you lived in pre-war Germany, now is the time to act. Oppose the destroyers. Oppose the haters. Oppose the traitors to our founding principles. While you still can.

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Here we are with the old guy aimed like a rocket at the future, while the magas have the 2025 suppository aimed at...the passt. (Sorry. I'll take the flogging, but it was worth it.)

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I saw that on Lucian’s Substack, the comments like those here are worth reading. I’m reminded of Dante’s Inferno, Purgatory while no picnic, will end in bliss. Joe came out punching tonight in Detroit, and it was very good to see. 💥

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and if Biden is the nominee at the Convention, what are the donors with 90 million "on hold" going to do? Move it to trump? Take their ball and go home?

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There are literally hundreds

of thousands, if not millions,

of us grassroots people out

here, determined to keep

Trump out of the White


How many million of us voted

for Joe Biden in the primary

to make him our candidate of

of choice? I simply can't

believe that many of us have

jumped ship over the debate.

He and Kamala are still my

choices. They have been the

best team with the best

administration! Sorry, but not,

the democratic party and the

big buck boys better strap up

and back this team 100%

August through November.

Have a BLUE trifecta!

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