It was wise of you to start your piece about the devils with Milton. Who is Putin, Trump, Eastman, Cruz, MTG, Jim Jordan, et al., competing with? And you put a photo of Satan's look-alike right up front.

When circumstances and the players get darker and darker, the picture gets darker and darker. It's almost impossible to recreate in words, but you have done a damn good job of it, TC.

There is a growing number of people not buying it. Count the young one's in on that. It's unlike me to think that they are running out of steam, but I do think that, not, perhaps, before it gets even darker.

They've overplay their hand, and who is there to thank for that but Trump himself.

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Fern, I hope that you are right.

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Yes, there is a lot uncertainly about the future. The direction has been down, until the midterms. Women, some men and lots of young people are more than turning away from the Republicans - ABORTION! As anti-migration as many Americans are sending migrants to places where they have no family or support does not 'look' good. Schools and libraries are being torn asunder. Regular folks and their children are impacted by that. Lots of Independents and a fair number of Democrats live in Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. My guess is that The Republicans are seen more and more like gargoyles. They look and act CRAZY!

The Dems need several GREAT BIDENOMICS MESSAGES AND MESSENGERS -- too slow on that score, so far.

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Yes, Dems need messengers AND a message. So discouraging....... While Trump gets his message out loud and clear. We may call them CRAZIES BUT they have a plan, a message, and plenty of spokespeople, inciters, liars, and followers. Trump may be melting down, but he knows how to craft a message to rally the followers, however many lies it contains......!

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the huge trouble with all this is the extent to which TFF's people actually BELIEVE this stuff. a lot of this, I'm afraid, has to do with things like the 24-hour "news cycle" and "social media" remember how computers were going to improve the world and how the Internet was going to help us know more about what's going on?

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I wish there were some of those young ones lending credence to your observations, Fern, in this commentary.

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I hope this information satisfies your request, Fred.

'In the 2022 election, young people’s preference for Democratic candidates was almost universal, but with close Senate, Governor, and House elections deciding the balance of power in the United States, the larger or smaller margins from diverse groups of youth proved influential in key races.'

'Our analysis of the National Election Pool Survey conducted by Edison Research allows us to break down the youth vote by various demographic characteristics. Among young people who cast a ballot, we find:

Young women’s preference for Democratic candidates was far higher than that of young men. Nationally, 71% of young women voted for a Democratic House candidate, compared to 53% of young men.

Black (87%) and Latino (67%) youth gave Democrats stronger support than white youth (57%).

Among both young men and young women, there was only a single-digit gap in vote choice between youth with and without a college degree.

LGBT youth made up 21% of all young voters and had the largest vote choice gap of any group of youth: 93% for Democrats and 5% for Republicans.

Among groups of youth for which we have data, only urbanicity emerged as a major difference in vote choice: 64% of youth in rural areas voted for a Republican House candidate, and 33% for a Democrat.'

'Young Women, LGBT Youth Give Democratic Party Major Support'

'Throughout the summer we tracked as abortion rose among young people’s issue priorities. Indeed, according to exit polls, it was the top issue that influenced young people’s vote in the 2022 midterms. Young women were more likely than young men to prioritize the issue and that was reflected in their national vote choice for the House of Representatives: 71% for Democrats vs. 26% for Republicans. Among young men, 53% voted for a Democrat and 42% for a Republican.' (TuftsTischCollege, CenterforInformationalResearchandEngagement) See link below.


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It’s why Cleta Michell and her ilk are so vigorously trying to shut down voting on college campuses. They know they can’t win except by cheating.

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Yes, these survey results are encouraging. They need to vote...in urban centers.

I like to hear their voice in the conversation here on HRC and TC.

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well, this DOES look heartening. fingers crossed...

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Thank you for this. It’s the best compilation of all aspects of Project 25 that I have seen. They are not hiding, they are proud traitors because they know that Rupert and clones will “redefine” every thing so that “gutting the Dems” is the main message. It’s not just chump anymore, it’s every last republican in the land.

BTW, the hardest workers for chump for 2024 will be family and friends of the Jan 6 traitors who are now jailbirds. Chump has promised pardons for all. What motivation…

God, how I hate any visage of him

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Those who think the problem rests exclusively with Pol Potbelly have not paid attention to the past 60+ years.

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that's exactly why Tom keeps quoting Hofstadter.

and actually, it's really more like 90 years.

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I find it frightening that the Heritage Foundation is hosting a project designed to turn our country fascist. And that multiple GOP presidential candidates are supporting it.

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yes, it DOES put a different light on everything.

recently, I've been coming back to the endlessly fascinating Peloponnesian War. there's a reason why a lot of people have been quoting Thucydides all over the place. if history doesn't repeat itself, but often rhymes (I forgot who said that), I've been catching LOTS of rhymes all over the place. that Athenian democracy was very, very fragile. and the Romans had a republic with a constitution, but that constitution allowed that republic to cancel itself out by electing a dictator.

I could go on...

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Twain was the guy who said history often rhymes.

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thank you, Tom. I was gonna Google it, but forgot in the midst of whatever meaningless shit was presenting itself at the moment.

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Yeah, I believe them and I despise them. And I think the majority of Americans realize that their intentions are evil, fascist and insane. Robert Hubbell calls the GOP Trumplekins a "domestic terrorist force." Noam Chomsky calls the Tangerine Turd himself "the most dangerous criminal in the history of the world."

And yet, despite the barrage of Trump's public witness tampering on Truth Anti-Social and Faux News, no legal action is taken. The maniac should have been jailed years ago along with the rest of the scum that do his bidding. Although his actions are in clear violation of the law, he's still walking around telling lies and intimidating people. What's up with that? Fear of sparking a civil war? Go ahead, judge, lock this miscreant up so we can get this war started if that's what it's going to take to dismantle this treasonous, rightwing-christian-fascist assault on the Constitution.

The matter has to be settled at some point. Abraham Lincoln said it: "A house divided against itself cannot stand." He was talking about the issue of slavery, which in his time meant the enslavement of black people. Today, it's the same issue, but the victims now are all of us that comprise what the two-bit pols lurking in the Swamp like to call the American people. The slave masters are the corporate capitalist oligarchs organizing their relentless attacks on democracy and all that is decent via the legions of Trump sycophants that comprise today degenerate Republican Party. Speaking as citizen and a combat veteran, I say It's shameful and unacceptable and I believe there's enough of us seething out here in TV Land who still honor the law of the land with enough passion to stage a revolution, just like the nation's founders did 250 years ago. It would be best to settle things without violence, but fear of sparking it should not deter a judge from applying the law in the matter of Donald J. Trump, the King Baby Bully who must now be locked up where he poses no danger to what's left of society in this country. Enough is enough!

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Tme for Pretrial Order to Show Cause (OSC) for multiple violations of Judge Chutkin's existing Court Order. Put him on the stand. Question orange face; he will run to 5th Amendment. Put on direct evidence of CONTEMPT; fit don DOM for an Orange jump suit. Take away his 3 passports;. Urgent need to post a Jail Watch to prevent him from spiraling further into Inner Circles of Hades. 45 has a TRIAL DATE.

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While I agree with you, that would presage them to violence. The guards or military should be on alert, especially in heavily armed Republican areas. And I would feel a bit more comfortable if the traitors in Congress had already been indicted... it’s a hellacious mess.

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You are right Carla. Justice must be done, in it's measured time. In the meantime, I have become a new convert to Hallmark movies.

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Satan and Apocalypse. Two words to fit the situation approaching. Real Evil is walking through this land, ready to cut down truth and honesty---in fact already doing that. THANKS TC for sounding the alarm and calling all the preplanning what it is.s. This is indeed a battle, and we better understand it that way.

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I have no words. I am grateful for what you have written. You have to have some knowledge of history and how this now anti-democracy, rule of law party works and has worked all these years. It will take every person standing up to them and against them and their plans for Fascist governance. For that is what it is. I just finished reading Mikhail Zygar's newest book War and Punishment. I must tell you, it is a page turner from start to finish. And it is amazing just how reading about how putin and his crowd has worked the past 20+ years to this point. It sounds exactly like djt and his crowd of enablers and fascist backers. Democracy is on the ballot in every state and in every nation. No one should forget that. The current administration should be talking more about the bigger picture. djt fits the image but I wonder if even Milton could have imagined this mess in the 21st century?

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Thank you Tom. Excellent work!

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Paradise Lost has been temporarily banned in Orange County,Fl for “sexual content”.


As the anti-woke agenda continues to tank DeSantis…how will he turn this all around ??

Meanwhile in Orlando, Donald Duck breathes a (pants-free)sigh of relief..

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Holy crap!

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Oh, I believe them. What I cannot fathom is those who support him. Or Project 2025.

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I wish I lived somewhere where I couldn’t fathom them. Sadly, I don’t. I know them. They’re tiny minded, tiny hearted fearful close minded uneducated zealots. They don’t read. Many are in church every Sunday (therefore better than most, in their limited view). They’re angry. They feel they’ve been betrayed by their party. Which is why they voted for Trump... he’s not a politician... while we know he’s a criminal, in essence a mob boss, they think us pinko Democrats have made all that up and harangued him from the start. And now we carry on with “invented” crimes. Seriously. I still have to believe there are enough of us to prevent him from winning the election.

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The ones I see are my retired cop friends who seemed so ordinary 15 years ago. Now they are advocating for the overthrow of the constitution they swore to protect.

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That's gotta hurt. When I had good friends of many years suddenly show up on the Trump train in 2016, I asked myself what did I fail to see before that day? It was like when Michael York's character in "Cabaret" finds out the truth about his good German friend, the day he shows up in his SS uniform.

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TC, it does. These are guys that I went into dangerous situations with (including 3 deadly force incidents) where we all depended on each other. Now? I cannot trust them at all. Your "Cabaret" analogy is spot on.

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That's *really* messed up.

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Sadly, exactly.

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Gawd that’s frightening. I want to believe our local force is still good. We have a Democratic Mayor who is former law enforcement but I don’t know how much influence he may have with rank and file.

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Scary. We've got our work cut out for us, don't we? How on earth can we energize the apathetic citizens to vote blue in November 2024 to save themselves and all of us from the implementation of Project 2025 in the face of the billions of dollars that are promoting it? Don't these people have children and grandchildren who must live in a world where climate change has already become a climate crisis? How can they deliberately want to stop all steps that might slow the inexorable progression to climate disaster?

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Hair raising.

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The Republicans have NEVER been about diplomacy or compromise. They’ve never been about any policy other than their agenda religious nationalism/fascism. The close minded, holier than thou, uneducated minions who have no concept of a bigger picture... their tiny fear filled souls only want to eliminate any one with a broader perspective. I cannot believe they could actually win election in 2024.

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It is all entirely sickening. They would completely annihilate the nature of our country and replace it with a diseased system that could only infect much of the rest of the world. The most terrifying part of it though, is that they would not only bring down healthy functioning democracies, but destroy the planet for a few years' revel in power and greed.

We have a skin of the teeth chance as it is now of saving this planet from becoming one of the hot, arid, lifeless rocks as our temperatures rise and our water evaporates into space, but if these fools have their way this fragile life boat will crumble under us all:

"If enacted, it could decimate the federal government’s climate work, stymie the transition to clean energy, and shift agencies toward nurturing the fossil fuel industry rather than regulating it. It’s designed to be implemented on the first day of a Republican presidency.

Project 2025 would dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency and end all clean energy rules. It would end the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights, the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance, and the Office of Public Engagement and Environmental Education. It would moving offices out of Washington and cut the EPA workforce by “terminating the newest hires in low-value programs."

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The most egregious of the current attempts by the right wing to eviscerate the regulatory state is the use by that Texas judge of the Major Questions Doctrine to deny a permit from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to safely, if temporarily, store nuclear waste. The major questions doctrine isn't going to make that waste go away. It is sitting in barrels somewhere in Texas NOT safely stored and radiating bad juju all over anyone in the vicinity.

I agree that we all have to keep trumpeting the successes of Bidenomics. The problem is that the culture war types don't CARE about a good economy. Polls show that most people think they themselves are doing OK, and see Bidenomics as just helping someone Other than themselves. In fact, Bidenomics is being celebrated pretty much everywhere I look (and that isn't limited to the overtly liberal media. But we have got to take steps with MSM ensure that it points outs that the actual news is that it is working, not that some people don't care.

I think we need also to keep trumpeting the disasters to all sorts of people that the culture wars are causing. That includes parents who WANT their kids to read a book about two penguin dads. It isn't just people who are a two-dad or -mom family who want this. The impact is not JUST on the LGBTQ community. We really do have to keep harping on the threat to our nice white middle class selves of our children being kept uneducated and our parental right ignored. We WANT our investment folks and our lawmakers to take into consideration the effects of climate change on investments; we WANT diversity in the workplace

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