Charming person, isn’t she?

But I hope everyone noticed Senator Sinema (I., Deep Space) all encased in a winged yellow crysallis sitting next to Mitt Romney, who seemed somewhat uncomfortable, no doubt wondering when the metamorphosis would be happening and what would emerge.

Meanwhile, Biden was like a real life Captain Kirk, sticking it to the Freedom Caucus Klingons.

(I really love Star Trek).

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Funny! Sinema clearly wanted to be noticed.

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Reminds me of Burns To A Louse, On Seeing One on a Lady’s Bonnet at Church, “Oh, would some power give us the gift to see ourselves as others see us!” And she and MTGreen, are way more embarrassing than a louse…

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I have to assume that neither of them owns a full length mirror.

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Oh, yeah, I noticed. She also didn't look very happy, even a little bit.

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She threw in with the wrong crowd. And she knows it now.

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Oh boy - now that idea (metamorphosis) is the best yet! And it fits. I just thought - being a bit catty, so to speak (AND Smurf sitting on my mouse pad helping) the extra material should have been used for the dress itself - it was none too big.

Sorry - that was unkind, I suppose. But I said it anyway.

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You were nicer than I was. I thought she might have forgotten what size to buy.

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You sure could say that! Sure appeared to be way too tight. What in the world could she have been thinking! Like MTG - no full length mirror????????????

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What poor dead mammal is wrapped around her neck? Oh, I know SNL is working on some costumes now! Maybe a pointed hat with a wide brim and a broomstick?

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Toilet Seat Live Open

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So fucking embarrassing. Congresswoman POS

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It makes you wonder how hard the pregame was.

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I Laughed Out Loud!

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In any other setting, wouldn't an aggressive heckler have been escorted out? This wasn't a World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship bout. A yokel lightweight one maybe.

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There is video of at least 3 being escorted out of rallies held by the disgraced, defeated, former president for heckling during a campaign speech.


This is just one example.

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What about all the bozos around her who act as its perfectly normal behavior! Are they the guys who have to clean up her stall.

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She's such a ham for attention. What a piece of shit.

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Attention whore. There, I said it, so you don’t have to. 👍🏻😉

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I was surprised the bitch wore a murdered animal around her neck. I would have expected her to wear a brand new leather and brass bridle for such an event. Like the one the Budweiser Clydesdales wear.

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At the president's State of the Union speech last night cameras were on Marjorie Taylor Greene's face as she yelled:

"liar’, "liar",

“China’s spying on us!”

“Secure the border!”


'If you can see it, you can shoot it.' …

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I can see her so does that mean you can shoot her?

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That's what hunters of prey say, Hale, …and photographers, too.

How could I have forgotten soldiers, gangsters.... oh, it's a very long list.

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She’s got a lot of company but boy, is she the poster child for deliberate weaponized imbecility. Enjoy your epitaph repubs, if there is an iota of justice in the universe

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Does that vile mouth ever close? Hopefully not too many innocent flies have been caught in there. Poor things.

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Just putting the ASS in classy…that’s being mean to real braying jennyasses, but hey, I didn’t want to insult howler monkeys, either.

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besides the obvious ridiculous behavior by Greene:

1) was it really so cold in the chamber that she had to wear her coat?

2) she just has never looked like a woman to me, thus:

2a) is she transgendered?

Mostly kidding about 2a, but the thought has crossed my mind more than once!

(Nothing against the transgendered)

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She's what ten generations of southern inbreeding creates.

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Tom, please don’t put all of us in her horrible basket. 🙏

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Of course not.

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Thank you. 👍🏻

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Oh dear. I didn’t need to see that right before lunch.

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I Laughed Out Loud.

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Since we're righteously tearing MTG

apart, a couple of month ago I read

quite an interesting article about her. I'm trying to locate it, so I can

post the link. It was very thorough

and quite revealing. She's never

succeeded at anything, including

her marriage and I believe her

ex husband has/had custody of

their, I think, 2 children. She's a

class A fruitcake in more ways than

one and is right at home with the

insurrectionists. I bet she's locked

and loaded 24/7.

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It was the NYT

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Thank you, TC. Will comb their archives.

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I think the Atlantic did one too

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It was one of the other - maybe both.

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David Levine

just now

it was BOTH. the NYT story was a little bit earlier. I thought the one in The Atlantic was marginally better. it was the last issue that came out (January/February).

I especially like when The Atlantic gets into eviscerating people because it prides itself on being non-partisan.

one drawback, however, is that they give George Packer a platform, although he's not offensively vile, just wrong in his dated embrace of those tired Neoliberal platitudes.

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Just finished watching the State of the Union on UTube. He did a great job & really nailed the Rs! I wonder if they have truly understood yet exactly how well he got them.

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