Right on TC! Your last 4 paragraphs sum it up. This man is the naked MAGA truth, dressed up in a suit with good manners (he must wear knee pads to protect his trousers during prayer sessions :-) ). These folks are snakes in the grass. More anon. Wonder why his wife couldn't get a plane flight. Maybe her freedom is "limited"???? Enquiring people want to know (with apologies to The National Enquirer).

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I am SO.DAMN.TIRED of people who natter on about being “Christian” and who use that to advance their bigotry. If you have to TELL people you’re a Christian instead of showing you are by your deeds of love and inclusivity, by my reckoning you most definitely are not.

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And do I know a slew of pretenders

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Well put - this guy is perhaps the most dangerous Republican out there - a True Believer, a Christian Nationalist fanatic - who backs Trump 100% (and has Trump's full backing as a result) but does not seem as extreme as the Feral Children's Caucus, so people think they can negotiate with him and work things out..... Ain't gonna happen - you'll never feel the knife going in.....

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Yep, Bruce Culver, he is a wolf (much worse, actually) in sheep's clothing. He is a Good Old Boy in all the worst senses. Absolute danger. I have a feeling the bad stuff is going to start and the House will never get started up. He will try to load bills with all sorts of, let's face it, crap.

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The first Big Thing that may happen is a government shut-down, and the 'Pubs will own that 100%. Historically, they have lost House elections and majority when they do that. There are many ways Mike Johnson can guarantee Hakeem Jeffries will be Speaker of the House in 2025.....

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If we last that long. I’m afraid management here will want my rent before that. How many others are in the same boat?

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"...never feel the knife going in..." as he continues to smile...

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Since he's celebrating Halloween by masquerading as a politician, I'll wager that we all celebrate Thanksgiving with a new Speaker. Maybe, in the meantime, we'll get an agreement to fund the government at least through the next election. Either way, we need to get out the vote everywhere and make sure that everyone knows who is responsible for the c******f*** that the House has become.

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Speaking of Halloween, have you seen the meme going around about us dressing up as FBI agents and going trick or treating at Mar-a-Largo?

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I haven't, but I'm already laughing.

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Beware false prophets! = Mike Johnson

I gave up church going a long time ago but not my faith in God and karma.. So you'll grant me some leeway when I go Biblical at times. The Bible was, for all intents and purposes, written by MAN,

with lots of editing.

I don't remember, and correct me if I'm wrong, America or

the United States EVER being

deemed as God's choice for

a republic or democracy to be

formed in His name.

When our Constitution was

drawn up and ratified, I do

believe there is a little mention in there of separation from Church and

Government/State. We were

guaranteed the right to worship (or not), as we pleased.

No Christian Nationalism preaching from the House


I also will offer that I think there's more to Johnson's

election then meets the eye.

Matt Gaetz is behind this guy

and Gaetz IS the Freedom Caucus leader. A lot of performance theater went into this back bencher and

isn't he on the House Foreign

Affairs Committee?

And now we have Dem. Phillips primarying Biden?


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Remember, MAN created GOD in his own image. Ignorant people seem to come up with lots of things to explain what they do not know, with authority. The Earth was flat back then and the Sun revolved around it. Quantum Physics was several millenia away. Got it?

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Ransom, you always add a bit of comedic silliness to pretty

serious discussions.🙄

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I do my best. I prefer levity.

Humor(blood) gives one the neeed strength to enter battle. Were the Picts screaming loudly as they raced toward Hadrian or were they laughing uncontrolably?

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Wish I had said every word. WTF indeed.

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Our only real hope to kill this once and for the next few years ("ever" is a LONG time) is that with his inexperience, and the general inability of he MAGAts to listen to anyone, the House Repubs will be such a disaster that few will vote to put them back in charge. I hope we need a lot of popcorn.....

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I've said it here and on other platforms. We, the People, need to send the GOP packing in 2025 for at least another 40 years, so we can get the country back on the rails again.

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As an American and a Jew, I resent this asshole, and all his followers.

The Republican Party is so dead that the Mormons have baptized it.

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Don't be fooled by MAGA Mike or RedVest Youngkin, the inept vulture capitalist "Christian" governor of Virginia. They are both clear and present dangers to democracy.

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Youngkin seems to be Rupert’s choice, so I read.

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Oh, my f****** God, if anybody here has read David Barton, your jaw will be on the floor now. Barton believes in lying as a means to an end. To Barton, lying for God is not a problem and so he does it with gread abandon in his books. Look up his book on Thomas Jefferson. Even his Christian publishing house yanked that because it was so brightenly false. But he still manages to print and sell it. The fundies love it even though it's full of lies.

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But God forgives, so I’ve heard. Never heard of him, but sounds like cult nuts kind of guy.

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Yeah, it helps to believe that prayer absolves anyone and anyone's transgressions.

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Indeed, sort of gives license to…. whatever

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These so-called Christian fools are the biggest hypocrites to come down the pike in this country. I have more than a passing acquaintance with the Jesus gospel, and nowhere did I ever come across cruelty, hatred, greed or “prosperity” in the message. Don’t claim to be an expert, as so many others do, but they have perverted the message of the NT to the point of blasphemy. No wonder those thoughts and prayers fall on deaf ears (if God has ears). No, I don’t buy the Trinity, but the message of love, kindness, non-judgment, and empathy has been soundly rejected by plenty of mortals from the git go. The current crop of self-righteous cruelty specialists are no exception.

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This maggot is going to be a gift that keeps on giving, as long as we stay focused, and I don't think any of us are going to loose our focus. The lunatic fringe is out there, way out there. In 20 years they will talk about the repugnantkin party the way they talk about the Wigs that existed prior to the civil war, heard from any of them lately? I thought not.

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I am grateful for your sanguine outlook and wish I could share it. The damage he and his like-minded can do in a year, even with the Senate and Joe Biden. He is just another control freak who feels that he has landed where he has because the Creator sent him to save an amoral country. (Apparently that other man the Creator sent couldn't get the job done.)

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My long-term, non-specific optimism is getting one hell of a challenge these days. Love your last sentence

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You are hopeful we will be here in 20 years to even think about it. The Maggots hope is that WE will be forgotten in 20 years. We have 13 months to thwart them.

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If you are a republican congressman who voted for MAGA Mike, you are a traitor, a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, and a liar.

Those aren't labels. They're just true.

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To which one can say "Republican congressman? Indeed they are!"

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Was this the plan all along? Listening to Matt Getsitwrong talk about it, he says that we now have a Speaker that is alligned with their program. I could look up the direct quote.

Dead on Tom. The scariest one of all.

He'll have the Confederate flag pin right next to his AR-15 pin soon enough.

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There I was, thinking Mike Johnson was just another hollow man. You know, pop one Repub political "leader" and slower than you can say "Matryoshka doll" another is revealed, just as empty of empathy, any capacity for critical thinking, or the slightest hint of an original thought.

But, it's all ok now, we can stop worrying. Mike's invisible friend, the invisible friend's skydaddy, and some Swiss-cheese ghost are going to fix everything. America and the world will be perfect.

Any day now.

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Johnson will be nothing more than a cipher for Trump, Putin, et. al. who will attempt to mask every action and discussion with unctuous church talk which he may not even believe but finds useful to gain control of the room as well as his family. Anyone paying attention had to take note of the lessons of religion dominating politics in the Middle East, China, Ireland, India and Pakistan. If he hadn't been so busy controlling, proselytizing, and praying he might have noticed too. His alarm at amorality is stunning in its indifference to his heroes, Don and Vlad.

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Heart-ing your final sentence. Applies to so many of those purported 'Christians'.

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From being a back-bencher with no responsibility to anyone other than his red voters, Johnson is now faced with having to consider an actual legacy. Does he want history to remember him as one who kept our society going or the one who scuttled it? We can only grit our teeth while we wait to see if legacy outweighs "principles" approved only by some.

I'm not optimistic. But it IS a new factor in the calculus.

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Scuttling our decadent society for DOG is what he will do. His legacy will be assured in Heavin'

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Name me one Repub who is worried about legacy. They plan to write the history. Project 2025 has a plan

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OK, I went back and YOU missed something. Irony and humor are very important to maintaining SANITY and effectiveness in times of stress and threat.

GOD is DOG spelled backwards. WOOF!

I said nothing of any legacy he might be thinking of on this Earth.

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I got you dog funny, but I digressed. Sorry

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No prob. We keep up with TCinLA

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HMMM, perhaps we missed something. We have been on the same page for a while.

Project 2025 is a big deal and I have been beating my gums raw about it.

Did I make a typo?

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probably. Depends on his ego.

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