If we lose the House to the whackos, we may witness 2 years of chaotic idiocy. But if we keep the Senate, we will install lots of smart well qualified judges to balance out the toads brought to us by Mr Leo. Much of the government will plug along as the House just puts on a show and provides NOTHING in the way of help for the hard working poor. That and messing with Social Security secures their doom in 2024.

Call me an optimist. It's how I get through every day.

In the mean time, find someone to vote who had not planned to and drive him or her to the voting booth.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Well, now it's a two margarita night 🤬

Indeed, I wish the Dem leaders would shout it out. Nevertheless, we persist. On a positive note, I got a few Democrats responding positively out of 6000 texts I sent today, all the while writing 50 postcards to CA districts.

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The 2020 election was supposed to be a

slam dunk for Trump. But then the Absentee Ballots started getting counted. I have seen nothing about

this part of the electorate at all. There

are hundreds of thousands of seniors

and people with disAbilities who would

be tragically harmed by a republican

take over.

How many Absentee Ballots have been

requested and registered to date?

Hell has a special place for the likes of

MTG and her cohorts.

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If Congress cannot agree on a time of adjournment, the president may prorogue them. Governors in Illinois and Indiana did that to Democratic legislatures during the Civil War. Biden may want to look into this.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Check out Judd Legum, et al, report on corporate funding of election deniers...the Crime Syndicate aka RNC has BILLIONS of DOLLARS to bombard the airways with lies and propaganda...it is a constant barrage of BS they are throwing at the democratic candidates. If you had that kind of “chump change,” wouldn’t you want to spend it on SOLVING issues like climate catastrophes, emerging viruses, or world peace?

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022Liked by TCinLA

The Republican blueprint outlined in WHAT IF THEY WIN? had been signaled by the party. The reemergence of Marjorie Taylor Greene. even bigger and more potent in her power to inflict madness and cruelty will provide us with the starring far-right nutcase, Cruella De Vil. The extremism and drama portrayed here may seem beyond enactment, but I do not doubt its unreal realness. Afterall, what was Donald J. Trump and his merrymen militias, plus Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Jared Kushner, Stephen Miller and Melania?

After listing the planned investigations, impeachment of Biden, proposed legislation to wipe out the ability of Medicare to negotiate drug prices and to remove the cap on drug payments for seniors as well as remove the cap on the price of insulin..... take the debt ceiling and use it to demand cuts to Medicare and Social Security, etc., there may still be a loophole buried in this mad-right horror show. (TC)

‘Democrats could unilaterally defang the debt limit, regardless of the midterm results. They could raise it through reconciliation to some mind-numbingly enormous number, ensuring, at the very least, a many years-long buffer’ (TC)

Ah, but there is a loophole in this loophole. 'Democrats would still need to muster the support of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema; Manchin often swallows even baseless Republican economic talking points.’

Yes, TC, and still, you did not deal with the Democratic Party’s, Cruella De Vil, KYRSTEN SINEMA. I was truly impressed by your vision through the tangle of the Republican Party’s corruption, greed, idiocy, cruelty, and madness, but what about KYRSTEN SINEMA? Life will be horrendous even if she’s dealt with and if she’s not? Just a question.

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Again I say: “Oh Shit!”

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OK TC. After reading this, acid is coming up my throat. Need a break.

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Protecting our Freedoms: Social Security for seniors like myself is right at the top of my list - along with Women's Health. Turn out. Turn out. Turn out. You're right. We can't let up. Thank you TC for raising the horror of giving Marjorie Taylor Greene an even bigger magaphone.

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“ But I'm doing what I can here to keep people busting their ass for the next 22 days.”

TC,simply stated, you guide me to think more deeply….with encouragement to “bust my ass” for the next couple weeks.

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What if they win? We survive.

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Well, TC, I am continually amazed at the breadth of your knowledge and understanding of so many timely topics in our political arena. I just read an article in The Atlantic about Efail and email scams that scared me. I use email and online banking, shopping, etc. all the time. Now I am choked about what to do going forward. Then I read your well-written article about debt ceiling, the results of Repubs taking over the House, and efforts to thwart Biden's agenda. And Marjorie Taylor Green is reported to have asked TFG if he would make her his running mate. Yi yi yi! Too much information. Thank you TC. I am compelled to read the information you share with us.

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There’s just no recourse; Repug propaganda and brainwashing is deeply embedded in the American psyche, beginning with Reagan and his friends, the KKKoch Bros. Gang of Fascist Billionaires. Even with revelations of corruption, national security breaches, etc, tRump is still allowed to roam free and the RNC has made it clear that they will back ANYONE AND ANYTHING to gain power. The national media outlets have not touched the stories of corruption, scandal, OR OUTRIGHT TREASON conducted by Republicans. The courts are loaded with tRump loyalists; the RNC operates as a crime syndicate right under our noses; the FBI, like the SS and Homeland Security, is a loaded gun waiting to help the fascist takeover. What if they win? They have been handed the keys to the castle.

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Thank you, "John Irving"!

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