It's the same old rich folks' mess driven by lust and greed that's made a mess out of the working class since the Republican corporatists highjacked the economy under the tutelage of Ronald Raygun and the help of legions of ordinary Americans who insanely voted against their own interests all these years. I have a feeling this time though that the outcome will be different because the national rage is really deep and awareness of the egregious inequality and its causes is far greater than ever before. Moreover, the fat cats have pushed the envelope too far by selecting a spineless fool like Quiverin' Qevin to lead the assault forcing this movie's screen writers to imagine a mess so catastrophic that even the most arrogant billionaire slime balls sequestered in their gated compounds assuming safety will not escape the pitchforks pointed in their direction. So there you have it, another bad Hollywood production in the works about a mess that could still be avoided if old "Lunch Bucket Joe" stands up for the rule of law instead of selling working people out like he did back when he was a Senator by voting for NAFTA. Do things differently this time, Mr. President. Stand up for truth and justice and honor the oath you swore to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Be an advocate for we, the people and the common good, instead of the rich and corrupt. Invoke the 14th and be a hero.
Stewart, you have a double feature in one, great writing, too. I feel Frank Capra isn't faraway: Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936), Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939), Meet John Doe (1941), and It’s a Wonderful Life (1946). What's the title of your Advocate of the People?
Thanks for the feedback, Fern. In my comments on Another Fine Mess I'm only stealing the fire from TC, whose work always ignites the flame of Democracy in my soul, whilst also lighting the way forward in the fight to preserve it. Along with Heather Cox Richardson and Robert Hubbell, he has touched the "Mr. Smith" in the hearts and souls of legions of his civic-minded fellow citizens who also honor the call to serve the virtues of Truth and Justice. I bet that TC, who is a real screenwriter, already has a great title for this version of this production, as well as the fire and brimstone sufficient to get the thunder rolling and the lightning striking in all the right places. And I also suspect that whatever the title turns out to be, it will reflect the voice of we, the People, advocating in unison for the values of LIBERTY, EQUALITY, and JUSTICE for all!
This will affect them, eventually. Like Willard M. ("I'm all you got, bitches!!!") said, "We'll just buy art." What happens after the poor are gone? They gonna live in some libertarian Utopia? We need to stop buying stuff, that would hurt them more than anything. Throwing the world into chaos will bite them in the ass if we can't buy stuff or pay our bills. Like my mother said, they're never going to let anyone get ahead again.
Well, that was a cheery note. But life isn't all rainbows and unicorns, is it? I have written to my GOP representative 7or 8 times this month telling him I want a clean vote to raise the debt ceiling. Guess what kind of reply I got? Crickets . . . .
Thank you for offering that piece by Thomas Hartman...but, good gravy, what a depressing read! It has increased my anger with, and fear and loathing of the current iteration of asshat 'Pubbies by about a 1000%.
It's the same old rich folks' mess driven by lust and greed that's made a mess out of the working class since the Republican corporatists highjacked the economy under the tutelage of Ronald Raygun and the help of legions of ordinary Americans who insanely voted against their own interests all these years. I have a feeling this time though that the outcome will be different because the national rage is really deep and awareness of the egregious inequality and its causes is far greater than ever before. Moreover, the fat cats have pushed the envelope too far by selecting a spineless fool like Quiverin' Qevin to lead the assault forcing this movie's screen writers to imagine a mess so catastrophic that even the most arrogant billionaire slime balls sequestered in their gated compounds assuming safety will not escape the pitchforks pointed in their direction. So there you have it, another bad Hollywood production in the works about a mess that could still be avoided if old "Lunch Bucket Joe" stands up for the rule of law instead of selling working people out like he did back when he was a Senator by voting for NAFTA. Do things differently this time, Mr. President. Stand up for truth and justice and honor the oath you swore to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Be an advocate for we, the people and the common good, instead of the rich and corrupt. Invoke the 14th and be a hero.
Stewart, you have a double feature in one, great writing, too. I feel Frank Capra isn't faraway: Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936), Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939), Meet John Doe (1941), and It’s a Wonderful Life (1946). What's the title of your Advocate of the People?
Thanks for the feedback, Fern. In my comments on Another Fine Mess I'm only stealing the fire from TC, whose work always ignites the flame of Democracy in my soul, whilst also lighting the way forward in the fight to preserve it. Along with Heather Cox Richardson and Robert Hubbell, he has touched the "Mr. Smith" in the hearts and souls of legions of his civic-minded fellow citizens who also honor the call to serve the virtues of Truth and Justice. I bet that TC, who is a real screenwriter, already has a great title for this version of this production, as well as the fire and brimstone sufficient to get the thunder rolling and the lightning striking in all the right places. And I also suspect that whatever the title turns out to be, it will reflect the voice of we, the People, advocating in unison for the values of LIBERTY, EQUALITY, and JUSTICE for all!
Stewart, your bow to TC was deep, emphatic and patriotic! Bravo!
TC, you’re better than good. You’re bad.
At your service... :-)
"The morbidly rich." Thank You!!
This will affect them, eventually. Like Willard M. ("I'm all you got, bitches!!!") said, "We'll just buy art." What happens after the poor are gone? They gonna live in some libertarian Utopia? We need to stop buying stuff, that would hurt them more than anything. Throwing the world into chaos will bite them in the ass if we can't buy stuff or pay our bills. Like my mother said, they're never going to let anyone get ahead again.
Mom was right.
Well, that was a cheery note. But life isn't all rainbows and unicorns, is it? I have written to my GOP representative 7or 8 times this month telling him I want a clean vote to raise the debt ceiling. Guess what kind of reply I got? Crickets . . . .
Surprise surprise...
Cocktail hour will continue until the debt ceiling is raised without compromises. See you all on the other side.
The morbidly rich Repubs couldn't possibly be that awful. She said, dreaming.
Dear gawd I don’t think there’s cheaper wine.
Seems like the MSM might mention this. I knew it but betcha that not one MAGAt does, unless he/she is a billionaire
I'm also a Hartman fan. smart guy, good writer. and he puts out SO MUCH good work.
thanks for re-posting this, Tom.
Thank you for offering that piece by Thomas Hartman...but, good gravy, what a depressing read! It has increased my anger with, and fear and loathing of the current iteration of asshat 'Pubbies by about a 1000%.
This scared me so much that I couldn't finish reading it in one go!!
Looks like some hostages are going to get shot. Here comes Trump or DeSantis 2024.