"Election interference includes censorship, information suppression or manipulation, or other unconstitutional, extraconstitutional, illegal, or otherwise illegitimate actions by .... or other state governments, either directly or in collusion with elements of the media, social media entities, information entities, or political entities;...".

JFC. Every MAGAt-run state is interfering with this election.

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WV has a whopping 4 electoral votes. BFD.

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It could indeed become a Big Fucking Deal. If things are close.

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On the other hand, the way things are going now in WV, those electoral votes are more likely to be red, not blue.....

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Perish the thought. History would have fun with an election decided by WV. Not funny haha, but, never mind.

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They want to win the civil war, albeit over a century late,

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Good perspective.

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Are they thereby seceding from the Union and shall henceforth act as a sovereign micro state within the United States no longer requiring federal assistance? Godspeed.

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That's where I first thought they were going with it. Oh well.

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I would imagine this ridiculous partisan ploy is another part of the plot to sow chaos, confusion, conspiracies, and crap ahead of this election. I bet we'll see other similar insanity from this crowd...likely supported by right wing "legal" organizations and so called "think tanks". Getting out the vote in huge numbers for BLUE in every state remains critical.

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Exactly right.

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I wondered if they had suddenly learned to cut and paste and went wild 😜

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I couldn’t agree with you more. The extreme ugliness of MAGA will just get worse. They want the hate to sap our strength, but it won’t. Heather Booth s

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A good friend of mine did a book on how West Virginians joined the Union during the Civil War, seceding from Virginia with encouragement from Abraham Lincoln. Today, their idol is not Lincoln, but John Wilkes Booth.

But this may give an idea of why Joe Manchin votes as he does.

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When we lived there (and loved it) in the late 70's, the Civil War was still being wrangled, with one side of the county (split by a mountain) Yankees, the other side Rebels. But both sides were good, "do anythin' fer ya" people. This breaks my heart. Trumpism is a malicious disease.

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I have been thinking a lot today about the abject cruelty of rich people like DT, DeSantis, and Musk trafficking in hate and disinformation. You would think their money would make them happy but it doesn’t appear to. They appear to delight in other people’s despair. That’s not going away anytime soon.

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Or maybe why Manchin is retiring? To stay out of this mess? Or am I giving him too much credit?

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Too much credit. In a blood red state Manchin was the only Dem to be elected because on the WV ballot there was a wink emoji rather than a D after his name.

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Waaaay too much credit.

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Great! It is funny that they listed every single gimmick used the the retrumplican party to assure a fraudulent election - but pretending it is really the Democrat doing it. Why should anyone be surprised that the State that ranks fifty out of 50 on quality of education should come up with such a dumb-ass declaration. I agree Tom it's amazing they could spell all those words, but then again the words were repetitious so one spell check could could correct all errors.

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It is tragic. West Virginians are such good people. The con is evil.

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They may be good people but they aren't very well educated. Apparently voting Republican is more important than getting your child a decent education. They are the worst State in America on quality of education.

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Nah, see my comment above. Or not, I don't know a damn thing anymore.

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They listed every single gimmick they use because it's called projection - they expect everyone else to do what they do. It's really sad. I hate Rethuglicans for leading good people into this ugliness.

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Not sure whether it's from uncontrollable convulsions of laughter, anger with the heat of a thousand suns, or eyeballs frosting over.

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All three?

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Quite possibly.

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Why don't they save all the time and money pretending to have an election and just go ahead and declare DJT the winner? Not like West VA wasn't already "safe" for Cheato — but God help us if this particular insanity spreads to other states.

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Oct 8
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May you and yours be safe!

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Lori C, hope you are safe.

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The spectacle of Trump dead enders competing to see who’s craziest would be funny if the consequences weren’t so potentially horrifying. I find it hard to imagine that Tampa residents will be impressed with Ron’s we don’t need no stinkin’ federal government charade

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Personally, I'm scared for any Florida hurricane victims. Go Go Boots will let them suffer and blame Harris.

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That law would vest a lot of power in Pat Morrissey, the MAGA carpetbagger and vexatious litigant who's West Virginia's AG. What could possibly go wrong?

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My ex moved to West Virginia after I divorced him ten years ago. This is the person who had a childish fit when I put an 'Obama-Biden' magnet on the refrigerator. I'd say the place fits him to a T.

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Sounds like No Great Loss.

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No widespread fraud, period. Only ones getting arrested for fraud in our elections areRepublicans. They always project or tell on themselves. Just disgraceful.

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Wow, all gussied up in legalize, but, a blatant declaration of succession if they don’t get their way. This must be stopped.

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Secession. Say "Thank you officer." :-)

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"And the horse you rode in on....."

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Must be more work from either ALEC or AI. Time to challenge it in court where English is known to be spoken on occasion.

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Insanity. From patriots to… this.

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Of course this is just MAGA buffoonery and projection, without the force of law, and purely to posture for their credulous constituents and sow the specter of chaos to further interrupt the functioning of democracy. But…

This does raise an interesting question that is, for the most part, consciously avoided. What should be done if an election ostensibly produces a winner by dint of fraud or chicanery? In 2024 that most likely would be Trump due to the anti-democratic tactics cited by the WVa legislature, all of which are being done by MAGAts. But in general it’s a good question to ponder. So far, in U.S. history, the ostensible winner has ultimately been treated as the winner, the most recent example being Bush in 2000, courtesy of the Republicans on the Supreme Court. Must it always be so? I have no answer.

An interesting point from German history. In 1932-33, the German Social Democratic Party was well aware of the existential threat posed by the Nazis. The Socialists had planned to resist with violence an election result in favor of the Nazis. Yet on election night they lost their nerve and stayed home. The rest is history.

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A tragic point. We need more than nerve.

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Biden has 3-1/2+ months to

use some of his total

immunity, both spheres,

before leaving office. I'd

really like to see him play

Dark Brandon while he still


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