Former congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama, last seen wearing body armor and informing his fellow seditionists on January 6 that “It’s time to kick ass and take names,” has come to a realization this past week, tweeting: “Donald Trump has proven himself to be dishonest, disloyal, incompetent, crude, and a lot of other things that alienate so many independents and Republicans.”
Well... duuhhhh... what was your first clue, genius?
Wait. White? Check. Male? Check. Republican? Check. From Alabama? Check.
Nope, can’t use the word genius there.
The “geniuses in their own minds” wing of Dumbfuckistan, er, I mean MAGAworld, are out now with the reasons why it’s not their fault, they’re not the losers, no not them, nosiree!
Joel Berry, editor of alleged MAGAworld “humor” magazine the Babylon Bee, declared he knew who were responsible for the responsible, intelligent, caring, committed, patriotic “real Amurrkins” of MAGAworld being ambushed at the polls:
“Unmarried women in America are lost, miserable, addicted to SSRIs and alcohol, wracked with guilt from abortion, and wandering from partner to partner.
“They are the Democrats core base now, and the Democrats will do everything possible to manufacture more of them.”
Reading that, I was about to write him off as another incel who never had a date to the prom, but surprise surprise - he’s married. Another reason why “Republicanwoman” is a term I do not understand.
This shriek was the result of Mr. Barry reading the national exit poll, which shows that “Single Women” voted Democratic by 68%, the highest of any demographic category. (Only 31% voted R)
Being a member of the Reality-Based Community, I am required to inform you that, for the record, never-married women are less likely than married women to use antidepressants.
Inez Stepman, one of the droolers over at The Federalist, the “conservative thought site” run by confessed plagiarist Ben Domenech - Mr. Megan McCain - who John McCain would have thrown through a window even with his bad arms, had Megan been dumb enough to bring him around while daddy was still alive, has this take:
“We have to reckon with this as a political force. On the right, we love to mock and complain about this, but Millenials will have the highest proportion of unmarried and childless women hitting 40, probably in all human history. And they will vote to ruin your life.”
20-year old “Praeger U Personality” C.J. Pearson - who seems to fit the incel definition for inclusion in that demographic - says:
“I hope the unmarried women who voted en masse for the Left realize that having the right to kill your unborn babies won’t do you much good when you can’t afford to buy groceries or gas up your Prius.”
Pizzagater Jack Posobiec says:
“The regime wants to turn everyone into unmarried women.”
The Daily Caller’s headline lamented: “Are lonely wine Karens ruining our country?”
Jesse Watters, who got his start as Bill O’Reilly’s “gotcha interviewer” - who’s been divorced by two wives - discovered another terrible problem: Not only do all those liberal single women vote, but they work as public school teachers where they’re busy poisoning the minds of impressionable kiddies.
Again, my membership in the Reality-Based Community requires that I tell you that, using information from 2006, the most recent year for which data is available, almost 75% of public school teachers were married. This is a higher figure than in 1961, back when the cultural expectation was that women would stop working after getting married and for sure after having children, were strong. But Jesse’s entire career has been based on refusing to be confused by the facts, so this is unsurprising.
Widdle Jimmy Vance, Peter Thiel’s senator-elect in Ohio, was early to the game on this, stating back in July 2021 “we are effectively run in this country—via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs—by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.”
How that boy made it through Marine boot camp without becoming “Gomer Pyle” (the one in “Full Metal Jacket,” not the TV show) is beyond me.
When conservatives respond to unfavorable election results with slurs against single women and echo the more loser-friendly corners of the online “manosphere” referring to “cat ladies,” it doesn’t exactly take a genius to see that the Right’s real agenda is to restore patriarchy and bring those pesky independent females to heel.
“It’s the misogyny, stupid” is a message that comes through loud and clear.
Given I have to bring my A Game here every time to make it past the Women Who Read That’s Another Fine Mess, it doesn’t surprise me for a moment that these morons are all so upset. A sharper audience I have never had before.
And these morons are puzzled by the fact I don’t think they qualify by IQ for inclusion in the species “Homo Sapiens.”
This topic is “going around” today and I would be seriously remiss if I did not republish the post by TAFM paid subscriber M. Trosino here, since it is “For. The. Ages.”
“They have a term for that sort of guy. What was it....?? Oh, yeah. Call 'em incels, I think. Of course, this particular one happens to be married, I believe, which doesn't comport with the usual characteristics of that subspecies of the human male. Guess I just got the wrong term there....umm....yeah, imbecile...that's the word I was looking for.
“I'm sure Mrs. Berry is quite proud of her hubby, though, and no doubt eternally thankful for him being so kind and gracious as to make an honest woman of her and save her from being forced into the life of being a miserable drug & booze addled, guilt-ridden bed-hopping spinster, wandering aimlessly through life. The ladies have such a hard time standing up to the malevolent machinations of those evil mind-bending Democrats all on their own, you know.”
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I have to laugh when women are called the hysterical sex. Good grief....
I was sipping ice water, so I too appreciate the warning. This was hilarious.
I'm a widow with five cats, but I assure these poor misguided incels (or imbeciles) that I'm not wandering around aimlessly, lost and on antidepressants. Where on earth do they come up with such baloney? Their misogyny is so blatant, they should just get a tattoo on their forehead: "I hate females."