I love how you say what I can't.

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Franklin's admonition is so relevant to today's issues. Faced with a likely Republican turnover in 2022, it makes perfect sense for Democrats to do nothing less than to throw caution to the wind and go all in with infrastructure, voting rights, et cetera, et cetera.

Is there a reason why you have left out mentioning Manchin on today's post?

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Sinema is far more likely to vote against her fellow Democrats for the hell of proving her "independence" than Manchin. Unlike Manchin, who understands politics, she's an under-informed "showboat."

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"Le Chateau du Chat" fabulous

I call my sculpture studio Jardin des Gravats

Given Texass, head in sand SCOTUS, gerrymandering, lying liars, it would seem congress would be impelled to act. Expeditiously. Without caution. Get the business done. Stop talking and wheelin' and dealin' already.

I still think each of the congresscritters should have to wear the patches of their purchasers. Then we could know for whom they were playing.

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