Before reading this profile, I was mystified by Sinema. Now I understand much better.

And, I'm quite happy to have tossed a few coins to the Primary Sinema PAC:


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Bob, thanks for that link. I'll go there too.

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Thank you. I left a contribution, also.

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I also posted this on Twitter and my FB page. Hopefully the PAC link will go viral.

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Me too, thanks. But 2024 is a long way off and she can do so much damage between now and then. I am hoping that just the thought that so many are supporting a primary challenge may help to change her stance. (Wishful thinking?)

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Maureen Dowd calls Sinema's behavior "riddlesome" and " disquieting" ( NYT, 10/3/21, Sinema Stars in Her Own Film.) Your take of Sinema's "creation story" makes her seem much more dangerous. The Manchin-Sinema duo is interesting though ("Manchinema" "Sinemanch").....sometimes looking like a staid Dad and his acting out teen-age daughter. The flamboyance of her attention grabbing optics ( hair, dress, inarticulateness, mysterious silences, disappearing into her "room") are cover for her unmoored inexperience. However I also think that they are carefully calculated to be a daily, in your face, reminder to her more conventional colleagues that, in her mind, part of speeding up the revolution is to bust up their stodgy senatorial image and linear thinking. In this critical moment e need real teen-agers like Greta but not so much the 40 yr old + ones. (IMHO)

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This was very informative and explains a LOT. I figured her to be a narcissist, but had no idea of how she operates. Perhaps we should tweet this to Schumer and Pelosi?

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I just now tweeted this to both of them and asked them to assign an aide to read it, suggesting it might help to know the narcissist who is knifing everyone in the back.

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Thanks! I'm not a Tweety-bird.

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I also sent it to MSNBC and suggested their producers give it a read. It's possible that if they do, it might trickle into the newsfeed all of the anchors use in crafting their programs. Who knows?

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Thanks for the profile. I have been puzzled by her lack of specificity, but I understand it better. I believe she'll go over to the gop in AZ for her re-election campaign. She's definitely not got all her marbles. And at age 42 she has plenty of time to destroy quite a lot. As far as Manchin is concerned - if he would listen to the people of his state he'd be voting for the package as it is laid out. But he's not listening to them. He is trying to rationalize who investing in the 99% is too expensive. It's only too expensive if you're trying to figure out how to game the tax system.

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Thank you. Been having a very bad taste in my mouth for Kyrsten Simema. Now I understand why. Her reply to a report about where she is on the infrastructure bill was "I'm here. I'm in front of the elevator." That form of belligerence isn't acceptable from an elected official in my opinion.

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I haven't even read this yet...but I know how good it's going to be! Just got back from the #March and I have to jot down my thoughts... but this I am foaming at the mouth for...!

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Please give us a report!

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will do! trying to download all my pics, write something up AND book a trip to Colorado on Thursday... but I really got me tank filled...and I am ready to spread the word(s)!

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I'm waiting patiently.

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Ugh. I’m wondering where Gov Kristi Noem is hiding this evening after the Piggybank of South Dakota was revealed in the Pandora “Box” Papers. Reveals a bit to me about her sudden popularity in the Trumpist party.

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Local March yesterday on west coast of FL. Supposed to be close to 200 people. Over 1200 people showed up. It was amazing. Charlie Crist made his way here to speak in front of the courthouse where the March ended. A lot of estrogen fired up but there were plenty of brothers supporting bus progesterone. My fave sign of day was “Thou shalt NOT govern my body. Fallopians 10:2” Quite fitting. Turns out, it wasn’t just about abortion rights. Activists there were pretty intense. The feeling is that women and children are being perceived as early first target for the destruction of common good…especially public education. If Texas or the state of FL thinks for a second that the shenanigans with masks, vaccinations, abortion restrictions, public education are going to deter the women’s vote? They’ve got another think coming. I haven’t seen women fired up quite like that in a long, long while.

Sizzlin’ TC, on the Sinema griddle.

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Great to hear. Looks like all the marches were outstanding.

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I read this piece about Sinema and thought, “What kind of garbage is she putting out?” She is NOT a practical Democrat. I can’t figure out how she got elected to any office if her message boils down to “Look at me.” People’s thinking can evolve over time. Sinema seems more like a pinball in an arcade game, pinging around ringing bells. Speed the revolution does not seem, to me, to be a recipe for political success, if the hope is to improve people’s lives. I’m glad I gave a donation to

Primary Sinema. Thanks , TC, for enlightening us about Sinema.

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I dunno Tom, how I could have missed this lovely screed, but I am in with a paid subscription. I subscribe to Lucian Truscott, so I need to subscribe to you too..... See you over at Charlie's too.....

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Glad to have you join.

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Do you think the two-party system is healthy? Do you think it fosters human equity? How about rational thinking and action?

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The problem is that democracy only really operates in the voluntary decision of those who decide to participate to live up to the standards expected of participants. Going back to Rome, democratic republics fall when this stops happening. If someone decides to flout the expectations and the norms, so long as they don't violate the letter of the law (forget the spirit, that's not something courts adjudicate), there is little the system can do. So long as everyone agrees that the system is worth keeping, it works whether there are 2 parties or 200. Generally speaking, multiparty systems are less stable and more likely to experience political chicanery as the leaders of small parties "negotiate" with each other to form a government.

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Donald Trump clearly and obviously violated the letter of the law for four years. He is an in-your-face criminal. If the system does not hold him to account it isn't worth keeping. That does not begin to address the political climate he created, in which hundreds of mini-Trumps are now appearing on the national stage based on watching how much criminality Trump has thus far gotten away with. One of Trump's successors is likely to be intentional competent evil instead of incompetent chaotic evil. And what do we do with that possibility?

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You're right, but to do it without making things worse (there's a good third of the country who won't accept anything done to him as other than persecution), you have to be sure there's enough obvious evidence to make a conviction without it looking like political persecution. From city councilman on up, the legal authorities need "more" to go after them than they would need to go after you and me, and the higher up the food chain you go, the higher the requirements. The problem with Trump is how do you send him to prison (where he does indeed belong) without provoking a civil war? This is why republics fall, when an operator like Trump or Julius Caesar won't agree to play the game the way it's supposed to be played. I don't think we want to get rid of Trump the way they got rid of Caesar, since the ultimate outcome was worse for everyone.

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That's a reality schism I do not have answers to. I almost think we are in a low-grade civil war already. Trump serving a prison term does not undo the damage done, but it sends a necessary message. Allowing rule of law to degrade is dangerous territory.

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Yes. This is why Republics fail.

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Thank you for this succinct explanation. I'd not understood before, beyond the dilution of the democratic vote by Nader in 2000. Now I do.

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