The unmitigated gall of repubs to complain of the “Weaponization of the Federal Government” when that is EXACTLY what chump did ad nauseam, every day of his poor excuse for an administration. Were the MSM snoozing all this time, or just blinded by the $$$$? The lying, skewing, and hypocrisy put Goebbels to shame.

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McCarthy is an idiot if he thinks that he is going to get anything meaningful done working with the looneys in the House. Keeping promises is infinitely harder than making them when he’s working with such thin margins of votes, especially with the crazies he’s dealing with. I hope he likes the taste of ashes in his mouth, because that’s all he’s going to be tasting from now on…was it worth it, Kev? The KGB found the fastest way to break people down was to incarcerate them in insane asylums. The constant interaction with insane people drove all but the very strongest individuals to become insane, too. Good luck to McCarthy, because he doesn’t seem all that strong to begin with…

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Did I enjoy TUESDAY'S TRAINWRECK, oh, yes, a whole lot! I felt as though I was reading a historical novella; okay, a very short historical American story. Liked more flavor among our politicians and the straying couple, the Longworths. They suggested just enough about how sexy this story could get.

As for the current scene, 'McCarthy - who not only has no backbone but also no principles other than his lust for the power of the office..' will never have any power or charisma like DJT. What he does have is a lot hair. We don't want to ignore the man's most outstanding feature, HAIR! Amen.

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Hair was the hallmark of our nearest relative in the chain of evolution!

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and they probably would have been a more intelligent choice than the elected individuals we're talking about.

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Me thinks McCarthy thinks he is of the political stature of Senate Leaders McConnell and Reid and he isn't.

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Harry Reid worked the system to provide for the commonweal of ALL citizens of the US! Mitch bastardized the system to gain Power, raw Power as dictated to him by the pro-authoritarian and anti-democracy Leo Leo controlled Federalist society !

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Fred, You are 'thinking' about McCathy!? What a waste of a brainpower. What else are you thinking about?

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That he would be the worst possible standing for President.

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Oh, my god, you're still focused on McCarthy. I have nothing more to communicate until you have had a healing. With concern, Fern

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attagirl, Fern!

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Thanks, David. I needed a friendly nod today.

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Yep. Got it right.

Posted the following on LFAA before resding yours. I abide by my prediction ... and yours.

The most damaging piece in the LFAA today is the concessions McCarthy is making to get the extreme right votes for his candidacy; especially those regarding challenging a speaker, shutting down the Ethics Office, sending all documents from J6 Committee to House instead of Archives. These three severely concessessions alone weaken the Speaker and who will be chosen, McCarthy, because he will be weak. The calculus is to have a speaker who wants power so bad he can be controlled and be ineffectual to any subset of representatives who have nothing to loose as their goals are to weaken the institutions of a federal government, beginning with the House. Imagine if Manchin and Sinema had a third or fourth Senator to play hardball with Schumer, the power would be held by the four and nothing would have been accomplished. My prediction is that the 118th will be the revenge Congress with nothing substantial coming from the House Republicans legislatively. A series of crisis voting and more investigations drumming everything else out. FUBAR for sure.

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This Republican Party is a cancerous tumor. Let’s hope modern science and all it has to offer will suffice to defeat the parasitic mass.

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if McCarthy had a soul to begin with, we could agree that he sold it and discovered a massive bait-and-switch. but he had none, so the whole situation doesn't even rise to the level of IRONY.

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The chaos and malignant intent of the gop is a disgrace and disrespectful to the families and ancestors of those who gave their lives on the battlefield to preserve our experiment with democracy!

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Yes, we can dream. Whoever emerges the survivor of the clusterfuck will be bad news. Hearing McCarthy’s rants over the last few years was an experience I’d hate to endure again. But if one of the farther right prevails, it could be truly worse. Thank goodness we have the Senate.

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Buckle down for Mr. Toad's wild ride, Repuliqans. That isn't governance, that is...well...FUBAR.

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(A girl can dream) also.


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We have two years of buffoonery ahead of us

Playing the long game here requires patience. As sick as it sounds, emulating the patience of McConnell here means Democratic politics must coalesce in a block, without the “progressive idealism” squabbling.

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Hakeem Jeffries got 9 more votes than McCarthy! Bet that went over biggly!

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Listening to Elise Stefanic nominate Kevin No Balls at All McCarthy. What is she smoking?

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You have to wonder what universe the little striver lives in. It appears she spent last month at the health spa.

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Ah, an extension of 'I Spy' has begun on TAFM. What fun!

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His balls, Hale.

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Now we have Gym the Perv Jordan! WTF? Wonder why Goetz likes him🙄

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Shower room fun.

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You're too clever by half!

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I think you are right😳

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A boy can dream alright, think Wigs, heard from any of them lately? I thought not, from what I can see it’s only a matter of time, and then maybe people with a conservative mindset will be able to be part of a constructive conversation, it’s a good thing for the nation to have 2 engaged parties working to promote the common good. Let the shitshow continue👍😎

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Yes, it's true, the eagle cannot fly on just one wing. It takes two, of equal strength and capability.

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One would like to think that the Republicans would have learned their lesson the last time they let a McCarthy become the public face of the party even briefly. One would, however, be wrong and can only hope that some good, like the end of the GOP as we now know it, will come of this.

I don't completely agree with your assessment of the chances of a 'unity candidate' for Speaker. If one can accept the idea that there are at least 218 people in the House who are more interested in governing than in power for its own sake, the election of a centrist candidate who might even be or become an independent before the next election cycle, is a possibility and, with the right amount of public notice and press, might garner enough support from the voting public to survive politically. I cheerfully admit that it's a long shot on a dark night in a storm, but the chances of success are at least fractionally greater than zero.

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The only way something happens is if the seven "frontline Republicans" who won seats in districts Biden won in 2020, decide not to go down to defeat in 2024 due to the antics of the crazies, and become "independents" and vote for Hakeen Jeffries. The Democrats are not going to vote for a "compromise" Republican. The Democrats have everything to gain by letting the Republicans flounder. And remember that the "moderates" in the Republican caucus are only "moderate" in comparison with the loonies of the HFC.

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As I said, a long shot on a dark night in a storm but, Jeffries has a decent reputation and betting on him and some return for their support is a much stronger position than hoping for anything from McCarthy who has no soul left to sell.

I don't expect to see it, but if one is to grasp at straws one much first make some.

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You are thinking rationally. I don't think there is anything we think of as being rational about this situation. I think these folks are just a bunch of glutinous egos doing what the mob feels justified doing. What you are suggesting sounds like the best thing that could happen. Would anyone who tried it, survive politically? I mean, isn't that what all this posturing is for, to threaten not just McCarthy, but anyone who isn't willing to be a puppet to whatever malicious opportunity they may be able to contrive?

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You're quite right, and rational thought is probably irrational in this situation. The goal, at least for some, is chaos, although what they hope to gain from it is unclear.

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I think I would feel a lot better if I knew Trump wasn't going to kiss and make-up with McCarthy when he's beaten down enough. In the back of my mind I am concerned that at the right time, Trump will return to Twitter to rally his followers, wouldn't matter if he were banned immediately, then he would be the martyr. It would only take a few well timed appearances. I read somewhere that Hitler purposely showed up late to events, letting the crowd become anxious, making it easier to enlist their fervor.

His last minute save, well planned. I can't shake that worry of another move like the FBI investigation of Clinton's email clearing her two days before the election. I hope I'm being paranoid.

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Me too. I also hope that there is something to Jack Smith's activity as Special Counsel.

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While acknowledging the risk of banishment for posting a link to what puritanical Republicans would (and have) labelled offensive material, I offer up this little ditty from my favourite artist by way of a theme song for their "negotiations" 🎵

Not for ears easily offended. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=umBQ1VlhmvM

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The 1st vote for McCarthy has failed.😁

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