Those of us who pay probably an obsessive amount of time paying attention to the ongoing deterioration of the Greatest Threat Ever to American Society and National Security, i.e., the Orange Menace, El Gordo Del Mar A Lardo, the Fascist Fanboy, and any other denigrating term one can come up with to describe Donald Trump in as few words as possible, have been noticing in recent months that he is further and further “off his step” in terms of his political awareness and playing to the masses.
The recent spew in the Georgia speech recently has left me with even more the wonder that anyone at the rally could hear it and not go "WTF? What does this have to do with me?"
And I quote:
Somebody said he [Biden] looks great in a bathing suit, right? And you know, when he was in the sand, having a hard time lifting his foot through the sand, because, you know, sand is heavy, three solid ounces per foot, but sand is a little heavy, and he is sitting in a bathing suit. At 81, do you remember Cary Grant? How good was he, right? I don't know what happened to movie stars today. We used to have Cary Grant, Glark Gable, and today – I will not say names because we don't need enemies. I get enough enemies. Cary Grant was like Michael Jackson once told me, the most handsome man in the world, Cary Grant, and we don't have that anymore. The Cary Grant at 81 or 82, going on 100, this guy, he is 81 going on 100, Cary Grant would not look too good in a bathing suit either, and he was pretty good-looking, right?
The comedians and comedy writers are certainly picking up on it. If he continues to deteriorate at the current rate, it won't be long before the comedians can be accused of making fun of a sick old man with dementia. Not sure when that cross-over will occur.
But while we’re on the topic, whatever happened to real movie stars? And Necco wafers. Remember those? You’d go to the movie and get yourself a roll of Necco wafers.
I was a Bazzini sugar toasted peanuts my neighborhood, the local movie theater (The Main Street in Flushing for anybody local...and it's still THERE!) was the only place that sold them. and, of course, Junior Mints. in fact, I'd love me a big box of Junior Mints right about NOW.
He is successfully tapping into the nostalgia vote. That is not a small group. That group feels the same nostalgia for their own selves, the previously always ascendant white male.
It’s the why-aren’t-things-like-they-used-to-be vote. All anybody heard was the sentence in the middle. “We used to have Cary Grant, Clark Gable…” He’s saying “Make you great again.” in all caps.
He knows all the other surrounding words don’t matter except as fill meant to lure their attention for that one sentence.
He makes it up as he goes along, but with intention.
He has to get his meds right to prevent stumbling. Sometimes he goofs up.
even today, reporting on Hur's humiliating performance, the NYT had to spend time early in the story talking about the times in the transcript when Biden stumbled about some dates. when people were shocked about Biden (possibly) not remembering the year his son died, let me say that last year, on many occasions, I was telling people that Rochelle died in 2016. it was 2015. I have a feeling that this happens to a LOT of people around a significant personal loss. I'd be vague about the year my father died if it hadn't been the same week that Bush did that parachute thing declaring the war was over, and Izzie (my dad) hated Bush with a ferocity I hadn't seen since Nixon.
let's remember that Cassidy Hutchinson told us that preparing TFF for a speech involved a lot of "phonetics." I assume there's nobody doing that now. or maybe someone as incompetent as he is who flatters him all the time.
as for his continuing to trash Ms. Carroll...he's a very much sicker man than the very sick man he's always been.
That was an eye-opener. Thank you for sharing. We need to do a lot of good work between now and the election. The ORKS are out in force. Shakespeare should be with us on this one.
and some of the ones who do actually succeed are talentless morons.
and some of the good ones are flaming assholes...I just heard a story about a recording session for a certain tall Australian actress having her country singer husband and "personal assistant" (ugh) gang up to provide the muscle for her insistence that she couldn't be expected to sing the "notes as written" because she was a genius and had to be allowed to "improvise." in other words, she can't fucking sing. and so it goes.
on the other hand, my oft-mentioned best friend was supervising the recording session for Robin Williams in "Aladdin" and the p.a. kept insisting that "Robin doesn't do that," but Robin told him to shut up because he wanted to learn new things and generally behaved like a prince. as did the very young Christian Bale in "Newsies."
it's funny how much we agree. when people used to say bad things about her, I'd always say "yeah but she was really good in "Dead Calm." but nothing beyond that. after hearing about this recording session, fuck her. these Disney music guys work their asses off (especially Danny--my BFF for sixty years--who, as we speak, is working sixteen-hour days for this "Hercules" show opening in Germany), so a little vocal doesn't seem like it's much of a stretch.
David Thomson, my favorite living film writer, has a mad crush on her and actually wrote a whole book about her which people say reads like a love letter. I've bought all his books (and read most) but not THAT one.
THAT was a political speech? I honestly dont think any of those folks with their MAGA hats & other gear LISTEN to the words. Because if they did - yeah WTF!
Apples and oranges: did Cary Grant do military service ( I don't know, just asking), lose his wife and daughters Ina horrible accident, serve in Congress for decades, remarry, raise two sons, one of whom died too young, the other lost his way for decades, and on and on... cause for weat and tare. And as a fellow 76 year old, I can say I've earned my wrinkles and will not Botox because i wear them as a message to younger people not to fool with me because Ive been around the block. Añlthough I don't pay attention to all the new stuff, it isn't always necessary. Also, I was married for over 40 years to an older man and valued his experience and broader world view. The contrast between Biden and DJT is stark.
I've got a T shirt that says "Their first mistake was thinking I'm a little old lady." Also one that says "Made in the Forties, Original and Unrestored. Some parts still in working order." I'm wearing that one right now.
80 in a couple of months and still chugging along. Words do come more slowly sometimes because I have so many to choose from. My keys have been in mysterious places since I started driving. And it's been 40 years that I've been forgetting why I'm in the kitchen.
I agree, and yes, it’s hard to tell because he is such a bloviating windbag who spews word salad like its pearls of wisdom. But he did speak the language of the dispossessed because he feels that he has been cheated out of so much (another clue of diagnostic significance). Lots of white males suffer from such, and look for somebody to blame. I know me some. Chump speaks for them. Hence, the “they aren’t coming for me, they are coming for you, and I’m standing in the way of them getting you.” What f***ing cowards these people are. I hope his brain is rotting. Having watched and cared for a good, kind, smart man for the years he suffered from Alzheimer’s, I know it is agony. Who deserves it more. I would never wish it on another human being, but he doesn’t qualify.
Way to go, Jeri. He doesn't qualify. And with all the amazing people on the planet, why do we have to listen to, hear from, or be bothered by one of the least interesting and cowardly people on the planet? Off to write more get-out-the-vote postcards for democracy.
My understanding is, among the several personality disorders, only Narcissistic Personality Disorder is sometimes seen with one other. That other is Paranoid Personality Disorder.
scrambled egg brains, the DSM missed that one, but it so fits. Reminds me of my Mom scrambling brains and eggs together when I was a kid. I still remember how horrified I was. Of course, I was horrified by the butchering of a hog in our backyard. Maybe why I became a vegetarian sixty years later. Does this post qualify as word salad???
Makes more sense than the dumpster! I had the same experience 60-70 years ago - not something I'd want to see again. Not vegetarian but no beef or pork.
Too bad more people cant visualize exactly how their supermarket packages get that way. Sorry, went from word salad onword!
Also saw my mother kill a chicken and what comes after that. Only once that I recall, and I was very young, but it stuck with me. You are right, people generally have no clue, but somebody does it. Out of sight mostly.
What we have to watch for is Trump's VP pick, another dark rat hole lying ahead. It will be a winger with soaring ambition who knows he or she could never reach such heights without the obsequious butt fondling required to do so.
Great post! I've just sent it off to my email list of 70-plus. I've seen other accounts of Trump's troubles with dementia, but but yours is so wonderfully and more powerfully written.
In 1985 Trump Senior the Father of Robert, Elizabeth, "Freddy", Donald & specifically Maryanne (now) 'Barry' said Trump Senior did more than "stumble" As the 5 Siblings gathered Maryanne opined that "Dad has dementia". Trump Senior's name was FREDERICK (Fred) CHRIST TRUMP Sr. (1905-1999).
Back on 9/27/2020 in a WAPO article, Michael Kamish 'set out the Trump Sibling warfare over Fred Senior's real estate holdings. Kamish puts the start of "epic" sibling feud when Fred Senior was aged 85. When. Fred Sr, died (8) or (9) years after Maryanne's first comment that "Dad has dementia". Per Wikipedia, in October 1991 Fred was diagnosed with "mild senile dementia" "By 1993 Fred Trump began to suffer from Alzheimers."
While we are reviewing the Trump Family Medical History for a would-be-Dictator-on-Day 1, why was Maryanne, New Jersey Judge Maryanne Trump taken off "Senior Status" removing herself from the Federal Bench entirely? True, the New York Times was investigating her alleged involvement in tax overt acts but, inquiring minds seek answers.
Per Wikipedia, the Grandchildren of "Fred Sr." challenged the Will. Donald, Maryanne Barry & Robert Trump in their depositions denied any knowledge of Trump Senior's 1991 dementia diagnosis.
tffg tried to take control of Fred Senior's estate. There are to historical facts there to uncover.
I am a TPA subscriber here. Keep an eye out for a "TIA", transient ischemic attack.
For more medical milestones, like "moderate' symptoms & intracranial 'Lewy Bodies', see the SHIMMER Study research factors.
In that weird "speech" when he started uttering meaningless sounds like "oh, er," and then "aaaah," I thought we were witnessing a small TIA. Nothing quite like Mitch's complete blank, but heading in that direction.
I'd disagree with one thing he says. I don't think TFF wants "love." he wants fealty, admiration, "shock and awe," etc. I can find no evidence anywhere that TFF in any way understands what most of us would call "love."
I'm a tad disappointed you didn't tear into Mr. Hur's ass, but there's always tomorrow and you're three hours earlier, so maybe I'm speaking too soon. still, it's gonna be difficult to outdo Keith Olbermann's podcast for today. it reallty was quite a show.
the sad part is that the people who need to see it never will... but how many times can I keep saying "fuck them?"
I figure I still have plenty of those in me...
and oh yeah...if embryos are people, isn't a sperm cell a POTENTIAL person? same with an egg. you see where I'm going with this, right? yes! first they'll come after masturbation (at least for boys, girls being unacquainted with such practices). then menstruation. it's just a matter of time...
One has an aging brain. Every once in awhile you have to remind him of a thing. The other has a declining demented brain. The MSM is starting to realize ever since last Thursday that we all see their lies about Biden.
It looks to me like the man is a symbiotic who looks for those who agree with him, and the reason doesn't matter. It is a mental health issue that coincides with ambition of others. Many others.
Here's a very clear description of what's going wrong with Trump's brain from a former prof at Johns Hopkins medical school. It's more than 20 minutes; I haven't watched more than 7 minutes, but just that was quite convincing.
I believe I read it in the Mueller Report. Following the report are bios of Mueller, Trump and other folks like Cohen. It’s been awhile since I read it, so fact check me on this😊
Thanks TC. Are you watching Madam Secretary on Netflix? It’s jawdropping accurate at times though only once used the President—often a president from another country. There’s even a Manchin.
The recent spew in the Georgia speech recently has left me with even more the wonder that anyone at the rally could hear it and not go "WTF? What does this have to do with me?"
And I quote:
Somebody said he [Biden] looks great in a bathing suit, right? And you know, when he was in the sand, having a hard time lifting his foot through the sand, because, you know, sand is heavy, three solid ounces per foot, but sand is a little heavy, and he is sitting in a bathing suit. At 81, do you remember Cary Grant? How good was he, right? I don't know what happened to movie stars today. We used to have Cary Grant, Glark Gable, and today – I will not say names because we don't need enemies. I get enough enemies. Cary Grant was like Michael Jackson once told me, the most handsome man in the world, Cary Grant, and we don't have that anymore. The Cary Grant at 81 or 82, going on 100, this guy, he is 81 going on 100, Cary Grant would not look too good in a bathing suit either, and he was pretty good-looking, right?
He's going gaga in front of us and the press won't report it.
I know why Fox won’t, but the MSM has no excuse, none!
The comedians and comedy writers are certainly picking up on it. If he continues to deteriorate at the current rate, it won't be long before the comedians can be accused of making fun of a sick old man with dementia. Not sure when that cross-over will occur.
Oh, great! He'll go from getting the grievance and revenge vote to getting the pity vote.
It will take a while before MSM notices, and Rupert’s gang of blind and deaf reporters never will.
Yeah, this is new to me.
But while we’re on the topic, whatever happened to real movie stars? And Necco wafers. Remember those? You’d go to the movie and get yourself a roll of Necco wafers.
Where did I put my glasses?
I laughed out loud. It's always so sad, watching the biggest loser in the room act like he's the winner.
"yes, so very, very sad," he said with a chortle.
I was a Bazzini sugar toasted peanuts my neighborhood, the local movie theater (The Main Street in Flushing for anybody local...and it's still THERE!) was the only place that sold them. and, of course, Junior Mints. in fact, I'd love me a big box of Junior Mints right about NOW.
Necco wafers are still around. My local grocery store carries them!
I always thought they didn't give much bang for the buck, flavor-wise. but they could LAST.
He is successfully tapping into the nostalgia vote. That is not a small group. That group feels the same nostalgia for their own selves, the previously always ascendant white male.
It’s the why-aren’t-things-like-they-used-to-be vote. All anybody heard was the sentence in the middle. “We used to have Cary Grant, Clark Gable…” He’s saying “Make you great again.” in all caps.
He knows all the other surrounding words don’t matter except as fill meant to lure their attention for that one sentence.
He makes it up as he goes along, but with intention.
He has to get his meds right to prevent stumbling. Sometimes he goofs up.
even today, reporting on Hur's humiliating performance, the NYT had to spend time early in the story talking about the times in the transcript when Biden stumbled about some dates. when people were shocked about Biden (possibly) not remembering the year his son died, let me say that last year, on many occasions, I was telling people that Rochelle died in 2016. it was 2015. I have a feeling that this happens to a LOT of people around a significant personal loss. I'd be vague about the year my father died if it hadn't been the same week that Bush did that parachute thing declaring the war was over, and Izzie (my dad) hated Bush with a ferocity I hadn't seen since Nixon.
let's remember that Cassidy Hutchinson told us that preparing TFF for a speech involved a lot of "phonetics." I assume there's nobody doing that now. or maybe someone as incompetent as he is who flatters him all the time.
as for his continuing to trash Ms. Carroll...he's a very much sicker man than the very sick man he's always been.
It's more important to remember people's birthdays anyway.
Best reality TV ever, and the horseback effing media is missing it completely.
Great post, Tom. Thanks.
This is the best explanation I’ve read about Trump’s “ accelerating dementia” from a prominent psychologist.
That is an excellent - and scary! - article. You all should read it.
Thank you Kathy!
Now we have to get the msm to pay attention to it.
That was an eye-opener. Thank you for sharing. We need to do a lot of good work between now and the election. The ORKS are out in force. Shakespeare should be with us on this one.
Weird and I wish his folks hadn't scuttled his dreams to be an actor. It would have saved us all a lot of headaches.
He could been a winnah! Or the first Harvey Weinstein.
he wanted to be an ACTOR? where did you see that? I had no idea.
but now, I'm having a really swell time trying to imagine what that would look like. it ain't pretty. but it IS funny.
Lots of talentless morons want to be actors, but few of them achieve it.
and some of the ones who do actually succeed are talentless morons.
and some of the good ones are flaming assholes...I just heard a story about a recording session for a certain tall Australian actress having her country singer husband and "personal assistant" (ugh) gang up to provide the muscle for her insistence that she couldn't be expected to sing the "notes as written" because she was a genius and had to be allowed to "improvise." in other words, she can't fucking sing. and so it goes.
on the other hand, my oft-mentioned best friend was supervising the recording session for Robin Williams in "Aladdin" and the p.a. kept insisting that "Robin doesn't do that," but Robin told him to shut up because he wanted to learn new things and generally behaved like a prince. as did the very young Christian Bale in "Newsies."
I have respected her work in some films - "Dead Calm" for use - but I have nevr been able stand her pretentious precious personality.
it's funny how much we agree. when people used to say bad things about her, I'd always say "yeah but she was really good in "Dead Calm." but nothing beyond that. after hearing about this recording session, fuck her. these Disney music guys work their asses off (especially Danny--my BFF for sixty years--who, as we speak, is working sixteen-hour days for this "Hercules" show opening in Germany), so a little vocal doesn't seem like it's much of a stretch.
David Thomson, my favorite living film writer, has a mad crush on her and actually wrote a whole book about her which people say reads like a love letter. I've bought all his books (and read most) but not THAT one.
THAT was a political speech? I honestly dont think any of those folks with their MAGA hats & other gear LISTEN to the words. Because if they did - yeah WTF!
Apples and oranges: did Cary Grant do military service ( I don't know, just asking), lose his wife and daughters Ina horrible accident, serve in Congress for decades, remarry, raise two sons, one of whom died too young, the other lost his way for decades, and on and on... cause for weat and tare. And as a fellow 76 year old, I can say I've earned my wrinkles and will not Botox because i wear them as a message to younger people not to fool with me because Ive been around the block. Añlthough I don't pay attention to all the new stuff, it isn't always necessary. Also, I was married for over 40 years to an older man and valued his experience and broader world view. The contrast between Biden and DJT is stark.
I've got a T shirt that says "Their first mistake was thinking I'm a little old lady." Also one that says "Made in the Forties, Original and Unrestored. Some parts still in working order." I'm wearing that one right now.
80 in a couple of months and still chugging along. Words do come more slowly sometimes because I have so many to choose from. My keys have been in mysterious places since I started driving. And it's been 40 years that I've been forgetting why I'm in the kitchen.
Word salad, right out of a putrid, stinking stream of unconsciousness.
It's stopped being salad. It is more like what happens to salad when you scrape it into the garbage disposal.
That's a good one.
Holy sh!#
I agree, and yes, it’s hard to tell because he is such a bloviating windbag who spews word salad like its pearls of wisdom. But he did speak the language of the dispossessed because he feels that he has been cheated out of so much (another clue of diagnostic significance). Lots of white males suffer from such, and look for somebody to blame. I know me some. Chump speaks for them. Hence, the “they aren’t coming for me, they are coming for you, and I’m standing in the way of them getting you.” What f***ing cowards these people are. I hope his brain is rotting. Having watched and cared for a good, kind, smart man for the years he suffered from Alzheimer’s, I know it is agony. Who deserves it more. I would never wish it on another human being, but he doesn’t qualify.
He certainly doesn't qualify.
I think your wish (and mine) about his brain has been granted. It seems to be rotting, and the mainstream media is beginning to write about that!
Way to go, Jeri. He doesn't qualify. And with all the amazing people on the planet, why do we have to listen to, hear from, or be bothered by one of the least interesting and cowardly people on the planet? Off to write more get-out-the-vote postcards for democracy.
My understanding is, among the several personality disorders, only Narcissistic Personality Disorder is sometimes seen with one other. That other is Paranoid Personality Disorder.
How about all the above.
Maybe Trump is just an unformed, disordered personality. Scrambled Egg Brains.
scrambled egg brains, the DSM missed that one, but it so fits. Reminds me of my Mom scrambling brains and eggs together when I was a kid. I still remember how horrified I was. Of course, I was horrified by the butchering of a hog in our backyard. Maybe why I became a vegetarian sixty years later. Does this post qualify as word salad???
Makes more sense than the dumpster! I had the same experience 60-70 years ago - not something I'd want to see again. Not vegetarian but no beef or pork.
Too bad more people cant visualize exactly how their supermarket packages get that way. Sorry, went from word salad onword!
Also saw my mother kill a chicken and what comes after that. Only once that I recall, and I was very young, but it stuck with me. You are right, people generally have no clue, but somebody does it. Out of sight mostly.
Not yet, hang in there.
My late brother checked both those boxes.
I'm sorry to hear that.
What we have to watch for is Trump's VP pick, another dark rat hole lying ahead. It will be a winger with soaring ambition who knows he or she could never reach such heights without the obsequious butt fondling required to do so.
Either that or the Heritage evil types will pick Steven Miller. He is surely vengeful enough and competent, sad to say.
Great post! I've just sent it off to my email list of 70-plus. I've seen other accounts of Trump's troubles with dementia, but but yours is so wonderfully and more powerfully written.
Josh thanks you. :-)
In 1985 Trump Senior the Father of Robert, Elizabeth, "Freddy", Donald & specifically Maryanne (now) 'Barry' said Trump Senior did more than "stumble" As the 5 Siblings gathered Maryanne opined that "Dad has dementia". Trump Senior's name was FREDERICK (Fred) CHRIST TRUMP Sr. (1905-1999).
Back on 9/27/2020 in a WAPO article, Michael Kamish 'set out the Trump Sibling warfare over Fred Senior's real estate holdings. Kamish puts the start of "epic" sibling feud when Fred Senior was aged 85. When. Fred Sr, died (8) or (9) years after Maryanne's first comment that "Dad has dementia". Per Wikipedia, in October 1991 Fred was diagnosed with "mild senile dementia" "By 1993 Fred Trump began to suffer from Alzheimers."
While we are reviewing the Trump Family Medical History for a would-be-Dictator-on-Day 1, why was Maryanne, New Jersey Judge Maryanne Trump taken off "Senior Status" removing herself from the Federal Bench entirely? True, the New York Times was investigating her alleged involvement in tax overt acts but, inquiring minds seek answers.
Per Wikipedia, the Grandchildren of "Fred Sr." challenged the Will. Donald, Maryanne Barry & Robert Trump in their depositions denied any knowledge of Trump Senior's 1991 dementia diagnosis.
tffg tried to take control of Fred Senior's estate. There are to historical facts there to uncover.
I am a TPA subscriber here. Keep an eye out for a "TIA", transient ischemic attack.
For more medical milestones, like "moderate' symptoms & intracranial 'Lewy Bodies', see the SHIMMER Study research factors.
In that weird "speech" when he started uttering meaningless sounds like "oh, er," and then "aaaah," I thought we were witnessing a small TIA. Nothing quite like Mitch's complete blank, but heading in that direction.
A short series of TIAs signals the likelihood of a big one coming. The guy's known diet and sedentary lifestyle puts him on the inside track.
May it come to pass. I want him drooling before he's dead. Of course, MAGAts will vote from him even when he's dead.
That's why that VP choice is important, assuming that would be the pattern of ascendency, which it would be with this SCOTUS.
I'd disagree with one thing he says. I don't think TFF wants "love." he wants fealty, admiration, "shock and awe," etc. I can find no evidence anywhere that TFF in any way understands what most of us would call "love."
I'm a tad disappointed you didn't tear into Mr. Hur's ass, but there's always tomorrow and you're three hours earlier, so maybe I'm speaking too soon. still, it's gonna be difficult to outdo Keith Olbermann's podcast for today. it reallty was quite a show.
the sad part is that the people who need to see it never will... but how many times can I keep saying "fuck them?"
I figure I still have plenty of those in me...
and oh yeah...if embryos are people, isn't a sperm cell a POTENTIAL person? same with an egg. you see where I'm going with this, right? yes! first they'll come after masturbation (at least for boys, girls being unacquainted with such practices). then menstruation. it's just a matter of time...
There's no need for me to reinvent the wheel on Hur. I only need to post the URL of Adam Schiff's takedown of the miserable little shitbird.
Thanks Tom. Legum, as usual, is spot on.
Oh, great. TWO demented candidate’s………this is gonna be a helluva year.
One has an aging brain. Every once in awhile you have to remind him of a thing. The other has a declining demented brain. The MSM is starting to realize ever since last Thursday that we all see their lies about Biden.
One had a demented brain for quite sometime. the SOTU proved it.
I know what you mean.
(Fascist Fatboy?)
It looks to me like the man is a symbiotic who looks for those who agree with him, and the reason doesn't matter. It is a mental health issue that coincides with ambition of others. Many others.
Here's a very clear description of what's going wrong with Trump's brain from a former prof at Johns Hopkins medical school. It's more than 20 minutes; I haven't watched more than 7 minutes, but just that was quite convincing.
I believe I read it in the Mueller Report. Following the report are bios of Mueller, Trump and other folks like Cohen. It’s been awhile since I read it, so fact check me on this😊
Thank you Tom. Josh Marshall has some really good Editor blogs, doesn't
he? Not as feisty as yours,
but good and thoughtful, as
are yours.
Thanks TC. Are you watching Madam Secretary on Netflix? It’s jawdropping accurate at times though only once used the President—often a president from another country. There’s even a Manchin.
Me and Netflix don't maintain diplomatic relations.