In a civilized society, Frank Luntz would be in prison for treason, and so would every person at that fund-raiser last night.

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In a really civilized society, nobody would have heard of any of them.

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I bow to you.

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It's weird about Frank Luntz -- several years ago, I heard him interviewed on some mainstream show about polling and focus groups, and he seemed so rational about it all. It took quite a while for my first impression to disintegrate and disappear.

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I'm sure Eichmann sounded "rational" too.

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As I recall Frank Luntz was a major source of The Newtsters calls to demonize any Democratic Candidate or Office Holder.

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You recall right, sir!

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Trump also had a bigly fundraiser recently for Kari Lake. Roseanne Barr pleaded for college students to “please drop out of college because it’s going to ruin your lives.”


William He,the young ,dynamic student and founder of Dream for America spoke to my activist group yesterday.: https://dream4america.org/

Dream4America is “taking on Turning Point USA.”They are also part of the coalition endorsing Students for Biden/Harris.D4A is on multiple social media platforms, including Truth Social so please amplify/share if you’re able.

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Thank you. I had not heard anything about this until now, certainly not from the "Liberal" Media, including MSNBC.

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Love this! Thanks for posting.

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The Biden-Harris campaign ran a rogue's gallery of all the bigwigs who attended the fundraiser, and I've never seen such a collection of Batman/Superman-level villains in one place before. The blog Balloon Juice has the goods, with pictures and descriptions of their stances on policy: https://balloon-juice.com/2024/04/07/biden-harris-campaign-creates-rogues-gallery-of-trump-humping-billionaires/

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What a disgusting group. Of course they are his donors. Self serving sociopaths with no moral compass just like him. Selling our country for everyone’s gain at the expense of the welfare of the American people and our planet. Who knows what he has, and continues to sell to the Saudis, Putin and his other favorite dictators. And project 2025 is chilling. He has to be defeated!

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“Rogues Gallery” is far too kind.

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What a grotesque group.

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well, that's what happens when you get all the biggies in one place--someone with face recognition software watches the door. Or are those the name on that "invitation" I've seen pictures of floating around? In any event, they'd have given anyway, at some point, and now they can be outed and described all in one burst.

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And the mainstream press buys it, hook, line and sinker, similar to the WAPO headline this morning about 'secret plan to end the war in Ukraine.' 'Long shot" insertion into the headline does noting to hide their malevolent ignorance of the plan of all plans, Dr K's and tricky Dick's to end the horror of Vietnam, just amazing how low the national media has fallen, and it was hardly from a high perch, pace David Halberstam, Dan Rather, Neil Sheehan, Tom Wicker...

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every action of the amoral orange convicted fraud is a 'CON'!

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Thank you for that. And Halberstam is a great read. Thank you for that.

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This is what we called "Creative Accounting" in the 1980's and 1990's. An accounting system with which the trumpster is very well acquainted.

As to your remarks about the founding fathers not foreseeing this travesty, I absolutely agree. But give them a break, TC,l They lived in a world where 'honor' was the most respected attribute. Honor had a different meaning than it has today. In those days it didn't mean risking your life to save someone else; it meant men of integrity, truthfulness, decency, who admitted they owed their fellow man protection.

Yes, yes, I know that honor only applied to white men and excluded all persons of color. Women were considered "lesser" beings. But that was the society in which they lived for thousands of years.

What is remarkable is they deplored the authoritarian, dictatorial, autocracy of monarchy; the system most widely in use in their time.

What continues to anger me is that we, the citizens of the United States, have failed to do anything to overturn the foully named "Citizens United" ruling (not Law) that took from citizens and gave unrelentlessly to the autocrats against everything our Constitution stands for.

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Further proof I am so lucky to have the best paid subscribers on Substack. Especially the women who constantly amaze me and keep me on my toes. Like you, Fay.

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I only just noticed that DJT can be pronounced "digit" (as in tiny fingers) or even "ditch it" (as in what we're gonna do in November).

Seriously, thanks for the reminder: In a real democracy where elections made sense and Citizens United meant something entirely different, we'd be talking about issues and plans for the future instead of how many frigging millions of dollars the candidates have raised.

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I've always read DJT as idjit aka idiot.

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Exactly right.

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Fraudraising. Thank You for this article, TC.

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A perfect term! Fraudraising.

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Reportedly the split of donations will be thusly "The donor form shows that the first $3,300 of each donation will be directed to the Trump for President primary election account; the next $3,300 will go to his general election account; the next $5,000 will go to Save America and the next $413,000 is directed to the RNC. The remaining dollars up to $814,600 will be directed in various amounts to the local Republican Party in 39 states.

So with a hundred people, 660,000 went to actual campaign, 500,000 to the Save America PAC, and the rest to the RNC and state party organizations? Am I reading that right? Not going to buy a lot of ads OR pay a lot of legal fees with that. Unless the RNC pays legal fees--and I'm STILL not sure how they can get away with that.

Or do you think there is a secret sharing agreement just for this party? AKA The Secret Sharer.

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So, $50 million and doubled Biden's are the shiny things, has Easley revealed the actual scam or ... should we watch out for some other big lie, covered by the lie about total raised.

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They have to file an end-of-month report that they can't lie on.

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Let’s see if the media slides it under the rug.

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The Trump campaign is already struggling to get small donations. I guess they’re content with focusing on the big boys, because I would think that bragging about a huge haul like that would be a disincentive to people who can’t afford to give much. Why bother?

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I agree. This chest-pounding over big donations could backfire because the little guy will assume his twenty bucks isn't needed. And it doesn't help that Trump shamelessly announces that he'll extend the tax cuts for the millionaires.

In the meantime perhaps Melania, as she watches her divorce settlement being drained away, will consider how Biden's trying to cancel student loan debt, maybe even for Barron.

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