No words are adequate for such gibberish from a former president and the present Republican candidate for president.

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Holy moley....What the hell was that? I can only say I'm astonished that his minders let him loose to make such a display of his....what? Dementia? Stupidity? Both?. He needs a straitjacket and a butterfly net and WE definitely do NOT need that babbling, mumbling crazy case heading up the government. Good Lord!

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That clip is proof that you can't fix stupid. Dementia surely doesn't help.

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Absolutely brilliant. Makes me feel good to see such creativity devoted to such a take-down.

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Kind off unbelievable , isn’t it?

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As with everything else involving him.

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This is even better than Jimmy Kimmel's chalkboard..... His speeches get closer every day to the ultimate expression of his "wisdom", an explosion in a malapropism factory..... And the most delicious thing is that due to a change in the RNC rules, now that TFG has secured the delegates needed to become the Republican presidential candidate, they cannot remove him from the campaign.....they wanted him, they got him. Theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die, into the valley of death rode the 600.....

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I just want to make certain they don’t take the rest of us with them.

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Laugh or cry. Laugh or cry. But don’t make this gibbering moron President!

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Like he ever knew anything about Gettysburg., probably not even the state it was in... He's bluffed, blustered, and bullied his way through his entire life, but sundown has come for him, which may explain the current scrambling for VP among all those wingers with gelatinous spines, those weasels over there in the corner memorizing the 25th Amendment.

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Historians, in 200 years, will look back and say, unanimously, “what the actual f…?”

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This eloquent performance is proof that there are many fine people on both sides of the isle in our government today! Wow! Bing! Bing! Bing! Bong! Bing! Move over Abe, you're more out of favor than Robert E. Lee and Old Donny Boy is taking your seat in the Lincoln Memorial after his version of the Gettysburg Address. Inspiring! Wow! Bing-Bing-Bing! What an unbelievable address that was, so much, so interesting and so horrible in so many, many different ways, Wow! Bing! Bing! But so interesting too in the ways it represents the total moronity, imbecility and mental deficiency of our erstwhile POTUS--Donny the Loser, who BTW, goes to Gettysburg to watch the dumbass GOP boys and girls who back this cretinous asshole fight up hill in every battle they're engaged in. Oh, me boys, me boys, (and girls), never fight uphill, what are youse doing to me? BingBingBingBing-WOW! It's unbelievable!

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Very good.

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"Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebted to Gabby Johnson for clearly stating what needed to be said. I'm particulary glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age."

Blazing Saddles

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Duhh…what the f*** was that? When trump toured the USS Arizona Memorial during his presidency*, he was totally bored after ten minutes and couldn’t wait for the tour to end, and even the visit to the sunken ship failed to make an impression on him. And where did he get that supposed “quote” from Robert E. Lee? What a f***ing maroon…

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He is a completely demented idiot. His gibberish is getting worse, as in a recent hate speech about ”illegal addaddaming” What the fuck are you talking about Donny? And just saw on Lawrence O’Donnell that he has violated his gag order by repeating on his loser social media what one of the fox lying shitheads said about the jurors in his trial. If this doesn’t put him in the orange jumpsuit I don’t know what will.

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Tomorrow's going to be interesting. I think this is showing that he really is pushing to get jailed, so he can be a martyr to the dumbasses.

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You are probably right. After all, he did compare himself to Nelson Mandela and Jesus Christ. What a fucking moron.

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…right, and to follow Hitler’s playbook.

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Rick Perlstein is a treasure, and thanks for connecting to his piece on that PBS eyewash. I share your disregard for PBS, and feel much the same way ( with greater regret) for NPR. Watching excellence deteriorate is painful, more so when the reason for the deterioration is deliberate surrender to stupidity.

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Exactly right. I used to be happy to give them my money.

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When words fail, the only word left is "Wow."

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Or “MOM”

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As Tom knows and am sure others here know, who have

knowledge of Gettysburg, it

was carnage, not beautiful in

any sense of the word or deed.

Anyone, especially the ladies here, ever wonder why Baron

is the only child of this marriage? 😁

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I'll assume that was a rhetorical question, and I hope for Barron's sake (his mental health and future relationships) that he has been able to make a few "normal" friends despite having tffg for a father and all that entails.

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Ok. Now, that was funny.

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