Finally, I have found my people. Anyone who can write, "...fuckfaced piece of white trash" and make me feel joyful, is a friend. All of this is so true. It's interesting Trump and Maga think Trump has God's hand on him. I guess God didn't care about the man/husband/father murdered. Beyond that it's time to push back hard. Trump is struggling because they don't know how to attack Harris. Sure, we get the usual racist comments, but instead of cowering, we are pushing back. And J D Vance is the gift that keeps on giving. President Biden stepping aside and anointing Kamala has been a total reset. This isn't 2016 and Harris isn't Hillary.

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fortunately, the magas have not had enough time to vilify her! Now ay rationally thinking person realizes the maga attacks are irrational and simply red meat fot the cult!

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It is nice finding a home here, isn’t it? I cannot believe the doubling down that’s going on with my nutbag “Christian” friends.

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The Jesus I grew up with was a humble man who loved everyone. When Jeff Sessions spouted bible verses to rationalize taking children from their parents at the border, I knew these people were lost. They worship the anti-Christ.

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TC is great. You should check out Jeff Tiedrich. He has some great names for convicted felon donald t.


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Shillbilly can f@ck all the way off. I have no kids. I've spent over half of my life in service to this country. USMC service and math professor. One doesn't do those things as a way to get rich.

Shillbilly is a shitbag. I would love to discuss this with him personally.

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Semper Fi!

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I am a childless cat woman who has spent a career in service to others. Over the years I have encountered weird people, most of whom never amounted to much. I think "weird" is a perfect adjective for these sickos who seem to be preoccupied with women's bodies, bedrooms and bathrooms, rape, incest and young girls who end up being trafficked by pedophiles like Epstein, Trump and other white men. "Weird" how so many of them call themselves "Christian."

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"Sickos" is an even better way to describe them.

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Brava! Perhaps the maga males preoccupied as you note, have been rejected by those who serve in the alleged "oldest profession" in a brothel! (I tried to clean up a more vulgar reference!)

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That thought has crossed my mind!

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As a Virginian, thank you for mentioning the MAGA ass-kisser Gov. RedVest, aka "Glenn Youngkin posers who will never live down their submission to Trump." The good news is that in Virginia, governors can serve only one term. We'll elect the wonderful Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-awesome) next year.

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Let's make sure we work to make that happen, Linda!!!

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They are weird in the same way all cults are weird and comprised of broken grovelers and a Big Daddy Grovelee. I attempted to "understand" the magas early on because I know some, but there's little point in extending them sympathy, the benefit of the doubt, or any efforts at discussion. They have their false idol and believe in whatever paradise he's promised them through all the miracles he'll perform "on day one." J.D. Vance is just a sample of what lies ahead if this creep is re-elected.

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"He had prided himself on never having met a public official, a banker, a lawyer, a reporter, or a prosecutor he couldn’t seduce. Some he owned, and others he merely manipulated. As he saw it, it was not just that everyone had a price, it was that he knew what the price was. He believed he could look across a table and compute the price, then move on to another table and borrow the money to pay it. “Everybody tries to get some money” was his assessment in one unpublished interview of what motivates the people he dealt with. It was his one-sentence summary of human nature."

From 1979.

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For such men, if you are female, a person of colour, LGBTQ, a child or in any way unconventional, interested in culture, the environment, philosophies or other intellectual pursuits, you are considered Untermensch to be treated with violent contempt. This demographic constitutes over half the human population, such a belief is a blind spot that will serve to destroy them.

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Trump’s attorney, Roy Cohn.

This says a lot.

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There has never been even one president or vice-president of this country who has given birth. There was one Speaker of the House who did (Nancy Pelosi has children and grandchildren) and she was great, but it's hardly a requirement. Vance is an idiot.

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If you change it to wickedly weird, I might agree. They are so far beyond weird that it beggars description. The Met Gala is weird. The extent of the evil is enough to challenge Shakespeare’s word mastery. It is deliberate and as low as it is possible for them to go. Just a rehash of these years would make a normal politician ashamed beyond words, even old repubs. They have told us what they are and the MSM yawns. May the ghost of Ben Bradlee haunt them.

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It’s all smoke and mirrors. Drama for your Mama. A mash up of daytime TV and Reality TV, both of which are piss poor stand ins for reality. Our job is to make reality real. That’s a pretty weird challenge in itself.

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Smoke and mirrors with reality TV and WWE productions with Jesus thrown in for an Elmer Gantry presentation. I’ll bet that Putin is impressed with the insanity of it all. His old style of authoritarianism is so boring, no entertainment value at all. But chump has flair and gall and hucksterism to the max. Not only is the cult impressed, and Republican losers enthralled, but our MSM is mesmerized. Putin and the oligarch’s are happy to foot the bill.

You have nailed it 100% but what society can deny reality to such an extent. Thanks to Rupert Murdoch for the transformation, but chops to Dems for saying HELL


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I forgot. How is JD Vance on in vitro fertilization? Plenty of people would be childless if IVF weren’t available. If JD approved, they could avoid being childless, right? Otherwise they might become cat ladies and gentlemen.

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He's a'ginnit.

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Of course he is...

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I almost asked “what’s a ginnit?” My bad.

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I laughed out loud, Susan.

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Good! It helps.

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He's against it, of course. The point of MAGA laws against women is not life, or children. It's control.

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Note re: trump/vance/msm) and their tripartite misuse of language, "...The world of language constitutes the human person who is born into it, who is part of it, and who enters it by learning its meaning already shared by all. I can even destroy all common understanding of words, recreating and re-molding every word at my will (see their use of "chrstian/catholic"), rewriting a world in my own image and likeness, but I can only do so by accepting and inscribing myself in rules of a language already given, on pain of speaking a language all and only mine, understood therefore by me alone: this is the image of madness or idiocy in the etymological sense of the term. Speech, the common language, is the first common reason and is one of the indispensable aspects of the common good. Language is the first social category to be recognized, the one in which and from which each individual is given in his or her relations with others; in fact, language is a mirror of reality and not its false image. Reality shapes language and not the other way around…”—A ‘Wise and Discerning People’ and its Legislation," byOttavio De Bertolis, SJ July 22, 2024

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Great quotation. Embracing the variety of linguistic expression is key to the expansion of human health. This is why we need ever more languages and more interpreters of them, not less. The desire for an AI styled One World Esperanto solution is akin to embracing the death of the planet through Holsteinisation of all species and monolithic agri business.

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..." you will never have to vote again"... why is it that his mouthpieces offer a bad bs rationale for what he said?

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TC, have we now entered the wild west for the next 99 days?

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One amazing thing is the fact that Vance's wife has a really impressive resume - I would think far above her husbands. Strange pairing.

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My brother tells me she’s a former democrat. Love does work its magic.

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If Vance’s marriage is indeed a love match she should now intervene and get him to resign for the sake of their children’s emotional well being.

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We have to make this campaign about shared values, blue or red. We have more in common than theMSM would like us to believe. Talk to people. Learn how to talk to people. There are some great groups out there doing just that. Learn from them. I’ll post a couple tomorrow. We are in this together and don’t let any pundit tell you otherwise.🙏

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One wonders why Vance had to re-arrange those couch-cushions. Yuck!

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Shithole Media

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