I really hate that he makes me hate! I wish I believed in hell because he surely deserves to burn! Great post TC!

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I would pay good money to see this a**w*pe go down on one knee irl. He’s older than I am, and I know too well what my own knees won’t do anymore. Stuff stays under my couch *forever*!

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Right? I have to gear up (gel knee pads to mop the floors! 🙄

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Just seeing trump in a praying position is reason enough to know that photo is AI generated!

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Frankly - its disturbing! And then the "impression" that he actually prays to a higher power???????

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PS: Trump preys. He doesn't pray.

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Yeah - the description of prey doesnt fit him - only the people he "preys" upon, right?

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exactly, alas.

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Oh, Maggie, it IS disturbing, as I think the makers of that image meant to be.

And you and I and probably everyone else here knows that he doesn't pray to any higher power, as the delusional man thinks he's the highest power anywhere.

I hope you've gotten over any feeling of being disturbed. If not, I recommending calling or visiting one of your close people and talking until you feel better.

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Considering the "disturbance" the last 8 or 9 years pertaining to this jerk - I think I'll be able to handle it! Thanks anyhow.

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The thing that really sucks about the prayer picture is that his evangelical fans will eat it up and believe that the picture is the real deal.

Speaking of the master's voice, remember that advertisement for, I think, RCA? It showed a picture of a dog sitting in front of a gramophone speaker listening intently to the sound coming out of the speaker. I am not artistically gifted enough to draw the cartoon I am envisioning but if I were, it would show the P.O.S.'s mouth wide wide open with his acolytes sitting spellbound at his feet.

My favorite picture was the one of Melania happily waving at inmate dumbshit.

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That was exactly what I was thinking of when I used master's voice.

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interesting bit of trivia: the RCA (and in Europe, HMV) dog actually had a name...Nipper.

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I remember that dog, you are right, MAGAts are intrigued by every butt fart; the most depressing thing is the nationwide stupidity. It’s not just ignorance; it’s moronic stupidity. I knew that we have more sane people, but they have gamed the system better than Goebbels did. Good question from “somewhere” yesterday. Will the government keep depositing money in our bank accounts the month after the repubs blow up the economy. I’ll ask any MAGAt that I run into that question. They might want to consider what they are asking for…

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I love to see the spreadsheet for his appeals. His brand managers will certainly fade the people in the background. This photo will go right to the top in fundraising , you think? Bet it becomes the equivalent of J F Kennedy pictures in Irish Catholic homes, right next the pictures of Jesus kneeling with baby animals. Framed and a faint halo like shape hovering over his head, that be worth at least $200, shipping not included. Signed, would bring in maximum individual donation, shipping included. I'm thinking of getting into this Go Fund My Delusions racket. Afterall, I have Photoshop 2015 and it worked at Christmas when we removed all the wrinkles from our couple's pictures. 🤔

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I laughed out loud

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I tried to recreate the “pose”. Not easy with the hands and definitely not in any sort of prayer position!

A while back a Trumpite sent me a pic of a “ 73 year-old grandmother spinning en pointe on her

grandson’s head “ I took one look and thought… how could she be so gullible? It was before A1 but helped me realize how easily minds are manipulated..

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Of course he must go to Waco where wackos live - the virus lives several thousand light years in the dirt and grime of the area. I must say I had to laugh at this one: "But in the meantime, El Jefe Del Merde A Loco is actually diving deeper into the Merde A Loco, which is dangerous for everyone." Maybe Jimmy Kimmel will pick up this new moniker. The whole AI thing is quite stunning and of course since this guy has no innate intelligence himself, he has to use something alternative - like alternative facts, a la Kellyeann wacko Conway. OMG! There are too many dumbf****. If only that huge tornado that dropped down in LA area would instead find its way to Merde A Loco. The country might be saved a great deal of anguish. From here in Michigan where the head of the gop, a woman and a woman of color no less, equates red flag laws and any gun laws with that crowd Nazis and the Holocaust. She's sticking by her "guns" and will not retract although there are a few (and I mean a few() goppers having a hissy fit that she said what she said OUTLOUD. So, by some great moment of grace (people voted for dems instead of goppers) Michigan is attempting to become sane. In the meantime, I am waiting for a giant water spout to do the job - at least to get him really wet and blow his toupee to kingdom come.

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Thumbs up! And assorted fingers.

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Brilliant, thanks TC.

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I’ve never seen Melania genuinely happy until waving bye bye to the guy in the orange jumpsuit. And poor junior looks like he ran out of coke.

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Is there a word that is more pathetic than pathetic?

It doesn't matter what happens to Trump as far as Trump is concerned. The worse it gets for him, the more he gets to play the "victim game". He loves it. Because he has never been truly loved. By anyone. Not his mother. Not his father. Not his siblings. No love, no way, nobody. "I am a fool for love" could be his theme song.

Trump has spent 70 plus years trying to gain the approval of a cold hearted , passive aggressive, approval withholding father. And his mother could have been a character in "Frozen". No love, Just ice.

Many people are broken from birth by stupid parents who never should have had children. And that's who he resonates with. People who have been raised by selfish bigots and didn't have the good sense to use a condom. Raised by angry haters. Fake Christians.

Pathetic? Pitiful? Preventable? If there was ever a case for "planned parenthood" here it is. Fred! You could have been more careful!

We best be prepared for Trump 3.0 and 4.0 and 5.0 and on and on until the cheeseburger from heaven stops the music.

I am not a person who insists that one's heritage determines our future. Many fine people have been the products of horrific parenting and stepped up to a higher level of existence. They got educated or inspired by others and became better humans. Not this guy.

Trump is a direct result of a German immigrant whose values and fortune hunting are described in this article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/trump-canada-yukon-1.3235254

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Cheeseburger in Paradise.

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I was going to use that phrase! But I didn't want to ruin the memory I have of a funky beach bar in Tortola that used it as part of their logo. Stanley's on Cane Garden Bay. A tire hanging from a palm. The waves lapping in from the bay. A yummy greasy burger as thin as the cheese on top. Washed down with a Red Stripe.

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I think one Trump sibling, Mary Trump's father, was a decent guy. And I'm not sure about Maryanne Trump Barry, another sibling.

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My group of BIF’s (bad influence friends) love word play ... you might be looking for pathetisad.

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Thanks. So...sad and pathetic. True.

I was also thinking about being pathetic and dangerous and destructive.

Anything in your word play group for that?

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We only did scary once ... leviamothster ... leviathan, behemoth, monster... came about from a wine induced conversation about nightmares ... *shiver* ... we’re much more into finding humor ...

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What word instead of pathetic, Bill?

I’d go with “deplorable” or “wretched”.



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Deliberately deplorably dysfunctional?

Wickedly wontonly wretched has a ring to it.

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Good alliteration with both.

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I love the line about lightning striking him and wonder why it always have to be Lee Trevino who offends the Almighty out there on the fairway.

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Yep, master of lightening sure missed a great chance. Of course, he never did that…

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Thank you TC. I so appreciate the laugh out louds you always provide in your essays. It makes this seemingly neverending nightmare bareable for a moment. I'm a big believer in laughing rather than crying my eyes out or giving myself over to complete rage.

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Total agreement. Laughing at them cuts them down to size, also.

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"Day 5: Trump is still not Arrested"

( a la, " Day25: Buckwheat is Still Dead")

This could go on and on!

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Thanks TC for the lightning strike. Karma is a real problem

for those who pretend to be pious and others who proclaim

despicable individuals were sent

by God. I don't apologize for my

faith. I lost it once but that's a very private matter. I have learned, through my many years,

don't fuck with things you have

no understanding of, 'cause it

will eventually get you, one way

or another, when you least expect it. Lightning has been

known to strike on clear days,

just as you're getting ready to

tee off.😉

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And THAT says it all!!! Good one, Victoria

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I truly appreciate being able to laugh through this scourge. Thanks, TC. Them and their stinking leadershit 🤣. I’ve read rumors that Special Council is furiously gathering evidence and building a case and when enough suits fall ( Stormy Daniels, E. Jean Carroll 4-20?, GA phone call, etc) stepping in and sweeping them up together with their own confidential records case. Any lawyers out there? Is this even possible? And also, that TFG, via all his delay tactics could bring any of these cases before the SCOTUS, which makes me nervous.

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TC... I have questions that I haven’t seen anyone address ... and I have been looking. Recently there was much ado about the Chinese president visiting Putin and Zelensky for peace talks. So he visited Putin. News reports. Did he visit Zelensky? I didn’t see anything. A minute of quiet. Then Russia suddenly ramps up its attack. What really happened there? Why is nobody talking about it?

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Xi did not go to Ukraine. The Russian offensive has been going on since before his visit and any increase in fighting around Bakhmut in the past week wasn't connected to his visit.

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Thanks, TC. My spidey sense … it still has an “off” smell/feel to it … to skip Ukraine … the other country… as pertains to “peace” talks speaks of more dishonesty/misrepresentation…

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Also, the Iraq/Iran thing ... pretty scary...

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