I concur with all of your thoughts re the deeply odious Donald Trump--EXCEPT your suggestion that he be placed in a sea bag and tossed off a bridge. We can’t allow Trump to drag the rest of us down into the mud where Trump lives --and thrives. I am as frustrated as anyone at the snail-like pace of the multiple proceedings against Trump. Giving Donald Trump the legally required “presumption of innocence” offers him a benefit--for the moment--that he truly doesn’t deserve. But abiding by strict principles of fair jurisprudence will leave the mentally-disturbed MAGA crowd with no ability to cry “foul” when the curtain finally comes down for him. And come down it will, despite Trump’s endless, infuriating and ludicrous manipulation of the legal process. That the decent, democracy-adhering majority of Americans are joined together in their denunciation of this criminal--and nearly criminally insane--excuse for a human being is being carefully demonstrated to all Americans and indeed to the world.
Yeah - how they can see all that crap hes done & is doing, & ignore it - continue to believe the s**t pouring from his mouth & believe believe believe! Calling it a cult fits
I love it! The Dunce is prosecuting himself! Now the rule of law needs to be brought to bear on Jared, Eastman, etc. and all the scumbags in Congress who helped him set up his game plan.
I suspect it will not be a week before Trump follows his inner kamikaze and does something to force Judge Chutkan's hand. His method is always to test and push the limits and see how far he can go without consequences. I think this time he will see the consequences.....
The person most responsible for unleashing this human wrecking ball is his father, Fred Trump. He neglected and abused him, at least emotionally, when D. was a small child. He schooled him from an early age in how to be a "killer". Later he sent him to military school, where D. suffered as a plebe and exploited the system to refine his cruelty chops as soon as he became an upper classman. When D. reached adulthood, his father Fred--instead of confining him to psychiatric facility--gave him millions of dollars and loosed him upon New York.
I wish his cult would realize what that actually means. He doesn't care a bit for anyone of them but for the applause.
He is incapable of any empathy perhaps because none was shown to him. That he used them for their vote to get paid by foreign interests... that should be of interest to them.if only they were capable of hearing it.
Donald has had mental health issues forever. To be a 10 year throwing rocks at a baby is unconscionable. So is the parenting that let him get away with such behavior. Trump is a psychopath.
Wayne Barrett, 1979, Village Voice: "He had prided himself on never having met a public official, a banker, a lawyer, a reporter, or a prosecutor he couldn’t seduce. Some he owned, and others he merely manipulated. As he saw it, it was not just that everyone had a price, it was that he knew what the price was. He believed he could look across a table and compute the price, then move on to another table and borrow the money to pay it. “Everybody tries to get some money” was his assessment in one unpublished interview of what motivates the people he dealt with. It was his one-sentence summary of human nature."
Yawn…as usual, trump gets to skate while lesser mortals would be cooling their heels in a cell far way from social media. Just slam his fat orange posterior in a lockup and be done with this BS already. He’s trying his case in the court of public opinion and will taint any jury pool, so enough boundary setting already…slam him in jail now. (But that’s not gonna happen…)
I just don’t get it. What evidence? Where? 2000 Mules? 🤣🤣🤣 Can’t help but notice specifics are pretty damn vague. As far as throwing him off a bridge I’d prefer to see him lose all and suffer.
While some of us hold sandbags in higher estime than the subject of this post, TC, I appreciate your sharing this analysis of tffg's continuing violations of everything and offering a clearly considered solution. Gesundheit.
Raffensperger is a very decent, honorable man, who's suffered some tragedy in his life. After watching that, I hope more than ever to see Trump end up in prison for the rest of his life.
As do I, David. Gabe Sterling, the COO in the office of the SOS, and his family also received threats from Trump’s insane clown posse -- no offense to the musicians of the same name -- and he spoke out publicly about it. These guys are lifelong Republicans. Raffensperger even said after that he’d vote for him again. Both of them did the right thing, and it painted targets on their backs. And that’s to say nothing of what happened to Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss. Jail right now wouldn’t be enough for me, unless it was life in solitary with no press coverage from here to eternity.
If I had my druthers, in solitary, but taken out once a week and stuck in a pillory with people encouraged to throw rotten eggs at him, and other such, and then back into solitary. On the other hand, I'd also like him dead, so that we can forget about him.
TC, you gave Trump 48 hrs after the judges ruling about watching his mouth. 🤣 She will just let him keep digging himself in deeper. Go on Donnie, keep trying to taint that jury pool.
Absolutely. Whatever the guy accuses someone else of doing, he's doing it himself. The sign of a true sociopath. The dog and pony show that went to Georgia also came to Michigan and the gop leadership at the time set it all up to take place in the capital before cameras where little rudy was heard to say, "We don't have proof exactly...we have an idea" - and so it goes. Now there is a gop leader currently serving in the Michigan house making violent suggestions because his wife was one of the FAKE electors who signed papers in Michigan. BTW if you did not see/hear the interview with Judge Michael Luttig tonight on PBS, here is a link. It is on Youtube or you can just copy and paste the link.
Sobering. But a hefty wake up call to get to work defending what democracy and democratic institutions there still are wherever we live and keep gop candidates out of office. BUT really look closely at dems and others. Poor boy Mansion is thinking of leaving the dems (which he did long ago) in order to run as an independent. Of course given that he is playing with No Labels, it would look bad if he moved his chair over to the gop side of the aisle. With "leaders" like Mansion and Cinema, among so many others, we are for sure in deep "poo poo".
I concur with all of your thoughts re the deeply odious Donald Trump--EXCEPT your suggestion that he be placed in a sea bag and tossed off a bridge. We can’t allow Trump to drag the rest of us down into the mud where Trump lives --and thrives. I am as frustrated as anyone at the snail-like pace of the multiple proceedings against Trump. Giving Donald Trump the legally required “presumption of innocence” offers him a benefit--for the moment--that he truly doesn’t deserve. But abiding by strict principles of fair jurisprudence will leave the mentally-disturbed MAGA crowd with no ability to cry “foul” when the curtain finally comes down for him. And come down it will, despite Trump’s endless, infuriating and ludicrous manipulation of the legal process. That the decent, democracy-adhering majority of Americans are joined together in their denunciation of this criminal--and nearly criminally insane--excuse for a human being is being carefully demonstrated to all Americans and indeed to the world.
Roger - we all KNOW that no matter when the curtain comes down or how, the MAGA crowd WILL cry foul - witch hunt etc.
Exactly what I was going to say, Maggie. They believe everything he says...no matter how ludicrous it is.
Yeah - how they can see all that crap hes done & is doing, & ignore it - continue to believe the s**t pouring from his mouth & believe believe believe! Calling it a cult fits
I love it! The Dunce is prosecuting himself! Now the rule of law needs to be brought to bear on Jared, Eastman, etc. and all the scumbags in Congress who helped him set up his game plan.
Absolutely need for these small time mobsters (compared to The Boss) to join him in the Big House where they all belong.........
I suspect it will not be a week before Trump follows his inner kamikaze and does something to force Judge Chutkan's hand. His method is always to test and push the limits and see how far he can go without consequences. I think this time he will see the consequences.....
Bruce, from your lips to God’s ear.
Let's hope and pray Bruce.
The person most responsible for unleashing this human wrecking ball is his father, Fred Trump. He neglected and abused him, at least emotionally, when D. was a small child. He schooled him from an early age in how to be a "killer". Later he sent him to military school, where D. suffered as a plebe and exploited the system to refine his cruelty chops as soon as he became an upper classman. When D. reached adulthood, his father Fred--instead of confining him to psychiatric facility--gave him millions of dollars and loosed him upon New York.
Malignant narcissistic sociopath.
I wish his cult would realize what that actually means. He doesn't care a bit for anyone of them but for the applause.
He is incapable of any empathy perhaps because none was shown to him. That he used them for their vote to get paid by foreign interests... that should be of interest to them.if only they were capable of hearing it.
He’s unhinged and the best is yet to come!
Donald has had mental health issues forever. To be a 10 year throwing rocks at a baby is unconscionable. So is the parenting that let him get away with such behavior. Trump is a psychopath.
Wait, what? What is that story? Really, throwing rocks at a baby?!?!
Yes, really.
what? when? I want to know more about that!
Hey TC, I hope you will be (or are already!) writing a book about all this!!
Wayne Barrett, 1979, Village Voice: "He had prided himself on never having met a public official, a banker, a lawyer, a reporter, or a prosecutor he couldn’t seduce. Some he owned, and others he merely manipulated. As he saw it, it was not just that everyone had a price, it was that he knew what the price was. He believed he could look across a table and compute the price, then move on to another table and borrow the money to pay it. “Everybody tries to get some money” was his assessment in one unpublished interview of what motivates the people he dealt with. It was his one-sentence summary of human nature."
Barrett died January 19, 2017, the day before El Dumbass of Queens was sworn-in. Lucky him. https://medium.com/@kentanderson-17716/the-redemption-of-wayne-barrett-58b2a533319f
Yawn…as usual, trump gets to skate while lesser mortals would be cooling their heels in a cell far way from social media. Just slam his fat orange posterior in a lockup and be done with this BS already. He’s trying his case in the court of public opinion and will taint any jury pool, so enough boundary setting already…slam him in jail now. (But that’s not gonna happen…)
As usual, TC, I'm in the Amen corner........
Stand aside, buddy, stand aside. :-)
I just don’t get it. What evidence? Where? 2000 Mules? 🤣🤣🤣 Can’t help but notice specifics are pretty damn vague. As far as throwing him off a bridge I’d prefer to see him lose all and suffer.
Whatever it takes to Make America Truly Great Again.
While some of us hold sandbags in higher estime than the subject of this post, TC, I appreciate your sharing this analysis of tffg's continuing violations of everything and offering a clearly considered solution. Gesundheit.
That tactic is really wearing thin. On the up side, it's so dependably his doing, It's almost as good as an admission of guilt.
TC…outstanding!!! kudos ✅ Marsha
TC you are a soul with kindness and honor and patriotism ❤️Marsha
Victoria your heartfelt kindness is very appreciated 🌹 Marsha
I’ll let this speak for me. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AbFc9T7KXA0
Raffensperger is a very decent, honorable man, who's suffered some tragedy in his life. After watching that, I hope more than ever to see Trump end up in prison for the rest of his life.
As do I, David. Gabe Sterling, the COO in the office of the SOS, and his family also received threats from Trump’s insane clown posse -- no offense to the musicians of the same name -- and he spoke out publicly about it. These guys are lifelong Republicans. Raffensperger even said after that he’d vote for him again. Both of them did the right thing, and it painted targets on their backs. And that’s to say nothing of what happened to Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss. Jail right now wouldn’t be enough for me, unless it was life in solitary with no press coverage from here to eternity.
If I had my druthers, in solitary, but taken out once a week and stuck in a pillory with people encouraged to throw rotten eggs at him, and other such, and then back into solitary. On the other hand, I'd also like him dead, so that we can forget about him.
dead is good
Are there no sets of "cement boots" left in NYC? Where are the consiglieri (sp?) when we need them. We don't need no stinkin' trial!
TC, you gave Trump 48 hrs after the judges ruling about watching his mouth. 🤣 She will just let him keep digging himself in deeper. Go on Donnie, keep trying to taint that jury pool.
If tRump keeps running his big mouth, he could wind up having a trial before Thanksgiving.
He can definitely end up in an orange jumpsuit by Labor Day.
Tom, from your lips to God’s ear.
That works for me.
Absolutely. Whatever the guy accuses someone else of doing, he's doing it himself. The sign of a true sociopath. The dog and pony show that went to Georgia also came to Michigan and the gop leadership at the time set it all up to take place in the capital before cameras where little rudy was heard to say, "We don't have proof exactly...we have an idea" - and so it goes. Now there is a gop leader currently serving in the Michigan house making violent suggestions because his wife was one of the FAKE electors who signed papers in Michigan. BTW if you did not see/hear the interview with Judge Michael Luttig tonight on PBS, here is a link. It is on Youtube or you can just copy and paste the link.
Sobering. But a hefty wake up call to get to work defending what democracy and democratic institutions there still are wherever we live and keep gop candidates out of office. BUT really look closely at dems and others. Poor boy Mansion is thinking of leaving the dems (which he did long ago) in order to run as an independent. Of course given that he is playing with No Labels, it would look bad if he moved his chair over to the gop side of the aisle. With "leaders" like Mansion and Cinema, among so many others, we are for sure in deep "poo poo".
I’d about give my last dime if it would bend fate toward the ouster of those two, love the monikers