Not only can we beat this guy, we MUST . . . and based on what I'm hearing and seeing in my efforts to help make that happen, one thing MSM is completely missing is just how pissed off and determined a whole lot of American women are at the idea of another Trump presidency -- and the ascendency of Project 2025.

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Women are going to save us this year.

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Well, this one is sure gonna try.

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Yes, as long as the "surrender monkeys (I love your phrase!)" don't convince Joe to step down and then pick some white guy and thus lose for us our hardest working, heaviest lifting demographic, women of color.

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This one is mighty pi$$ed.

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Everybody has a mother! Thank goodness for Harry T. Burn’s, Febb E. Burn, whose positive influence on her son brought to an end the years of struggle and strife to secure women’s suffrage. It’s time once again to show them how it’s done!

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One woman in particular is going to save us this year: Kamala Harris

This is painful to write, but it needs to be said. I share the general sentiment here that the campaign to sideline President Biden has been appalling and dishonorable. But we must also acknowledge the effect that it's had.

John Heilmann on "Morning Joe" today made a sobering point. Though the potential voters' polls remain close, a growing number (more than 75%) no longer believe that Mr. Biden has the physical and/or mental capacity to serve. While we may argue that this is the result of incessant pounding of the anti-Biden drum by media, or the arrogance of big donors, or the cowardice of Democratic leadership -- whatever . . . It doesn't matter. We need to recognize that it's probably true.

And once that impression has taken root, it's indelible. It won't change regardless of what President Biden does.

As we know, the polls continue to show a close race. But it shouldn't be this close. Before the debate, momentum was shifting in our favor. Now it's headed the other way, and there's little reason to expect that to change so long as our candidate is seen as growing weaker.

Difficult as it may be, those of us who've stood loyally by President Biden's side need to recognize that we're losing this battle, before we lose the war. Time is not on our side.

Kamala Harris can change the momentum, and make this an election about the future. A burst of Black Woman Energy can blast that foolish old fat man off the debate stage in September, and lead a Blue Wave in November!


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MSM are spreading falsehoods about the very suspect poll (singular that I have seen, all others are "alleged" or "internal").

At risk of sounding like a nut, I suspect Sino/Russian social "Dem" media bots are spreading and amplifying the teacup storm and that is what MSM have latched onto.

I'd bet real money that 75% of real (registered Democratic voter) people would swear that they'd still vote for Joe Biden if he was in a coma, against Trump.

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I don't know where John Heilmann's claim comes from. (The claim is that more than 75% of voters don't believe President Biden has the physical and/or mental capacity to serve.) But it sounds likely to me.

This isn't about polling the number who will vote one way or another, nor is it about polling the number who prefer one candidate or another. (We've all heard comments from various sources who assert that they'll vote for "Biden on a ventilator" or "Biden's head in a jar" or some version of that.) It's about what Mr. Heilmann calls "attribute numbers"-- that is, the number of voters who believe something about the candidate.

Assuming that most if not all Republicans believe President Biden is physically and/or mentally unfit, only 30% of Democrats and 30% of independents believing the same would establish that the 75% figure is pretty close to accurate. Why it's true is worth noting, but irrelevant at this point. It pains me to say it:

The unrelenting attacks on President Biden's fitness have been effective. And there is nothing he can do to counter the narrative.

We can blame whomever we wish to blame. It's unfair, and loyalty is a virtue to be valued. But denying reality (that the impression of unfitness has taken root) is never a good strategy. Continuing this battle after it's been lost is suicidal.


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I tend to agree with you. I was hopeful until the Covid diagnosis. Even though his symptoms are mild, thank goodness, it's still a terrible blow.

Reality check: Even if Joe stays in the race and wins - as he should!! -- there's a very reasonable chance that Kamala could be called upon to finish his term.

The truth is, it's not up to us, it's up to Joe, and he certainly seems to be under tremendous pressure. My sense now, is that whatever happens, I'll be supporting, writing postcards, and VOTING for whoever has a D by their name. I think Kamala would make a great president, and maybe it's her time. But if that decision is made, we all need to be committed to pivot on a dime, without hesitation, to support the new ticket.

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Want to be more enraged? AOC, God bless her, is vocal for her support for Biden/Harris. She knows who these Judases are. They have no plan AND alot of them don't want Harris! It is up to all of us to be vocal in our support for Joe and Kamala.

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Well, fight back then. Impression of unfitness? Greater than that of an adulterous, pussy grabbing, treacherous thief of national & military secret documents, pathalogical liar, convictected fraudster & felon. Really?

*edit* Polled Republicans are irrelevant, only the independents count really, I believe.

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I share your sense of outrage, Vague. And you are right that only independents count. But that's exactly where the problem lies.

For us, it's hard to imagine that anyone would be indifferent to a Trump presidency, let alone vote for him. But there are so very many who see only "big, strong mean man" vs. "feeble, weak nice man". With no one to vote FOR, they won't bother. That's a loss for us.

I don't like it. I hate it. But I can't not see it.


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Ah the polls, crystal gazing by any other name! As noted in previous comments on various writers newsletters, there is no verification that the responder is in fact a Democrat!

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The debate was a fiasco, I don’t know the reasons for his poor performance, tired, jet lag, sick, whatever. The damage is done. Don’t make it worse. For Christ’s sake, friendly fire is unconscionable. Stand together, or…. Everybody knows the rest

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Jul 19Edited

It may happen that way, though I hope it doesn't.

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You got that right. I can’t think of a more detestable ticket than Trump/Vance. Most women have had it and are rolling up their sleeves and committed to doing the hard work required to defeat these carpetbaggers. Calling Loren Bobbit, wherever you are..

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Jan, these two activists share your/our feelings ! (Both have TC approved language😜)

Danielle Moodie on Instagram to "White Establishment Democrats"


Jess Craven's "Hey White Dudes" message on YouTube.


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Some of you may have seen the interview this morn with Jen O’Malley, Biden’s campaign chair. Biden is IN despite all the media bull@#$& and anonymous sources reporting to the press.She said they knocked on ~100,000 doors and 76% were with Biden. Best poll ever ! I like how she countered some of the IMO ridiculous questions.

Still lots of work to do but Cheatolini just keeps making it easier.✍️📲💲🚶‍♀️👕🛒


And the most insane thing the RNC gave us this week.😂


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Well, lots of activity on the thread while I was busy trying to clear my head and state my thoughts. Here goes. I think I’m seeing a lot of encouraging news in this thread.

Comment: I respectfully disagree with Jerry Weiss that it’s “probably true,” but I do see what started out as <feeling like> a surreal simulation game has unexpectedly and stubbornly — to us common folk anyway — persisted with a deafening drumbeat. Most of us didn’t see it coming and still don’t comprehend, but you’re right that things take hold to the point of resisting — or even stonewalling — eradication.

But I believe it’s Emerson who said “a weed is simply a plant whose virtue has yet to be discovered.” Akin to making lemons into lemonade. If we continue down this path, it has to be Kamala. Needs to be Kamala. Lots of significant reasons (the campaign funds chest, for one) and she’s absolutely capable of victory.

Push aside the 14 million “Go Biden!” votes of the primary electorate to “pick some white guy” (TLMills’ comment above)??!

Even the thought flies in the face of democracy, so… where are we today? What time is it? As the clock ticks, one thing for sure, it’s definitely time to take stock, organize and unite in a healthy, productive, hope- and action-based commitment to win this thing! We can, and we will!

Borrowing words from Jerry Weiss above,

the “media, or the arrogant donors, or the cowardice of democratic leadership” had better take a moment and look down at their shoes to see the grass beneath their feet, to know that the grass has roots… The grass is no greener anywhere than what’s under their feet. It’s healthy. It’s doing its job! It’s us! Pay attention! We’re on the same side of the fence and we must win this. We CAN win this! We WILL win this!

But the public spectacle of dithering doomsayers, a spectrum of counterproductive flailing to navel gazing, needs to stop!

We are capable of working together constructively, respectfully including ALL voices. I’d like to think that’s what we ALL want, all along, right? RIGHT? Feel free to take note and chime in, Joe! We love you! We believe in you!

And even last night, I saw on YouTube a reporter needling Nancy Pelosi to explain her outlook, and (wait for it!) whether she meant to or not, she literally said she believes Biden can win, can beat Trump!


(after which she declined to say more because she wasn’t about to continue in the hallway with someone she’d never met before. She literally stopped in the hallway and asked the reporter if she was speaking English plainly enough, that she would say no more, and then she walked away.)

This was all on a short YouTube Reel.

I’d like to think it was authentic. It was extremely heartening, actually.

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It occurs to me today that the brief reel showing Pelosi might not be current, but I only saw it last night for the first time, Took it as current, but I don’t know how those things are time stamped so I could be wrong. Hmmmm.

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I wish that were true in Texas

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Jul 19Edited

The bar is so low. Biden can show--and is showing he is by far the able person in the room. I'm so sick of the Biden Must Step Down clique. I'm in the Shut Up And Get Busy Promoting and Supporting Our President's Ticket clique.

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Joe Biden’s superpower is his ability to connect with ordinary people like you and me. He is refreshingly normal and funny. Forget the stutter and listen to what he has to say. Kamala Harris is as brainy as they come. Don’t underestimate her. This has been a winning team for the majority of Americans. I suggest we all go watch Ted Lasso and Parks and Rec again. We’d all feel better. As a friend of mine’s father said when she and her sister were arguing , “Damnit, be pleasant.”

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This despite, years and years of Fox denigrating Joe in every way, and his children, and his dogs. He is not perfect, but he beats the devil by any measure

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Same here MJ

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Biden won more votes than any President in 2020. And if we all pull together - send messages to the WH via their contact page and leave messages on both D Senator and Rep lines, I believe we will make a difference. Beyond that all the networks have feedback lines although CNN is taking theirs down. I realized a long time ago the only thing the MSM cares about is revenue. In their own way they are doing voter suppression because they rarely call out Trump...or they lie. All we have to do is get Joe and Kamala across the line. If Joe resigns down the line, so what. She will be President.

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Yay! Time to shut up the mumbling, vacuous pundits and get to work!

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Of course the orange mobster wanna-be can be beaten.

The Dem's need to come together on this. We need to focus on beating Trump at the ballot box, and we're gonna need everyone.

I'm not asking for your support of Biden (He's got mine). I'm asking for you to vote against Trump and Project 2025. That's all.

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That strikes me as the most rational approach rather than further dividing Dems. Joe saved us from Trump once, and he can do it again, but if he opts out I'm sticking with the Dems/Allies against the AxisAutocrats all the way up and down the ticket and have been working against the evil they represent since February and will be at the polls.

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I don’t think we need to apologize about being pro-Biden.

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I'm losing respect for people I thought were friends, in as much as one can call one a "friend" on F*ckbook. Time for some more cuts.

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The last 8 years has seen a lot of that.

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Exactly! I remember the wife of a college friend who voted for 45, and then posted a selfie with his name on it. Mind you, she & college friend have two daughters (very young at the time). She had the temerity to get mad that people were calling her out on it. One friend (who has since quit FB for various reasons) ripped her a new one. I cut her loose and will cut a few more loose today.

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But lately it's my no-Joe friends who are SO certain. But do they have a candidate? No. Just magical thinking. Some friendships are mightily strained. But I'm not backing down.

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Yes. I've cut more than a few of those. "But who takes his place?" No answer other than fantasy football league picks.

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That's the Crystal Ball clique.

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The Biden Administration has done more for Americans than any administration in recent memory and Joe Biden has led that. What team dumps a winning coach?

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I know it's happened a lot, but in my case, there's no one in my orbit who'd ever vote for TFF. I have that one Italian friend whose whole deal is conspiracy theories (and needling me to throw him out, which I do) but he claims to hate TFF.

there was one person on FB, an extremely beautiful woman I barely knew, who told me she was a TFF supporter and I told her to go fuck herself. tact has never been my strong suit. that was a joke.

my sister has very rich friends in her new Boca digs who support TFF, but I haven't spoken to her in nine years and never will again, so...

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Some see money at tax time. Hard to argue with green when it’s headed for your wallet. Besides if you have it, no migrant can get it. The Christian paradox

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Great headline that jumps out and grabs you!

Energizes an appetite for victory!

Beyond possibility, it’s doable!

And you know what? It’s TRUTH!

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My thoughts exactly - who the f*ck would want to elect the Nazis? Because people with signs and chants for mass deportations are exactly that. Along with abortion rights, project 2025, and a host of other really unpopular policies.

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Jen O'Malley's turn on Morning Joe was certainly ice water in the face of the surrender caucus in the Democratic Party - shades of railroading Al Franken out of the Senate without so much as a single hearing..... Here's the thing - these early polls are nearly useless - they sometimes do show trends (as we clutch our pearls) but this early they almost all ignore (or don't even reach) the people who are likely to decide this election, as they have for the past 50 years - independent voters. Not people like me, who are "independent" but tend to vote for one party's candidates most of the time - the real independents who may vote for either party in any given election. They usually do not really engage with politics until both party conventions are over - thus late August or after Labor Day. Without the independent voters, the polls we've seen so far are not at all accurate, and the raw material these days (since so many voters do not answer unknown number phone calls) tends to be skewed conservative and so they sometimes use algorithms to adjust the results. Much of the current suicidal brouhaha will turn out to be the result of early inexact polling leavened with disinformation from Republican operatives, Russian troll farms and God knows who else who does not want Smokin' Joe back in office. Is this how democracy dies - in a mess of pottage ginned up by the unholy cabal of political dirty tricksters and a mainstream media too dumb and self-absorbed to realize that it is abrogating its most important job, the job that got it a special mention in the First Amendment.....? Damn well better not happen on my watch - we've got a democracy to save.....

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I’m still pissed about Al

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Biden and his administration have been spectacularly successful so of course his enemies would like to see him defeated. As for Kamala—weak men can’t stand strong, brainy, beautiful women.

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Here's a video from Peter Zeihan on this subject.....


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So very well said sir. Thank you.

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I would be one of those Independents. I have voted for Republicans in the past until they got infected with brain worms. But I know bullshit when I see it and the push Joe aside group is trying to gaslight Joe and us. Obama, the feckless D's and the MSM can kiss my ass. Sorry, I've had too much caffeine today. :)

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There is a very interesting detail I just realized - most of the people who are trying to get Biden to drop out are from the entrenched neoliberal wing of the Democratic Party, as were the Clintons. They may have professional and political ties to people who are not necessarily happy with Biden's emphasis on making the rich pay a fair share and helping to fund a new 'Great Society'..... The irony for me is that if workers had been treated fairly thus far by the "masters of the universe", salaries would be twice what they are and our economy would be the strongest and healthiest in the world, with vastly lower national debt to boot. Sounds good to me, but maybe not everyone in this game.....

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Obama is the guy behind the curtain. I believe Rick Wilson. And it all makes sense. Obama and George Clooney are close friends. I mean who really gives a damn about an actor but nonetheless the media had an orgasm. The pressure kept being applied. And you would think after seeing Trump riffing on Orban and Hannibal Lector, they would come to their senses. It's not happening because they're mad Joe won't bow to Obama. They are the gift to Trump that keeps on giving.

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That is very interesting and also very disappointing. Also interesting is the fact that Peter Zeihan does not think much of Obama as president and thinks that in the longer term, Obama will not be rated nearly as highly as he may be now.

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He followed W. Gave him many extra points from me. Joe followed chump, he looked like a genus, and lo, he performed like one. Obama had the Repubs nipping at his heels every hour of every day. That he wasn’t murdered is a miracle. The venom was palpable in Texas. But Joe is a white, Christian male, so Rupert had to change the game. Dems don’t have to buy the bull Schitt, although it seems that they like to taste.

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I think my favorite sentence in this encouraging article starts with "We can beat this senile old nutbag."

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I bow to Ana Navarro, who said it well. Joe Biden on his worst day--i.e., the debate--makes more sense than Pol Potbelly does on his best day. Actually, I could say the same about Biden in contrast with any republican.

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“Like Michael Steel kept saying last night, what the hell is wrong with Democrats that they think they can’t beat the Donald Trump who made a 93 minute ramble though his favorite bullshit?”

Why would Schiff and Pelosi’s entertain the idea that Biden/Harris can’t beat Trump?

Why get all up in arms over it? We need to know more.

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He's a conman. Always has been, always will be. People fucked up in 2016. See, every election, people vote for 'the lesser of.' They berated McGovern, mocked Mondale, drove Kitty Dukakis to booze, laughed at Gore, Swift-Boated Kerry and railroaded Hilary. We can't let that happen with Biden (or whoever replaces him). Trump's an old man, just like Biden. Nolan Finley of The Detroit News called Biden 'selfish.' I don't know a person who isn't. And, if Biden's selfish, Trump is avaricious. Beyond greedy. He's ill-tempered, mean and doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but himself. I tend to agree with everything you and everyone I read on here, but we need to fucking get our shit together and either give money or help out in any way possible.

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The Dallas News published a front page picture of Trump with the headline "Trump emphasizes Unity". My husband and I had a good laugh. Dallas is a very pro-Trump town, but this was pretty bad. This is why our fascists overlords here try so hard to suppress votes in the Houston/Harris County area - all Dem country.

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It’s probably why the DMN won’t print my letters anymore…

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I’ve resisted commenting during this deplorable Dem “wring one’s hands about the candidate that 14 mil Americans voted for in the primaries, but honestly, TC, I just don’t get it. Why is there ANY need to change anything? Kamala is already on the ballot, our vote for Biden-Harris is a vote for democracy and another 4 stellar yrs from a wonderful Executive branch administration. If Pres Biden needs to step down at any time during the next 4 yrs, VP Harris is right there to be sworn in. Why needlessly smirch a Dem ticket whose strength lies in Biden/Harris gathering the most votes possible from every demographic that favors both, or any issue that many young voters are voting for including reforming the dastardly Supreme Court.

The pundits need to calm the f*ck down and stay out of the narrative. It’s ridiculous.

Of the people, By the people, For the people. There is a proven team on the proposed ballot that believes that. And a team that does not. Why change anything? What utter nonsense.

Salud! 🗽

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Brava, Christine!!!

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I'm jumping on late, but I have found over the years Rick Wilson is usually right. I talked with him at a book signing in 2020, and if I was in a fight, I would want him on my side. He has written more than once that Obama is behind the push to make Biden step aside. This tracks true to me. And as Rick wrote today, these Obamastans think they hit a triple when the fact is they were born on third base. They made a mistake doing this publicly. And now they sound like petulant children jumping up and down because Biden won't step aside. AOC is calling them out. She's behind Biden/Harris and says these dems don't have a plan. They're like chicken little! But she did share some of them don't even want Harris. I would believe AOC. What a gift to Trump. The media is too stupid to focus on Trump and Project 25. As for the polls. I don't believe they're factual. I sure as hell don't answer polls. And some people lie. I know. I'm shocked. By the way the last time Obama pushed Biden aside in 2016 for Hillary, we got Trump. This will probably go on to the Dem convention. And if it does, I believe Joe will get the nomination.

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I stopped believing Obama could walk on water in the summer of2009, watching the administration shut down the grass roots campaign that put them in office, then following up in 2010 by only contesting "winnable" races (thank you Rahm Fuckass Emmanuel, you shitbird) so we lost the majority in a decennial year that allowed the Republicans to run the reapportionment process, which put us behind the 8 ball where we still are 14 years later. I will never ever vote for an inexperienced amateur for office again. And the Davids - Axelrod and Plouffe - can not so cordially go to hell now.

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Yes to this - 100%. I saw a tweet from Andy Ostroy slamming Rep. Adam Smith. Apparently this guy said "Kamala Harris needs to earn it". WTF. She is the VP of the United States. As to Obama, he was obviously behind Axelrod's knifing of Biden and the Republican Never Trumpers jumped on. It's probably surprising to Obama that "good Ole Joe" is pushing back.

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Glad to see we're both on the same page, Rita Parker. You can't go wrong being on the same side as a solid Texas lady.

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Thanks, TC!

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I refuse to be angry with any Dems no matter their opinions about the ticket. Team work is what gets things done. We might not yet know which general will lead us, but we sure as hell know who the enemy is, and we must do our best to see that these bad faith pseudo-Americans never get their hands on power. As Tom's friend Dick Best said when there is disturbance and disarray, "Fly the (G-d) plane." (G-d for editorial emphasis.)

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I won’t join the comments about Obama, having seen the vitriol he endured every hour of every day from all quarters. He was not perfect, but he was competent and in a sane world could have showed his strengths.

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And he tossed Biden under the bus in 2016 in favor of Hillary. Given he was also the guy who chose Rahm Emmanuel to sabotage his administration, why are we supposed to listen to his political genius a second time about Joe?

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Didn’t know it was him. At first I thought Rahm was a go getter. Misjudged him as I did McNamara decades earlier. Live and learn, hopefully. But I guess presidents can misjudge as well, just with more dire consequences.

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good re-post.

the only problem I have with it was Kuo's slandering of five-year-olds, many of whom are way hipper than TFF on his best day.

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