Somebody give him a bucket of fried chicken to choke on so he'll shut up. 😈

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Screw all this worry and concern and pussyfooting around about what Trump's people may do at his behest if the son of a bitch is indicted, regardless of what the charge may be now or in the future. And I do sorely hope there are indeed charges in the future appropriate to the crimes he has so obviously committed.

I say to each and every one of them...bring it, if you think you've got it in you. Have your rally in Waco; fill your empty bellies hungering for a fight with the *courage* of your leader, for he'll be behind you all the way. Literally. Like the ever-brave *leader* he is.

And empty your wallets into his pockets like the saps you are. You ain't gonna' need that dough where you'll likely end up if you're that stupid. After all, Waco worked out really, really well for that Koresh guy and his dupes, didn't it?

We should either have the backbone as a country to indict, arrest and prosecute the bastard, let the chips fall where they may and deal with it, or just drop the notion of this being a nation of laws and not men, and praise the Lord and pass the fuckin' ammo.

Sorry. Assholes with guns don't scare me anywhere near as much as a country and government without a spine.

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Indeed well said.

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We are dealing with the slipperiest, slimiest slug our New York mafia has ever produced. This country IS a nation of laws, and our Department of Justice, along with the New York and Georgia courts, are demonstrating the courage and careful competence needed to convict the scum. "When you strike at a king you must kill him."

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And it doesn't hurt (much) to have another round up of his brown shirts locked up before the orange blob is behind bars.

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very well said.

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Bravo! A well crafted rant!

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Master con artist and Machiavellian evil, through and through. With the money to buy a reputation right out of a fictional best seller. And, not to forget, the mob connections. What’s not to love about this reincarnation of the worst of humanity. Yes, he has his little fingers on the pulse of America’s political party gone rogue. Japan won’t save us this time…

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I can’t wait until he’s in a soundproof room somewhere and I don’t have to hear him anymore. I’ve never understood the allure, even before all this. He’s never come across as bright when ever I saw him on anything on TV... talk show, news clip ... I never watched his shows. Overblown ego, condescending, sexist... those were obvious and reinforced every time he opened his mouth. And he’s only gotten slimier. For a glimmer of hope, we’ll have 2m more Gen Z voters in 24 than we had in 22 midterms. I’m guessing they’re down about 2m from actual thinking Republicans leaving the party and science deniers dying. The media all around is a problem... even left leaning media, which is frustrating. And maybe all those gun toting MAGAs will just get together one day and start shooting each other up ... we can hope.

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The big undercurrent here is the call to "take our nation back"---a loud shout to the militias waiting for the signal. No wonder NYC (and more I hope) is a hotbed of preparations for safety and security. Good way to put it TC--the Waco event may be larger that anyone can imagine -- almost a week to prepare, get the camper scrubbed up, by some new Trump paraphernalia, and hit the road for a trip to the great Southwest (well almost the great Southwest....) A bumpy ride this week. Hope we're going to have the Grand Jury barrage..... The right wing is certainly gearing up, and getting billion dollar donations, for the upcoming state and local culture wars---frightening.

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"the Grand Jury barrage" ✅

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Nah! Can never scrub the ‘stench’ from the camper!

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The old tub of shite is at it again.

INCITEMENT! And grifting off of


Want to place bets McCarthy won't get re-elected 😁 With

Pelosi and Newsom influence

and a few others, his goose is

well done.

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He's from Bakersfield. There aren't enough Democrats in Bakersfield to form a Minyan.

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Evan though he has done! nothing for the people of Bakersfield and Kern county!

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I Laughed Out Loud.

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Can you imagine having to live with that guy’s brain? Or near it?

Oh, the Waco event should read March 24, not October, though it feels like it’s taking forever.

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Thanks, edited.

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As of today, he has been re-platformed on Facebook. Boo hiss.

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You though Widdle Markie was any better than Elon Muck?

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FB aka Meta is a mess. His virtual reality missed the AI bus. Now he is jettisoning a multi billion dollar boondoggle.

Sounds like Zucki needs eyeballs desperately. Hence bringing back Mussolini/Trump.

Maybe Mark should return to Harvard and get that degree.

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Fortunately, there are still many helpful groups on Facebook, whether they be storytelling groups or natural history groups or photography groups or birding groups, etc., in which there are brilliant, helpful, interesting people.

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I agree. I'd hate to have to do without The English Shepherd Society.

and there's always the magnificently brilliant Bunny (the Old English Sheepdog/Standard Poodle mix whose communication skills are almost terrifying), but I think Bunny's videos are available elsewhere.

and I still like occasionally seeing when old students have kids, etc. but the old, more stimulating exchanges on FB are very much a thing of the past.

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Yes, when Cleaver and some notable others were there.

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Mim, agreed. This is quite true for many people. At one time I enjoyed FB to explore all things horticulture with various communities. I took a FB break mostly for lack of screen time. I needed more hours with my hands in the Earth and Substack is my social media priority.

That being said, I think a smart society would consider venues like FB and Twitter to be public domains rather than letting them be run egoists with more money than anyone should have. Not sure how that would be accomplished. But letting a single human have that much power and influence inevitably takes us down bad paths.

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I step down only the helpful, informative, friendly, beautiful paths on Facebook and Twitter. I ignore ads on both in an attempt to not support either abhorrent owner.

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True! But the decision is based on the insatiable pursuit of Greed!

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Makes me proud to have been banned…

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That foul odor permeating the air over this country is produced by the greed seeping out of the pores of the parasites who run Facebook! Like faux talking heads crowd, feed the audience what they want even if it is toxic!

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All fodder for his martyrdom!!! He will milk this.

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The Stop-the-Stealers and wingers came after Michigan and our Dem governor, and after the 2022 election we now we have a Dem House, Senate, and Governor after miserable decades of GOP control. It goes to show Americans don't like other folks' dogs pooping in their yards. Let the Neo-Bundists have their gathering in Waco and let Abbott handle any fallout, including the lingering odor of sulfur.

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“Indicting Trump will be challenging and difficult for the nation.”

Nothing is more difficult than living during his occupation of the White House!

He’s has has the mind, guile and actions of criminal thug! He has always behaved as a criminal thug!

That he was POTUS is a stain on our national fabric which continues to have very serious repercussions here and around the globe!

Are we a nation of laws? Is no one above the law!? The equivocating over indicting him MUST stop!

Solitary confinement on Guantanamo is too good for his amoral existence!

Polls, polls, polls! Ugh! While the white nationalist evangelicals may be decreasing in population size, the Latino evangelicals are filling in the ranks of those who give their allegiance to authoritarian organizations! For evidence read the statistics from the 2020 presidential election which clearly indicate an increase in that population who voted for the amoral trump!

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Cornered rats are always the most dangerous...and if wounded? Downright terrifying.

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The only,thing he knows is bullish!+!

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