Friday night, Trump posted this on his Lies Anti-Social:
“It has been determined that Google has illegally used a system of only revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J Trump, some made up for this purpose while, at the same time, only revealing good stories about Comrade Kamala Harris. This is an ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, and hopefully the Justice Department will criminally prosecute them for this blatant Interference of Elections. If not, and subject to the Laws of our Country, I will request their prosecution, when I win the Election and become President of the United States.”
He’s not even pretending anymore.
Last Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a very interesting hearing, the title of which was: “‘When the President Does It, That Means It’s Not Illegal’: The Supreme Court’s Dangerous Immunity Decision.”
Philip Lacovara who - along with Richard ben-Veniste and Jill Wine-Banks - was one of the young lawyers in the employ of Watergate special prosecutors Archibald Cox and Leon Jaworski, gave the following testimony at that hearing:
“Quoting a couple of snippets from comments by some of the Framers that they wanted to have a ‘vigorous’ and ‘robust’ presidency is transparently result-oriented. Of course, the Framers wanted a strong presidency. Indeed, historians agree that they had General George Washington in mind as their model; not surprisingly, he became the first president. But a strong president is not necessarily a criminal president. Not a word in the debates surrounding the drafting of the Constitution or in text that they framed suggests that any of the Framers expected that a president could be ‘vigorous’ enough and ‘energetic’ enough only if licensed to commit federal crimes.
‘The majority had to concede that, “unlike the Speech and Debate Clause immunity,” which the Framers carefully crafted in Article I, Section 6, to provide members of Congress with some limited immunity for engaging in some legislative acts, it is “true” that “there is no ‘Presidential immunity clause’ in the Constitution.” But it is misleading to imply that the Framers simply overlooked this issue or forgot about the possibility that there might be a criminal president one day. Instead, they actually addressed that issue, and the text of the Constitution demonstrates that the Roberts Court simply defied the Framers’ fundamental judgment that a president who uses his office to commit crimes is fully answerable in a criminal prosecution.
“The Constitution declares that the “President . . . shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” (Art. II, Sec. 4). Like treason and bribery, these other “high crimes and misdemeanors” may be statutory crimes as well as abuses of office. The Impeachment Clause expressly states that, even after impeachment by the House and conviction by the Senate, any person, including the president, “shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgement and Punishment, according to Law.” (Art. I, Sec. 3) (emphasis added). This “nevertheless” clause was intended to preclude an argument that the Double Jeopardy Clause would bar criminal prosecution after a Senate conviction.
“Of course, there is the immediate risk that former President Trump will escape otherwise just punishment for crimes allegedly committed in 2020-2021. There is the further, near-term risk that, if he is reelected, he will take advantage of this newly created immunity and exercise this “license to kill” vigorously and energetically. But more is at stake. This ruling – until repudiated at some point in the future – will be available to future presidents. It would be nice to think that there will never again be a president who is tempted to use criminal immunity to pursue what he considers “official” actions. But I know from my experience during the Watergate affair that it would be folly to assume that every president will voluntarily refrain from abusing power available to him, even when it involves committing federal crimes. As I mentioned, the Framers understood that persons who occupy high office in government, including the presidency, are not any more likely to be “angels” than any other mortals.
“Richard Nixon abused his powers to punish his political enemies by setting the Internal Revenue Service on them. He used his control over executive agencies, including the CIA, to interfere with the investigation into responsibility for the Watergate break-in. He misused his senior White House aides to orchestrate a campaign of bribery and subornation of perjury to obstruct the Watergate coverup investigation. Except for Ford’s pardon, he faced prosecution for those crimes. Under the Trump Immunity ruling, however, a future Richard Nixon could replicate those crimes with impunity.”
Trump is telling us what crimes he intends to commit when he re-enters the White House and destroys this constitutional democratic republic, supported by the traitors on the Unsupreme Court and in the Confederate White People’s Treason and Sedition Party, aka what used to be the Republican Party, and the otherwise-unemployable low achievers of the upper middle class in the DC Press Corpse and their corporate masters.
Of course Trump would think as he does about this. The reason he got fact-checked the way he did in the September 10 debate with Kamala Harris is that everything he says is a lie. The reason Google returns “bad stories about Trump,” is because he constantly says and does Bad Things.
Google has said it does not manipulate search results to benefit a particular party. “Both campaign websites consistently appear at the top of Search for relevant and common search queries,” the company said in a statement.
Still, conservatives have long complained that Google’s search results unfairly favor Democrats. The right wing Media Research Center - run by the raving lunatic L. Brent Bozell III (he has been p[hotographed literally foaming at the mouth), who channels is lunatic father - which bills itself as a media watchdog for conservatives, has previously issued reports claiming Google helped Democrats.
This month, Trump threatened in another Lies Anti-Social post to pursue criminal charges against any lawyers, donors, political operatives and a range of other people who he believes engaged in supposed election fraud against him if he wins the presidential election in November.
One wonders what his response will be to “Athletes for Kamala Harris,” launched yesterday with co-chairs Thomas Booker, Magic Johnson, Billie Jean King, Steve Kerr, Ali Krieger, Candace Parker, Doc Rivers, Dawn Staley, Ali Truwit and Chris Paul. This morning, 15 NFL Hall of Famers announced a joint endorsement of the Harris-Walz presidential ticket, praising Vice President Kamala Harris’s “vision of Democracy, Freedom, American world leadership, and equal education and equal opportunities for all Americans.”
Among those who are listed on the endorsement are Emmitt Smith, the all-time NFL rushing leader who won three Super Bowls with the Dallas Cowboys in the 1990s; Calvin Johnson — known by fans as “Megatron” during his time with the Detroit Lions; and Alan Page, one of two defensive players to win the MVP award. The others included Mel Blount, Kellen Winslow, Andre Tippett, Marv Levy, Drew Pearson, Kenny Houston, Jan Stenerud, Calvin Johnson, Robert Brazile, Willie Roaf, Mike Haynes, Elvin Bethea and Ron Mix.
Magic Johnson wrote: “I’m so happy to be a part of Athletes for Harris. I have known Vice President Harris for over 25 years, and you can count on her to deliver on what she says she is going to do. She’ll be a President for all people, no matter the race, language, sexual orientation, or party line. She showed all of us — and showed the world — that she was ready to be President, how smart she is, and her plan for the country in that debate. We are not going backwards; we are moving forward. For all of the athletes out there, don’t be afraid to use your platforms – we need all of you to get involved. Share this with your friends that Vice President Harris has an agenda that will move the country forward. The Magic Man is on board.”
Let’s see Trump indict these guys.
37 days to defeat this treasonous motherfucking monster.
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All he does now is work the refs; he’s not running for office any more, he’s laying the foundation for a coup.
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