Trump is the ultimate dumb ass. I have known a few. Unfortunately he knows how to manipulate the media. Street smart but other wise not so savvy. Or he wouldn’t be scrambling for cash. SMH

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Trump has a low IQ. He has had the benefit of a lifetime of counseling by crooked lawyers—the nastier, the better in his eyes; that’s what he emulates, those are his role models. Breaking the law, getting away with it and using the legal system to extract vengeance is Trump’s favorite pastime. He thrives on that like flies on dog doo. No lawyer measures up to THE DON, as Roy Cohn, his mentor. And, my, he does love the immersion experience of bullshitting with Russian mobsters.

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Thank you Tom. An accurate account of the half witted (being generous here) painting himself into the corner he can't lie his way out. According to Mary L. Trump's book, Grandma Trump was more cypher than dominatrix, Grandpa ruled the roost with an iron fist, destroyed his eldest son, Fred, and bullied and coddled Donnie into the misfit loser he has always been.

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When Daddy KKK wasn't around, Mommie Dearest fucked with sonny-boy's head. It's why he hates women.

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Not only that, Mommie did not protect the boy from the cruelties of the father, making her as culpable as the ugly father.

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That's sad and weird. This whole saga is that way. But still, Republicans support this creature and are vying to be his running mate. A sad, sordid story all the way around. What must this be doing to his son? Or is the entire family so damaged they can let this roll off them?

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Barron has joined "the family." Like his half-siblings, he's been appointed a Trump delegate from Florida to ther GOP convention and the hagiographers are already praising his intelligence, his sports victories and his political knowledge. As Rick Wilson said, he's now added to the target list.

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Since he was a child, I have thought "now there goes someone to watch". Despite whatever family dynamics may have done to Donald, I believe he was born with certain characteristics by nature that made him fertile ground for nurture to twist. The Trumps' scion is also, by report, likely to have some processing and personality characteristics that may incline him to become very much of a monster similar to his father. Not doom him, but enable him to accommodate his nurture in socio-culturally distressing ways.

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I thought the same thing. Now Barron can be on the media's radar. By playing a public role at the Republican "convention," Barron will become a public figure. I'm surprised Melania agreed to Barron's public role.

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It turns out she didn't. A couple hours ago Melania's account said that while Barron is honored to be chosen, his schedule this summer is too busy for him to participate.

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That's hopeful.

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I read somewhere that Melania has been very protective of Barron, keeping him away from the sperm donor as much as possible.

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Well, neither of them would deserve a parent of the year reward - and it continues. I certainly wouldn't rate Donnie as a decent parent either.

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He was just the sperm donor.

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on the open market, who would consider paying for said sperm?

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I think the jury is going to surprise everyone. Don Farticus having his lawyer try to slut shame Ms. Daniels didn't go over well at all with average New Yorkers. What a lot of people seem to forget is that these are the same people who routinely tossed mob guys in jail for decades. This amoral, classless, insecure, pitiful excuse for a human being is in for a very big shock when he's convicted and his appeal is denied.

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In fact, Ms. Daniels did an amazing job on Trump and his lawyer.

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I'm grateful for your summaries and gonzo analyses of legal events that the US should shudder in shame over. How did a country once seen as a beacon standing tallest on the globe ever succumb to the insipid predations and idle promises of an urban gadabout and international playboy wannabe and make him President. Of course he was aided and abetted by a political party that was still chafing from eight years of leadership by a refined black man who tried to work with them only to have his hand slapped by the petulants whenever he extended it across the aisle. And you can be sure they would never abide a woman in that role. Then came Biden, reminding them of Obama, and their anxiety just would not subside, so they found a guy so white he has to wear orange makeup so as to be visible at all. And they got him elected despite his erratic incompetence, unfounded arrogance, and abject lack of honor. We watched him take the country with him through Dante's Nine Circles of Hell, starting with lust and ending with his treachery on January 6th. And now his party of immoral capitulites are throwing him at the country again. In the end, Tom, I doubt that his self-incrimination will be enough to get a conviction that will stick. He will never see the inside of a jail unless his visits one of his friends, employees, or hitmen incarcerated there. He is untouchable because Americans like the way he thumbs his nose at the universe with impunity. The only hero in all this post-45 fallout so far is E. Jean Carroll. She's got my vote.

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I think this jury is going to surprise you. Remember, they're close enough to him to smell the urine in his diapers.

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Not just urine, I wager.

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You are usually wise about such matters, so I defer to your reasoned hunch. But I reserve the right to jump up and yell "dammit" should the need arise.

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Yes, there is that.

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“…a guy so white he has to wear orange makeup.” So flipin’ true.

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Well said. And if there ever was a walking, talking case against the superiority of White Men, Donald Trump is it. There is that old off-color joke that goes: Who are you going to believe, the blond with the big tits or Stormy Daniels? It has been a long and tawdry week indeed. I hope everyone gets a little fresh air over the weekend. Happy Friday🧜🏽

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I laughed at that.

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“…a guy so white he has to wear orange makeup.” So flipin’ true.

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Everything Trump touches dies, but my MAGAt Shenandoah County VA school board is resurrecting the Lost Cause and the Confederacy, with cheers from the racist stay-heres and Trumpian come-heres who've found their marks. We're having a very bad day.

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Yeah, I read about that. Regarding the rural south, Faulkner was right: "the past never dies. It's not even past."

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I know you are and I understand there is already a groundswell among activists in Shenandoah County to reverse the racist renaming of the schools. I wish you all luck.

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The move by the Shenandoah County school board was returning to the Lost Cause bullsh*t. The real fact is the both Robert E. Lee and Turner Ashby were traitors. I grew up in eastern NC in the 60's and 70's. Only as an adult have I learned some of the real history of the state and the country. It wasn't pretty. Mostly mythology, being cloaked as history, has been taught in school.

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All the top tier legal teams in the country wanted nothing to do with representing trump in court because he is the worst client when it comes to listening to their advice and paying his legal fees, so what he’s got now are the dregs of that profession, which is what he deserves. And the fake front of his is finally being destroyed by women, which must be the most galling aspect of what he’s going through now. If he had just remained a private citizen, he could have continued his grubby conman existence, but his unrestrained id and damaged ego made him go for what he considered the ultimate scam, but now he’s the poor sap of a dog that finally caught the car he’s been chasing, only thing is that it’s starting to back up and he’s still latched on to the bumper…and he can’t let go…

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Thanks for this report. A client who runs the case for his lawyers is ill-advised.

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I was thinking of that old saw "The lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client." This goes double or triple for the client who isn't even a lawyer.

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Now we just have to hope the sentence is sufficiently severe. None of this probation BS.

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A couple consecutive 5 year maximum sentences to finish him off.

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"Everything trump touches dies." Truth. There's nothing more to say. It is highly likely if the jury convicts the law firm will have to sue to get paid. Yet, behind the scenes in the shadows the Heritage Foundation et al are working their plan 2025. Let's get the scoop on that!

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Let us do all we can to make sure that America, despite Trump putting his venal, tiny hands on it, does not die.

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He's still a role model to many Americans, and that both terrifies and enrages me. I am tired of the fat clown. Stop breathing and farting already.

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I know Trump is an idiot, but I also believe that while his legal defense suffers under his strong arming of his lawyers, that is only a secondary side effect. I think he knows he did it, he knows there is strong evidence, and he knows he (hopefully) will lose the case so he doesn't view winning as the top priority. I think the reason besmirching Stormy Daniels and the other "dumb" moves is important is to play to his base, which is way less capable of logically applying facts than the average juror and preset to believe in what Trump says and verify their own narrative. I think in a case he must lose in any sane world, the only thing left is to argue for the jury of his base, his voters and his future insurrectionists. He's not just forcing his lawyers' hands because he's stupid.

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Yes, "his fture insurrectionists" whom he, Russia and the NRA have made sure are armed to the teeth.

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I think that’s right and really sad. We have so much we can learn from our collective histories but only if we know the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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One of the MSNBC legal analysts pointed out one question asked of Stormy Daniels that was a clear indication of who was in charge of the defense team - the question about his golf score. Talk about ego! And in today's news, apparently the crackerjack bunch were denied documents that were the legal communications between the prosecutors - Merchan determined that they were going on an unnecessary and irrelevant fishing expedition, trying to prove that Stormy was an extortionist. Looks like they have reached the bottom of the barrel, although the head of the defense team apparently doesn't realize it. I hope Stormy has good security. She's going to need it.

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Tom, he should have been a ward of the state. When he was 13, he got caught throwing rocks at a toddler in a playpen. He would steal money from the rent bags when his dad would come home. After he was sent away to the New York Military Academy, his mother would leave the house for the summer when he came back. She did that every year until he finished college. Either went to stay with friends or back to Scotland.

I still wish Burt Reynolds would've punched him in the face.

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Correction: at age 13 he was caught throwing rocks at the toddler in the playpen next door.

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Corrected. Thanks.

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Wow. All of this is both deeply depressing and surreal.

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