Donald Trump posted on his Truth Social Twitter knockoff this morning that he has received a “target letter” from Jack Smith regarding the probe into the January 6 insurrection.
I'm not QUITE prepared to say this is worse than the Civil War, but in a significant way it is, because the treason that Lincoln encountered in the North was minor compared with the way it has spread through the republican party today.
An interesting note: this morning, I was at the gym. On CNN, it was all about this news. The entire time, on Fux Noise, it was about the Hunter Biden whistleblower, whose obvious treason and dishonesty went unmentioned.
It is at least equal if not worse---it is the Southern Insurrection on steroids, amplified by social media, etc etc. Fox Noise will continue to lie, distort, and distract. What slime......
All agreed. But here's the subtle difference: Today we just have more of it. If you read the publications--especially newspapers--around 1860, Lincoln is going to force you to marry a Black woman and his opponent is a traitor, etc. We've had more siloing in our history than many realize.
I agree---the siloing effect is terrible and will be very very hard to overcome. It is a bit like competing faith systems now---and people don't give up belief systems very readily if at all.
I'm reminded of an interview with Eric Foner, the historian who was my graduate adviser. One question was, what about you would surprise people? His response was that he listens to Rush Limbaugh--not all the time, but enough to know what's going on there. We benefit from knowing what the enemy does.
I betcha Foner was a great dissertation supervisor. I met6 him at a few parties back in the '70s just before he married a woman in the Comp Lit department who's become a very famous Dance Historian. she was someone I vaguely remember asking out and being quickly given a very firm "no." that I was six or seven sheets to the wind might have been a significant factor in her decision.
Well, I've met Lynn, and Eric married up, of course (don't we all?). He was a wonderful adviser, and he's really an all-around good guy. Besides being annoyingly smart.
A friend who was one of his more advanced students had us to dinner at his home--Eric and Lynn, and another professor. The friend said, "We have to figure out how to make you less nervous around Foner." The day after the dinner, the friend said, "Now we know: It takes you drinking half a bottle of red wine." I said, "Yeah, and thanks to Foner drinking the other half."
I had to listen once at a gas pump from another car. Also heard from my b-n-law, who was a fan. Don’t remember when, probably about 2008, I visited my home state of NC and heard on the radio that Rush was coming to NC. I watched the state become one of the magets success stories. Never forgot that radio spot; it set the stage for chump, in my humble opinion.
I get and take a look at feeds from the National Review and some other conservative feeds. Also gop email. As you say it is useful to know what the other side thinks. Same for occasional ultra conservative evangelicals—which imho is a pretty crazy world. My grad work was at Duke Taught at Oberlin for 40 years.
I thought at the time, why didn't they do the story and say it was the work of what a commenter I saw on another site described as "the Satanic deep-state, election-stealing, baby-eating, Jewish space-laser riding, Hunter Biden laptop-hiding, Hugo Chavez voting machine using, bamboo ballot stuffing, FBI weaponizing, critical race theory teaching, pedophile reptilian drag queen grooming, George Soros funded immigrant caravan open border applauding, DNA altering Fauci mandated nano-particle vaccine developed by Bill Gates loving, China bribed Biden Administration Party."
I responded, by the way, that that was great satire. I hope it was. If not, the idiot will reply and make my day.
I went from listening to Diana Butler Bass’ lecture on awakenings in the US and the backlashes that follow to read this news. Diana was lecturing on her book Christianity After Religion which was published in 2010. She said today that this backlash to all the forward movement we had in the 50s, 60s, and 70s is the strongest backlash we’ve had and it’s not just national; it’s global. This morning’s newsletter by Heather Cox Richardson also was very grim concerning the Republicans “talking out” about destroying our democracy. It seems to be coming to a head. I’m scared. Today I will get another list from Postcards to Voters and do what I can. The Civil War was won, but winning didn’t mean that the culture of hate and bigotry ended. I have been of the mind that we are fighting a second Civil War for a long time. Are we going to win? And if we do win, will we make sure that the values we are fighting for will stand? As Dan Rather says, STEADY.
TC, your last sentence is truth that should be in ALL CAPS. Just as the Nuremberg Trials dealt with a cancer at the heart of German society during WWII, so these trialS will deal with a cancer that continues to infect and metastasize in our own American society. May we move forward under the guidance of Justice and Laws, to a successful resolution of this Crisis (in many forms). It will require steady nerves, forceful will, and faithfulness to truth---We the People can do our part. Courage.
all of this is true, which makes the situation even more terrifying.
TFF knows what he's doing (something I've never, to my knowledge, said before) when he comes out with those little dog whistles suggesting that something unpleasant should happen to Smith.
This started around '78/79 when Ronnie Who Called His Wife 'Mommy' lent his support to the 'Sagebrush Rebellion,' centered around water rights in the west. It was his libertarian-side which led the GOP to eat the monkey brains.
There are a lot of very good dedicated people in this country who would step into his shoes if needed to protect our democracy, I have faith that he will do an exemplary job, and that there is a very deep pool of public servants that have his back.
It is my fervent hope that Jack Smith is going to clean out the rot by indicting as many of Trump's co-conspirators as possible. While 147 Republicans voted in session to consider throwing out the official elector slates and substituting the fake slates, there were 54 Congresspeople and Senators who were in contact with Mark Meadows during the planning, run-up, and execution of the Jan. 6 insurrection. It is high time we know who they were and what exactly they did. If I were Smith I'd give Meadows full immunity and force him to testify about the entire plot - Meadows was the Trump chief of staff and the main POC for the events of January 6, 2021. If Smith has Meadows' iPhone, it's all over for Trump.
Here in MI our AG Dana Nessel is charging the fake electors for violations of MI election laws and not going beyond that so as to avoid interfering with any of Jack Smith's work that involves those higher up in the conspiracy chain
. None of those fake electors is cooperating, probably because RNC lawyers have advised them not to, so the level of evidence Nessel has must be sufficient to send those "electors" off for six to fifteen.
I know Meadows testified but where is he? I haven’t seen a sign of him. Maybe I’ve just missed something , but it seems like he disappeared. Witness protection system?? Maybe I’m dreaming.
Just for the sheer unshirted hell of it, I'd love to see Jack Smith send target letters to all 54 of the Representatives and Senators who were involved in the planning and execution of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, just to see the unseemly rush to the plea bargain table.
I always appreciate the comments from other readers. I am sure djt ginned up his fundraising program to take advantage of getting Jack Smith's letter. So now it is official. Of course he was the ringleader of the entire J6 attempted coup. I am personally very glad that Jack Smith will also be going after the whole FAKE ELECTORS, some of which were in my state. John Eastman not only deserves to be disbarred in every state where he has a license, but his alma mater should remove him from their list of graduates and give the reason why for all to see. djt has already indicated what he and his crowd of criminals intend to do should he (God and intelligent voters forbid) to make the presidency a dictatorship. One time there was concern about an "imperial presidency". What about a putinesque, orbanesque, erdoganesque presidency. Democracy seems very easy to subvert, especially when lies, confusion, and chaos become the means being employed by the "party of Lincoln". Lincoln in the Bardo may be the entire population of the "United" States. And the world shudders. Now we've got mansion, little joe lieberman and who knows who else playing games with a third party and enjoying their time in the sun - no labels. That's their moniker. What a bunch! I have no doubt some of them believe they're doing the best thing for the nation. Like good old Ralph who set us on this path of gop malfeasance with W. Not mansion however. He wants to stay at the center getting the goodies for himself and his family while the people of W VA struggle to make ends meet and die from black lung disease. What these guys (I imagine mostly guys) should be doing is realizing this democracy has slipped into a terrible moment where being drowned in the bathtub (ala grover norquist) is not so far from happening. Everyone had better get working to elect dems up and down the ballot (since their party appears to be the only party that seems committed to The Republic).
He and so many of later trouble makers came in during the Reagan presidency. And then there were also the holdovers from the Nixon years, including Cheney. We were in deep trouble then.
My memory is good enough that I can name a slew of the greedy bastards; there were plenty in LBJ time, but he managed to out maneuver most of them. But he knew the cost. Then we can go back to Smedley Butler and the Coup of 1933 (Prescott Bush and other rich bastards). Latter not in my memory, but should not be forgotten like it has been. Still, other crises tend to overshadow past efforts to destroy us. Daddy Cheney should never be forgotten either.
Which is why his legacy is worse than the Civil War. His wins could be certain to achieve demise of representative government and welcome iliberalism as democracy replacement. No bullets, nor armed conflicts, no live lost, no surrender. Just victory for the sheep.
But we substantially outnumber them. We just must raise our voices and do everything in our power to reach the Independents and the youth to get them to engage now with democracy-protecting organizations and to vote blue up and down the ballot in November 2024, lest our precious democratic ship of state founder and turn into a christofascist, authoritarian, dictatorial state.
I shared this on my FB page with a caveat that for those of us who are celebrating (those who do NOT watch faux noise and who are NOT members of an insane cult), this may be a heads up that "duck and cover" season is right around the corner...time to keep our heads down and our yard signs in the closet.
Texas is a microcosm of the United States - a sea of deep red rural counties surrounding blue cities and suburban areas. Obviously, there is a lot of blending - blue voters in MAGA land and conservative voters in blue counties, but the county split is pretty much the same.
Of course, the 14% of counties in the US that Hillary won in 2016 didn't seem like a lot, but they produced 65% of the US GDP in 2015. The counties Biden won in 2020 produced 67% of the US GDP. I see a trend there.....
Your last sentence is so true. Yes, we have been on the brink more than a few times. But we have not had to battle nonstop propaganda that is deliberate, treasonous, backed by unlimited money. An article in the Dallas Morning News today, titled “Young activists say Trump’s the one,” shocked me. And I’m not easily shocked. He pulled his crazy Schitt in view of us all, yet he is in danger of doing worse if given the opportunity. How insane are we? Civil war and WW2 made more sense to me than the worshipping of evil in this country today.
One has to wonder what the saturation point is for listening to Trump's incessant whining at rallies and on media broadcasts before some magas just drop out or black out and take up pickle ball or window peeping. Their overlong attention spans in this regard make me wonder why the magas weren't better learners.
Thought you might be interested in this update from our Sec'y of State. Finally these 16 may be completely "outed" for their role in trying to overthrow the 2020 election. This statement was published today 18 July 2022. BTW, rudy and his circus came to Lansing and the then gop majority gave him plenty of rope which also ended up causing many cases of Covid!
Statement of Secretary Benson on Michigan 'false electors' felony charges
Today, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson made the following statement on Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel's announcement that she has filed felony charges against 16 Michigan residents for their alleged attempts to interfere with the results of the 2020 presidential election:
“I was pleased to learn of the felony charges filed today against 16 individuals who allegedly sought to disenfranchise Michigan voters and disrupt the certification of the 2020 presidential election by submitting fake electoral votes.
"As Michigan’s Chief Election Officer, I have a sworn duty to follow the rule of law, protect and defend the legal vote of every Michigan citizen, and ensure our elections are safe, secure, and accurate.
"As we begin to see accountability and justice for those who were part of an actionable plan to subvert the will of the people in 2020, we must also remember that we are still in the midst of a nationally coordinated effort to weaken democracy. As we prepare for the 2024 presidential election, today’s charges are the first in an ongoing effort to not just seek justice for the wrongs of the past, but to ensure they do not happen again.
"My office looks forward to fully cooperating with any subsequent legal efforts to bring those who violated the law to justice."
I also wonder since the other thing that disqualifies someone from running is inciting an insurrection/staging a coup, If he is indicted for those, although indictment is not a conviction, how in the fuck can an indicted insurrectionist run for president
As I wrote in my piece that I finished about an hour ago, Jack Smith (and to a lesser extent, but no less important, Michigan AG Dana Nessel) is done pussyfooting around.
I'm not QUITE prepared to say this is worse than the Civil War, but in a significant way it is, because the treason that Lincoln encountered in the North was minor compared with the way it has spread through the republican party today.
An interesting note: this morning, I was at the gym. On CNN, it was all about this news. The entire time, on Fux Noise, it was about the Hunter Biden whistleblower, whose obvious treason and dishonesty went unmentioned.
It is at least equal if not worse---it is the Southern Insurrection on steroids, amplified by social media, etc etc. Fox Noise will continue to lie, distort, and distract. What slime......
All agreed. But here's the subtle difference: Today we just have more of it. If you read the publications--especially newspapers--around 1860, Lincoln is going to force you to marry a Black woman and his opponent is a traitor, etc. We've had more siloing in our history than many realize.
I agree---the siloing effect is terrible and will be very very hard to overcome. It is a bit like competing faith systems now---and people don't give up belief systems very readily if at all.
I'm reminded of an interview with Eric Foner, the historian who was my graduate adviser. One question was, what about you would surprise people? His response was that he listens to Rush Limbaugh--not all the time, but enough to know what's going on there. We benefit from knowing what the enemy does.
I betcha Foner was a great dissertation supervisor. I met6 him at a few parties back in the '70s just before he married a woman in the Comp Lit department who's become a very famous Dance Historian. she was someone I vaguely remember asking out and being quickly given a very firm "no." that I was six or seven sheets to the wind might have been a significant factor in her decision.
Well, I've met Lynn, and Eric married up, of course (don't we all?). He was a wonderful adviser, and he's really an all-around good guy. Besides being annoyingly smart.
A friend who was one of his more advanced students had us to dinner at his home--Eric and Lynn, and another professor. The friend said, "We have to figure out how to make you less nervous around Foner." The day after the dinner, the friend said, "Now we know: It takes you drinking half a bottle of red wine." I said, "Yeah, and thanks to Foner drinking the other half."
I had to listen once at a gas pump from another car. Also heard from my b-n-law, who was a fan. Don’t remember when, probably about 2008, I visited my home state of NC and heard on the radio that Rush was coming to NC. I watched the state become one of the magets success stories. Never forgot that radio spot; it set the stage for chump, in my humble opinion.
I get and take a look at feeds from the National Review and some other conservative feeds. Also gop email. As you say it is useful to know what the other side thinks. Same for occasional ultra conservative evangelicals—which imho is a pretty crazy world. My grad work was at Duke Taught at Oberlin for 40 years.
There was a time when NC was not bat Schitt crazy. McCrory and Art Pope fixed that…
I bow to you!
Of course it was.
I thought at the time, why didn't they do the story and say it was the work of what a commenter I saw on another site described as "the Satanic deep-state, election-stealing, baby-eating, Jewish space-laser riding, Hunter Biden laptop-hiding, Hugo Chavez voting machine using, bamboo ballot stuffing, FBI weaponizing, critical race theory teaching, pedophile reptilian drag queen grooming, George Soros funded immigrant caravan open border applauding, DNA altering Fauci mandated nano-particle vaccine developed by Bill Gates loving, China bribed Biden Administration Party."
I responded, by the way, that that was great satire. I hope it was. If not, the idiot will reply and make my day.
That can only have been satire. No MAGAt would be smart enough or literate enough to write that.
I sounded like parody. but some of those guys really do seem to be THAT crazy.
Fux Noise! Love it!
It's been so long now, I can't remember whether I came up with it!
You were the first one I read said it back at Charlie's first blog
Maybe I actually got creative for a second!
I went from listening to Diana Butler Bass’ lecture on awakenings in the US and the backlashes that follow to read this news. Diana was lecturing on her book Christianity After Religion which was published in 2010. She said today that this backlash to all the forward movement we had in the 50s, 60s, and 70s is the strongest backlash we’ve had and it’s not just national; it’s global. This morning’s newsletter by Heather Cox Richardson also was very grim concerning the Republicans “talking out” about destroying our democracy. It seems to be coming to a head. I’m scared. Today I will get another list from Postcards to Voters and do what I can. The Civil War was won, but winning didn’t mean that the culture of hate and bigotry ended. I have been of the mind that we are fighting a second Civil War for a long time. Are we going to win? And if we do win, will we make sure that the values we are fighting for will stand? As Dan Rather says, STEADY.
Too true on all.
Looking forward to Jack Smith appearing, probably
by Friday to state the indictment on national TV.
I've read Willis, in Atlanta is
holding hers until August so
there's no conflict between
federal and state. And let's
remember, even if Trump
somehow got pardoned on
federal crimes, he won't be
pardoned on state crimes.😉
Thank you Georgia Supreme
Court for tossing Trump's
request for dismissal in the
TFG is the one who always releases the news.... reinforcing his role as victim and martyr and establishing yet another moment for fundraising!!!
TC, your last sentence is truth that should be in ALL CAPS. Just as the Nuremberg Trials dealt with a cancer at the heart of German society during WWII, so these trialS will deal with a cancer that continues to infect and metastasize in our own American society. May we move forward under the guidance of Justice and Laws, to a successful resolution of this Crisis (in many forms). It will require steady nerves, forceful will, and faithfulness to truth---We the People can do our part. Courage.
The difference being the Germans were unable to do that themselves; the question is, are we?
That is THE question. So far it seems possible. Jack Smith seems to be the KEY player. Where would we be without him??
Up shit creek with no paddles.
all of this is true, which makes the situation even more terrifying.
TFF knows what he's doing (something I've never, to my knowledge, said before) when he comes out with those little dog whistles suggesting that something unpleasant should happen to Smith.
This started around '78/79 when Ronnie Who Called His Wife 'Mommy' lent his support to the 'Sagebrush Rebellion,' centered around water rights in the west. It was his libertarian-side which led the GOP to eat the monkey brains.
There are a lot of very good dedicated people in this country who would step into his shoes if needed to protect our democracy, I have faith that he will do an exemplary job, and that there is a very deep pool of public servants that have his back.
Where is Ike, Lord, do we need a resurrection.
It is my fervent hope that Jack Smith is going to clean out the rot by indicting as many of Trump's co-conspirators as possible. While 147 Republicans voted in session to consider throwing out the official elector slates and substituting the fake slates, there were 54 Congresspeople and Senators who were in contact with Mark Meadows during the planning, run-up, and execution of the Jan. 6 insurrection. It is high time we know who they were and what exactly they did. If I were Smith I'd give Meadows full immunity and force him to testify about the entire plot - Meadows was the Trump chief of staff and the main POC for the events of January 6, 2021. If Smith has Meadows' iPhone, it's all over for Trump.
Here in MI our AG Dana Nessel is charging the fake electors for violations of MI election laws and not going beyond that so as to avoid interfering with any of Jack Smith's work that involves those higher up in the conspiracy chain
. None of those fake electors is cooperating, probably because RNC lawyers have advised them not to, so the level of evidence Nessel has must be sufficient to send those "electors" off for six to fifteen.
I know Meadows testified but where is he? I haven’t seen a sign of him. Maybe I’ve just missed something , but it seems like he disappeared. Witness protection system?? Maybe I’m dreaming.
Just for the sheer unshirted hell of it, I'd love to see Jack Smith send target letters to all 54 of the Representatives and Senators who were involved in the planning and execution of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, just to see the unseemly rush to the plea bargain table.
I would love that too. And I am pretty sure there is legal justification to do so. It would be a site to behold!
I always appreciate the comments from other readers. I am sure djt ginned up his fundraising program to take advantage of getting Jack Smith's letter. So now it is official. Of course he was the ringleader of the entire J6 attempted coup. I am personally very glad that Jack Smith will also be going after the whole FAKE ELECTORS, some of which were in my state. John Eastman not only deserves to be disbarred in every state where he has a license, but his alma mater should remove him from their list of graduates and give the reason why for all to see. djt has already indicated what he and his crowd of criminals intend to do should he (God and intelligent voters forbid) to make the presidency a dictatorship. One time there was concern about an "imperial presidency". What about a putinesque, orbanesque, erdoganesque presidency. Democracy seems very easy to subvert, especially when lies, confusion, and chaos become the means being employed by the "party of Lincoln". Lincoln in the Bardo may be the entire population of the "United" States. And the world shudders. Now we've got mansion, little joe lieberman and who knows who else playing games with a third party and enjoying their time in the sun - no labels. That's their moniker. What a bunch! I have no doubt some of them believe they're doing the best thing for the nation. Like good old Ralph who set us on this path of gop malfeasance with W. Not mansion however. He wants to stay at the center getting the goodies for himself and his family while the people of W VA struggle to make ends meet and die from black lung disease. What these guys (I imagine mostly guys) should be doing is realizing this democracy has slipped into a terrible moment where being drowned in the bathtub (ala grover norquist) is not so far from happening. Everyone had better get working to elect dems up and down the ballot (since their party appears to be the only party that seems committed to The Republic).
Glad you mentioned Grover, a worm if there ever was one. And little joe lieberman..
He and so many of later trouble makers came in during the Reagan presidency. And then there were also the holdovers from the Nixon years, including Cheney. We were in deep trouble then.
My memory is good enough that I can name a slew of the greedy bastards; there were plenty in LBJ time, but he managed to out maneuver most of them. But he knew the cost. Then we can go back to Smedley Butler and the Coup of 1933 (Prescott Bush and other rich bastards). Latter not in my memory, but should not be forgotten like it has been. Still, other crises tend to overshadow past efforts to destroy us. Daddy Cheney should never be forgotten either.
Even if he is convicted in all applicable courts, MAGATs will still vote for him. That's the huge danger.
Which is why his legacy is worse than the Civil War. His wins could be certain to achieve demise of representative government and welcome iliberalism as democracy replacement. No bullets, nor armed conflicts, no live lost, no surrender. Just victory for the sheep.
So true
But we substantially outnumber them. We just must raise our voices and do everything in our power to reach the Independents and the youth to get them to engage now with democracy-protecting organizations and to vote blue up and down the ballot in November 2024, lest our precious democratic ship of state founder and turn into a christofascist, authoritarian, dictatorial state.
So long as we outnumber them in the right freakin' percentages in the right places, thank you Electoral College.
... grifting.
I shared this on my FB page with a caveat that for those of us who are celebrating (those who do NOT watch faux noise and who are NOT members of an insane cult), this may be a heads up that "duck and cover" season is right around the corner...time to keep our heads down and our yard signs in the closet.
Texas has progressive precincts in Austin, SW Tex & after more than 30 days of 100 + Temps in El Paso some more folks with questions.
Texas is a microcosm of the United States - a sea of deep red rural counties surrounding blue cities and suburban areas. Obviously, there is a lot of blending - blue voters in MAGA land and conservative voters in blue counties, but the county split is pretty much the same.
Of course, the 14% of counties in the US that Hillary won in 2016 didn't seem like a lot, but they produced 65% of the US GDP in 2015. The counties Biden won in 2020 produced 67% of the US GDP. I see a trend there.....
Sadly, so true.
Your last sentence is so true. Yes, we have been on the brink more than a few times. But we have not had to battle nonstop propaganda that is deliberate, treasonous, backed by unlimited money. An article in the Dallas Morning News today, titled “Young activists say Trump’s the one,” shocked me. And I’m not easily shocked. He pulled his crazy Schitt in view of us all, yet he is in danger of doing worse if given the opportunity. How insane are we? Civil war and WW2 made more sense to me than the worshipping of evil in this country today.
One has to wonder what the saturation point is for listening to Trump's incessant whining at rallies and on media broadcasts before some magas just drop out or black out and take up pickle ball or window peeping. Their overlong attention spans in this regard make me wonder why the magas weren't better learners.
Greedy, revenge-seeking bastards. All not necessarily dumb, but so many have weaponized their imbecility
Thought you might be interested in this update from our Sec'y of State. Finally these 16 may be completely "outed" for their role in trying to overthrow the 2020 election. This statement was published today 18 July 2022. BTW, rudy and his circus came to Lansing and the then gop majority gave him plenty of rope which also ended up causing many cases of Covid!
Statement of Secretary Benson on Michigan 'false electors' felony charges
Today, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson made the following statement on Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel's announcement that she has filed felony charges against 16 Michigan residents for their alleged attempts to interfere with the results of the 2020 presidential election:
“I was pleased to learn of the felony charges filed today against 16 individuals who allegedly sought to disenfranchise Michigan voters and disrupt the certification of the 2020 presidential election by submitting fake electoral votes.
"As Michigan’s Chief Election Officer, I have a sworn duty to follow the rule of law, protect and defend the legal vote of every Michigan citizen, and ensure our elections are safe, secure, and accurate.
"As we begin to see accountability and justice for those who were part of an actionable plan to subvert the will of the people in 2020, we must also remember that we are still in the midst of a nationally coordinated effort to weaken democracy. As we prepare for the 2024 presidential election, today’s charges are the first in an ongoing effort to not just seek justice for the wrongs of the past, but to ensure they do not happen again.
"My office looks forward to fully cooperating with any subsequent legal efforts to bring those who violated the law to justice."
I also wonder since the other thing that disqualifies someone from running is inciting an insurrection/staging a coup, If he is indicted for those, although indictment is not a conviction, how in the fuck can an indicted insurrectionist run for president
Because it isn't listed in the constitution as a deterrent to holding the office.
I’ve been trying to come up with a scholarly reply to your stated reason but this is all I could come up with: 💩
Good answer Karen.
Methinks we need another constitutional amendment.
As I wrote in my piece that I finished about an hour ago, Jack Smith (and to a lesser extent, but no less important, Michigan AG Dana Nessel) is done pussyfooting around.
When 30% of the electorate controls the the target Market of billionaire media moguls, we are screwed, glued and tatoo’d