'Trump will demand that his rivals publicly state their positions on The Great Lost Election of 2020.' (TC) It's no tender trap that Trump has set for the GOP during the midterms and thereafter.

That's it folks. Trump's obsession with his loss,, I mean LANDSLIDE VICTORY in 2020 goes on and on. It's the summer of 2022 and we're living in Trump's 2020 brain.

TC, replicated in writing the insane asylum that we are living in. This country has been invaded by the diseased brain of a conman, and there are many millions of Americans who hang on to his every word. Just ask Sarah Matthews, former White House deputy press secretary, who went to all of Trump's rallies from day one. In her testimony before the Jan 6 House Committee, she let us know just how hypnotized Trump's supporters are.

We don't have just one Trump in America, we've got many millions of them living in our cities, towns and neighborhoods; they are on the school boards, in our offices, stores, streets, next door and members of our families. Hey, TC, we're trapped, too!

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Strange that the openly fascist Republicans masterminded a take-over of government - capped off by the slow-motion tsunami that the Supreme Court is rolling out - and yet they could not fix a plan to get Trump out of the way now that he's a liability...?

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He has outsmarted them from day one.

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yes, Fern...but only because they were--and are--just about dying to get outsmarted. also...one tiny quibble: dontcha think "conman" is about a hundred thousand times too mild? I ordinarily go back and forth between "sociopath" and "psychopath." this is reverting back to old-time nomenclature, since the DSM has refused (since DSM-II, which I trained on) to acknowledge either designation, much to its own disadvantage. or so it seems to me. and LOTS of colleagues as well. I'd love to go, but I seem to have picked up a bug and must crawl back to bed....

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The DSM is virtually useless. In the latest version, the morons decided that Asperger's and Autism are the same thing (being Aspergian and having had an autistic brother, the two things only have in common that our brains are wired differently from most - but they were wired differently from each other).

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the new DSM is so useless (I knew about the Asperger/Autism thing, which makes no sense at all, and fucks over Aspies on at least two or three levels) that 1) the American Psychological Association--as opposed to the American Psychiatric Association--refused to adopt it and 2) Al Frances, who practically WROTE the DSM-III, has written a BOOK about how problematic it is. when a "definitive" psychiatric text starts to do things like creating diagnoses for, say, ordinary grief (which the DSM-V actually does), it's pretty difficult NOT to think that it's some kind of giveaway to the people who make and sell psychiatric medications. and I won't even consider getting started on how incredibly problematic many of those drugs are (for example, Germany refused to adopt Prozac as an antidepressant because its efficacy is pretty shitty and the side effects are too risky) because if I did, it'd take pages and pages. and this is from somebody who rolls his eyes when anyone starts to trash "Big Pharma" for being evil on every possible level. my feeling is that it's plenty evil, but not on EVERY level.

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David, yes, yes, YES! Trump is a murderer...I am not without the ability to pull up the sewerage he has spread throughout the land, air and water as well as feeling the horns that monster embedded in the minds and hearts of millions of human beings. When I go down there, David, it hurts, so I try to attack without injuring others or myself.

Please have liquids along with rest and come by, when you are feeling better. Shalom, my friend.

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thanks so much, Fern. I've medicated myself pretty heavily and feel like I might be on the mend. but your good wishes mean a great deal to me.

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All that work in rallies has cemented his base. Doubt, but never desertion. Their identity is at stake. Backed into a corner, claws come out and the cobble stones are ripped up to bloody the cognitive threat brought in large truth by those they have been taught to hate. Every messenger with truth killed is confirmation that the enemy is weak and wrong. Now, back to the talking points and breath deeply.

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Are we witness to a possible implosion? Might we hope?

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I'm tired of having to hear about the animated turd. The issue though, is that tens of millions of numbskulls are still willing to march to the idiotic commands of the animated turd. The propensity for cults of personality really is a cognitive curse on this species.

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A lot of this brew is home made, like the development of advertising, and the abuse of religion with charismatic pastors, but there is also an organized international movement against democracy and for autocracy. Notably Trumps best friend Putin, and a whole playbook of cheating, lying, and terrorising. Is there also something with development, or decay, of democracy: voting against the recently past rather than for a future, individual gains rather than better society, demands on elected leaders way off their power, not prosecution but disrespect for opponents?

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Trapped like scurrying rats on a ship that appears to be taking on water with an increasing sinking scenario.

Thank you, TC.

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