Throughout the questioning, the judges expressed skepticism, repeatedly pressing Trusty (what a name for a Trump lawyer - Dickens couldn’t have improved it)
"One hopes Congress gets the records next month and in the confusion of changing the running of the House that a PDF of the documents somehow manages to find its way to a reporter’s in-box."
But, but.....that would be wrong..... (Make it so, Number One.....:-) )
I should note here that even if the Republicans shut down any investigation of Trump's taxes in the House, the Senate has the same legal authority and can continue on its own. There is also the possibility that the tax returns will be made public, directly or under the table (or on a flash drive).
Yes, Lawrence O'Donnell pointed this out on his show last night.
Which was obviously not seen by any of the over-educated otherwise-unemployables, since they're all breathlessly wondering this morning why Democrats would be pursuing this since "they don't have any time left."
Yes, I heard him say that but wonder why I'm not hearing it from other sources. Happy to know that a Senate committee can take it up once the new Congress is seated. Can't imagine why they wouldn't.
And then there’s Mike the last days of Pompeo declaring the most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten, the head of the teacher’s union!!! What? Not Putin, not MBS, not Kim Jong-un? WTF! He was head of the CIA, Secretary of State although a poor one. And he says the head of the teacher’s union is the most likely person to take down the Republic?? Obviously because she’s not condoning the teaching (or indoctrination) of white nationalist Christian values. But instead she promotes reading of those “evil” books, like “The Diary of Anne Frank”. He’s obviously gearing up to join DeSatan and tRump for the fascist lineup in the run for dictator.
yeah, this Pompeo thing had me stumped and cackling at the same time. this guy was first in his class at West Point and had some sort of high honors in law school, yet it never occurred to him that teachers' unions have nothing to do with curriculum. or is he saying that the union rank-and-file consists of "groomers?" in which case, he's calling all teachers "perverts.
I have had a really crummy day. I needed some good news. I was so glad to read this that I really was challenged to concentrate and read with comprehension as soon as I got the gist, It's about damn time!!!
“I don’t think it’s necessarily the fault of the government if someone has intermingled classified documents in all kinds of other personal property,” he added with a chuckle.
Judge Pryor summed up the whole thing with that one statement. He stole classified documents. End of story. Let's start the penalty phase.
Tom, this is only slightly off topic - a thought I had after seeing Morning Joe a few minutes ago.....
On Morning Joe today there was an interesting discussion about what would happen if Trump lost the 2024 Republican presidential nomination to say, Ron DeSantis or Glenn Youngkin or some other up and coming Republican. The consensus was that Trump would almost definitely run as an independent candidate, splitting the conservative vote and handing the White House, House and Senate to the Democrats on a gold platter..... To Trump, losing the primary would be worse than taking down the Republican Party and allowing the Democrats to win the brass ring.....when he is attacked, he hits back 10x as hard..... One wonders if the Republicans see this scenario ahead of them and regret not eliminating the problem by convicting Trump in one of his impeachments to remove him from office for good..... The mills of God grind slow, but they grind exceeding fine.....
Throughout the questioning, the judges expressed skepticism, repeatedly pressing Trusty (what a name for a Trump lawyer - Dickens couldn’t have improved it)
My best laugh of the month so far!!!
Love it TC!! Congressman Jock itch😹😹also known as Mr Gym! A very bad day for tRump and a really good day for humanity.
I'm human and not a malignant narcissist. Therefore, I hope for much, much more of this type of news.
"One hopes Congress gets the records next month and in the confusion of changing the running of the House that a PDF of the documents somehow manages to find its way to a reporter’s in-box."
But, but.....that would be wrong..... (Make it so, Number One.....:-) )
I should note here that even if the Republicans shut down any investigation of Trump's taxes in the House, the Senate has the same legal authority and can continue on its own. There is also the possibility that the tax returns will be made public, directly or under the table (or on a flash drive).
Yes, Lawrence O'Donnell pointed this out on his show last night.
Which was obviously not seen by any of the over-educated otherwise-unemployables, since they're all breathlessly wondering this morning why Democrats would be pursuing this since "they don't have any time left."
Yes, I heard him say that but wonder why I'm not hearing it from other sources. Happy to know that a Senate committee can take it up once the new Congress is seated. Can't imagine why they wouldn't.
Lawrence should sue the Washington Press Corps.....
And then there’s Mike the last days of Pompeo declaring the most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten, the head of the teacher’s union!!! What? Not Putin, not MBS, not Kim Jong-un? WTF! He was head of the CIA, Secretary of State although a poor one. And he says the head of the teacher’s union is the most likely person to take down the Republic?? Obviously because she’s not condoning the teaching (or indoctrination) of white nationalist Christian values. But instead she promotes reading of those “evil” books, like “The Diary of Anne Frank”. He’s obviously gearing up to join DeSatan and tRump for the fascist lineup in the run for dictator.
yeah, this Pompeo thing had me stumped and cackling at the same time. this guy was first in his class at West Point and had some sort of high honors in law school, yet it never occurred to him that teachers' unions have nothing to do with curriculum. or is he saying that the union rank-and-file consists of "groomers?" in which case, he's calling all teachers "perverts.
Being "first in his class" at West Point means nothing. Remember that the traitor Robert E. Lee was 'first in his class."
Dictator in Chief
I have had a really crummy day. I needed some good news. I was so glad to read this that I really was challenged to concentrate and read with comprehension as soon as I got the gist, It's about damn time!!!
LOLOLOLOLOL! You made my day. I will sleep better tonight. Thanks!
Whoo hoo! You're on a roll TC!
Christmas present?
“I don’t think it’s necessarily the fault of the government if someone has intermingled classified documents in all kinds of other personal property,” he added with a chuckle.
Judge Pryor summed up the whole thing with that one statement. He stole classified documents. End of story. Let's start the penalty phase.
Tom, this is only slightly off topic - a thought I had after seeing Morning Joe a few minutes ago.....
On Morning Joe today there was an interesting discussion about what would happen if Trump lost the 2024 Republican presidential nomination to say, Ron DeSantis or Glenn Youngkin or some other up and coming Republican. The consensus was that Trump would almost definitely run as an independent candidate, splitting the conservative vote and handing the White House, House and Senate to the Democrats on a gold platter..... To Trump, losing the primary would be worse than taking down the Republican Party and allowing the Democrats to win the brass ring.....when he is attacked, he hits back 10x as hard..... One wonders if the Republicans see this scenario ahead of them and regret not eliminating the problem by convicting Trump in one of his impeachments to remove him from office for good..... The mills of God grind slow, but they grind exceeding fine.....
I am enjoying this a day late. Better late though, than never. Thank you!
Ya gotta keep up fast, Ellen! :-)
where'd you watch it? it certainly SOUNDS like you were there.
as usual, the prose swept by on the wings of disdain.
well done again.
Joyce had a link to listen.