TC! WI called for our side! The most important election of this year. Now, I’m relieved. Two momentous events in one day. Tears in my eyes. ❤️🤍💙

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Oh boy! that is good news!

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Great news from Wisconsin. The majority has spoken. Along with Donald’s 34 felony indictment I’m happy as hell

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that is so good to hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I gave at least double the amount of money to Wisconsin that I've ever previously given in a single donation. I'm so happy!!!

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I bottomed out trying to get rid of Ron Johnson. Good on you, joyous tears

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Unfortunately, looks like a super majority in the Senate race. Hope it tightens.

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Anyone who thinks "they wouldn't do this" hasn't studied Wisconsin politics. They would do this and "flip the bird" to anyone who disagreed.

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I hope you’re right that his past will catch up with him. My small dream is he’s under house arrest, no cell phone, no internet, no fast food, no alcohol, and must wear an ankle monitor. A girl can dream. ❤️🤍💙

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He doesn't drink, but all the rest, yeah.

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he's always SAID he doesn't drink, but Noel Casler has repeatedly said that he does. his alcoholic brother furnishes him with a great excuse to claim abstinence, but he'd also swear he doesn't take any drugs, which is ridiculous. I've caught him on tv many times, doing the sucking-back-and-swallowing thing that people do when they've been insufflating (the elegant medical term for "snorting"...I am impressed with myself for knowing this). I don't actually think he has an especially problematic relationship with alcohol, however. he's a pill guy all the way, which in his case involves LOTS of insufflation.

thing is, I'm just so sick of him.

that's good news about Wisconsin!

and your summary, Tom, was (as usual) excellent.

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“I’m just so sick of him.” Says it all for me…

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Perhaps his Adderall could be withdrawn.

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well, it SHOULD be. but I'm pretty sure that without it, there would just be "word salad." I realize that sounded like a joke, because word salad is his normal, "focused" way of talking. but believe me, it'd actually be worse. much. worse.

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My ears! My ears! 🤣

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I’ve always been suspicious of teetotalers, unless they have a medical condition or they are alcoholics. Not a lie.

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I usually feel exactly the same way. but I actually HAVE met people (Rochelle was one of them, my father another) who just don't like feeling high. I'm not sure I actually UNDERSTAND it, but I know they exist. in my father's case, he'd had a traumatic drunk experience at Trader Vic's when he met with his bomber crew right after the war. he was never specific about what happened, but it sounds like a lot of public vomiting occurred.

I also have one good friend, from a drug-dealing family, who's never so much as had a single beer. in his case, the reasons are pretty clear...he wanted absolutely no connection to anything even vaguely related to the family business. and his father was an abusive, wife-beating alcoholic.

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David, I’m always open to making exceptions when the facts and circumstances would, in all fairness, so indicate.

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I realize that, and was probably being overzealous. of course, there are going to be valid exceptions. MILLIONS of them.

I was actually largely agreeing with you anyway. in my case, I'm definitely alcoholic but am hardly 100% abstinent, and the last time I actually got drunk (c. 10 years ago), I fell and turned my right knee to applesauce...so there's THAT.

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Wishing you continued strength. I enjoy your posts here, too,

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I don’t like feeling out of control. Only drank too much a couple of times. Not fun, my Dad and another family member were boozers, the attraction escaped me.

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No Diet Coke and hamburgers with an extra side of ketchup

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Who knew ketchup had such editorial power?

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He hasn't been a drinker, but he may become one. What he should do is wear mittens and a muzzle.

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His Adderall then, it’s got to be something besides cheeseburgers

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of there's no doubt in anybody's mind about the Adderall thing.

a friend's daughter, who works for some hedge fun assholes, says that Adderall is to venture capitalism as gasoline is to the internal combustion engine.

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Can “they “ restrict his diet cokes?

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He's faced years of civil litigation, but he's now in a whole different league under criminal charges. This can't be fixed by asking his lawyers to 'make it go away ' like he's done all his life. Interesting days ahead ..

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As much as I am glad that the wheels of justice are moving, I’m sad for the continued and virulent division and pure hatred from the magats. I trust they are saavy enough in NY to make their case stand. They seem to be, by the way they’ve started. Trump is going to drive this case off the rails ... he’s been given the rope to do it... and began spouting the old familiar lies during his little after indictment party ... I confess, I couldn’t listen to all of it. About 10 curated minutes of the speech that went on for over an hour. Now we wait. But there’s plenty coming up ... E Jean Carroll in two weeks.

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It's going to be interesting to find out what it takes to get a gag order. What he said tonight was directly the stuff he was cautioned not to say by the judge.

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I agree. I expect the judge has set some number of violations that he will admonish before he starts sanctioning. Because you KNOW that will be seen and reported as “political”. And then, let the fines begin.

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I missed his "statement" tonight. I was too busy overdosing on Warner Brothers on TCM.

but I guess I will (oy in advance).

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I missed it too on purpose. I was playing with my cats

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Hurrah for the kitties!

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We have a laser chasing get together every evening except for the two nights I’m in Portland for work. They jump up and knock the laser flashlight off the table to remind me if I’m too slow. We do have fun!

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that's great!

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Ye hear that judge, waiting….

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Can the judge place a gag order on Trump at any time?

Although, if Trump keeps talking to rile up his base and continues the ad hominems and the threatening language, he could be creating new and very serious charges of obstruction for himself.

I hate to have to put energy, once again, into fighting his crazy- making undertow as he takes even this serious arrest and turns it into campaign fodder and finances. Makes me sick to my stomach that he got all that free air time today. We are going right back into his sick whirlpool.

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It is a felony in New York to threaten certain people, and judges and those involved in the law are among those (witnesses, jurors, etc.)..... The boy could find himself at Rikers if he doesn't shut his trap.....

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how immensely cool would THAT be?

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He'd fold like a cheap suit and cry for Mommy.....

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One of my most favorite daydreams.

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NY is loathe to place gag orders. It seems they’re much more fond of placing offenders in jail for not adhering to civil rules and guidelines. Maybe even only for a day or two, in hopes you’ll find the experience so unpleasant you’d stfu.

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I'd be down with that.....

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Me too. Let him experience it... I don’t think he’s reflective enough for a positive change but... coming out worse won’t help him with anyone. Not even his diminished base.

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I think two things are very interesting. First, Bragg in his press conference and NBC legal wiz (her name escapes me) made very clear the the felony link is to New York election laws and leaves it to Feds if they want to connect the crime to Federal election laws. Second, if Bragg gets a conviction on the package, it might open a floodgates of state-level cases brought to trial. There are federal and there are state election laws that happen to overlap. But, screwing with an election, though for federal office, in Wisconsin or Geoegia or Pennsylvania or Florida or Arizona in those states may well be pursued, especially given how much of Trump campaign dollars and players acted on behalf of him to pervert and violate the election laws governing all elections taking place in the states. I may be just a backseat observer! But I see a precedent for my state to claw back the millions of our tax dollars used to both overturn the election within my state and to subvert our voter declaration of who won. What not rise to enough importance at the federal level just m8ght be prosecutqble, successfully, within the states. Weigh in on this. I think Bragg might just have opened up a state-level means for achieving justice one state at a time.

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I think it would depend on if the state AG was a dem, which would definitely bring to a political level, and how much

backing they had to do it. But, everything today is political.

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The states AGs would have to have the will to do it, and I fear none would even if the pathway became clear. I think it would be viewed as political piling on.

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My suggestion falls apart after reading Shugerman in NYT today:

"The Federal Election Campaign Act has a broad pre-emption clause: “the provisions of this Act, and of rules prescribed under this Act, supersede and pre-empt any provision of state law with respect to election to federal office.” New York State law confirms that state “filing requirements and the expenditure, contribution and receipt limits” under state law “shall not apply” if there is a federal requirement and a federal filing (in other words, they don’t apply to federal elections). "


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Thanks TC. I shouldn't have wasted my time on what the WaPo had to say (nothing much, at least in the article I read)

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Powerless and mostly muzzled for a whole hour. Thirty-four felony counts. Very helpful the way you point out DA Bragg isn’t putting all the eggs in one basket with Michael Cohen. Wins in Wisconsin and Chicago mayoral race. Think Jack Smith and Fani Willis are not too far behind. Anyway, Himself is in now criminally indicted on 34 felonies. A sweet night.

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“Surprise, surprise, surprise, Sgt Carter”

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This indictment is the appetizer.

The main course is cooking and

could be served, with the chef's

kiss x 2, at any time. Just waiting

for the sauce to reach the perfect consistency. 😉

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Well, the arraignment part is over but the trial doesn’t begin until December or January of next year. That’s a lot of time for trump to play the victim card at his hate rallies and to fleece his MAGAt horde of their cash to pay his legal fees. A lot of time to have to listen to him rant and rave as I guess there was no gag order issued, not that such an order could ever be enforced by the court. Will this hinder his 2024 run for the Presidency…we’ll have to tune in and find out.

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True, but there is still Fani Willis and Jack Smith lurking in the shadows. I think it’s going to get really ugly for the don. He may drivel on and continue to grift but I think or at least hope he’s on a downward spiral

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If Jack Smith convicts Trump on either the Mar-a-Lago Papers case or the Jan. 6 insurrection, Trump will be barred for life from ever serving in an elected office in the US..... He will never be president again and the Republican Party could find itself without a candidate come, say, June of 2024.....

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A consummation devoutly to be wished. (And, yes, I'm running out the back door.)

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I can't see how you could possibly be wrong. this is far and away the LEAST serious indictment he's gonna have to face. and the evidence in those cases in incontrovertible.

I realize his "people" won't believe any of it, but at this point fuck 'em.

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