The sticking point here is that a billion bucks won't be enough. He'll need at least $35-50 billion to put ads on TV and open campaign offices, staff and other stuff. He won't come near that. Even his tech buddies, like Musk and Thiel, don't have the stomach to throw that kind of money his way. Even the King of the Mega-Donors, Charles Koch, has walked away. Orange Freeloader wasn't even that 'rich' to begin with. It was all his daddy's money.

His 'people' aren't enough to save him, that's what people fail to realize.

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Drill baby drill! How effing


Mar-a-lardo needs some

serious weather intervention.

Flooding, tornadoes, baseball

sized hail, rain so heavy his

golf course gets washed out

to sea at high tide. His limos

are drowned. SS has to wear

life preservers.

Suck on it Donnie in your boxer shorts.

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I love your list of messages from God to don. Please add my hope for a lightning strike on his backswing on the fairway. A waker-upper for the evangelicals who still think he's heaven sent.

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You just never know Judith.😉

The other day, here in

Arkansas, lightning struck 20

miles away from the thunder

storm cell we were having

here where I am, out of a

clear blue sky there.

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Desperate for funds is not a good look, but one that makes me happy. I love to see him squirm and beg. Colluding with/cozying up to fossil fuel companies to destroy civilization is absolutely enraging. The next decade will be very interesting in terms of global weirding and its impacts on human civilization, thanks to the oil billionaires. Do they all have islands/bunkers set up to insulate themselves from these impacts? Well, islands won’t work because of sea level rise, which will make mar-a-lardo uninhabitable also.

I weep for what my 7 year old granddaughter will experience in her future.

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It makes me glad I opted to not be a parent (for other reasons).

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Maybe it will occur to the oil-o-crats that this is just the beginning. A billion now, a billion tomorrow, and on and on until someone says “NO!” and finds themselves in the gulag.

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Very interesting, as well as disturbing, piece. Do you know if the MSM is carrying anything about this? It should be front page!

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I got the basic info here from the Washington Post, and it certainly made it onto MSNBC prime time tonight.

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Yes, I have heard it referred to as a blatant shake-down of the fossil fuel industry and that Trump is flashing his corruption quite shamelessly these days.

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It should be front page!



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The manbaby is totally lacking in any moral compass. He’s broken every one of the. Ten Commandments plus the Golden Rule and yet his worshippers call him a good Christian. What a legacy he and his followers leave their children and grandchildren.

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Trump, the grift that keeps on grifting. Let’s tank his ratings. Aren’t these folks tired of being lied to yet? Greedy little bastards every one.

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"If you want the right metaphor about who and what Donald Trump and the Republican Party are, think of him as Sauron and the party as the orcs and other creatures actively working to destroy Middle Earth in “The Return of the King.”

Hopefully, Joe Biden will be able to throw the One Ring into the Mount Doom volcano."....this, right here. Best metaphor I've seen. But then, I am a huge Tolkien fan. Thanks, Tom.

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Thank you, Tom, great post

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Seems we should scrap the adjective "transactional" when speaking of the person in question and utilize the more specific noun "bribery." For an analysis see Judge John T. Noonan, "Bribery," an article from judge Amy's old school's Law Review, from back in the day when ND had a football team and a backbone. One should note that Noonan when asleep had more intellectual and moral firepower than that of the current Lenard Leo appointees summed and raised to the 10th power.

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Lately I've been thinking a lot about this. Many liberal types like to think that Trump is unprecedented, unique, etc., etc. His racism, misogyny, corruption, and all the rest of it aren't unique at all. Your headline nails what makes him unique, or close to it: "Trump does it right in front of us." Most practitioners of the various evil arts are subtle about it. Trump isn't -- maybe because of his narcissism? If there's a lesson to be learned here, it's to pay closer attention to what's going on just out of sight when we're back to so-called "business as usual."

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It's the perfect storm, all right. And storms are notoriously hard to predict. Whether the oil-o-garchs gathered at Mar-A-Lago will take Trump's tissue-thin deal remains to be seen. Meanwhile, it's up to us to turn up our collars and keep doing what we do.

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I share the hope that Victoria Brown expressed. Nothing would be better than a weather event - aka Karma - that would render Mar a Lago unlivable.

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What's Melania waiting for? Or is she just in the back room working on her book?

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Ironic that so-called Libertarians want to do away with democracy. Liberty for me, but not for thee. I read there are extremist plans to rescind the 19th Amendment, the result of a long fight by the Suffragettes. Peter Thiel actually said it was unfortunate women could vote.

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