I think it was a fake.A photo bomb.He is milking the crowd for sympathy so he doesn’t have to be pivotable at the convention next week.

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That was my first thought. I don;'t actually see how someone could get close enough at an event like that.

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Me too, it looked like he grabbed his neck (with a packet of blood?) then his ear and face. The picture in NYT show him upright, pumping his fist being hustled out by his Secret Service detail. Also the reporters at the scene reported a series of pops (cap guns? air guns?) Of course the not so honest media are reporting "loud bangs ring out at rally" Wait, wait, oops now it's"sounds like gunshots" It will not surprise me in the least if it all urns out to be a set up. None of his brain dead cultists would think of harming dear leader and the Democrats aren't normally that crazy.

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I am so sick of hearing about Trump period. More damn drama for you Mama and this mama has had her fill.

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X infinity

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What does that mean?

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Times infinity - There are no words to express how sick I am of hearing about chump.

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There are a few crazies in all groups and they could have fished around for one to take the fall... or more accurately send to the fall.

They say one by stander is dead. Despite claims by hateful MAGAts like Alex Jones, it isn't that easy to fake a human being in America having been killed, which would argue for real bullets, employed in some way.

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I also wondered if it might be a setup rather than an actual shooting. If it was a shooting, then surely someone in the bleachers would have been hit after the bullet scratched Trump. I've no doubt we'll be hearing more before too long.

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It's announced the shooter was killed at the scene by a sharpshooter.

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And is now being announced that one spectator was killed and another wounded. We'll no doubt be hearing about this ad nauseum for days.

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A sharpshooter, firing into the crowd? How Jack Ruby-ish

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Yes, there could be. I'm not doing my happy dance. But the trumpster/dumpster didn't have to fake his death, only that he had been shot at in a near miss, Remember trump had been in his words, "a TV star", he has access to all the fake makeup and props he needs.

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Crazies in all groups. True in spades. Some groups have way more than others

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These are the guys that worship guns. I don't imagine they had an metal detectors...

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No, the Secret Service is in charge - so there are metal detectors.

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Agree completely.

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Sirhan Sirhan certainly got close

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True, but that was 56 years ago. Security is *much* tighter now than it was then.

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No “security “ cannot be breached

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It's also worth remembering that Trump is the guy who refused security precautions at the 1/6/21 rally on the Ellipse.

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Regarding “security,” if it was a real event, someone managed to breach said “security” with a weapon of some sort.

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Word is the shooter was "outside the perimeter." Which would explain the inaccuracy.

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EXACTLY what my husband said...a setup.

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He is probably trying to get out of having to go to MKE at all. There were rumors swirling a while back - around the time he was trashing the place - that he was trying to get out of having to attend. I wouldn’t put it past him. I wouldn’t want to spend multiple days with those freaks either.

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Not usually given to conspiracies but I’d buy that.

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Just as the Epstein papers are gaining traction...nah, just a coincidence

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Is this what the voices in your head are telling you?

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Don't waste your breath. He got a crease over his ear, and if there were anything more serious the motorcade wouldn't be speeding away, one of the ambulances generally standing by at one of these rallies would be speeding away. He wouldn't have been pumping his fist and shouting as they surround him and take him off; he isn't a brave soul.

This will, unfortunately, increase the tendency to violence among his followers and in fact wouldn't have been a bad move for a group of fascists to have staged, had they been hoping to instigate and justify violence surrounding the election. I hope those tasked with Joe Biden's safety redouble their efforts and surveillance.

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Do we know that the "crease" was from a bullet? I'm curious about how close the shooter(s) were and how they got that close.

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we are thinking the same thoughts......

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Project much?

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No, you?

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Compared to you clowns, not a bit.

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Sounded like multiple 22 cal.. an ear flick. Well he has been threatening violence for years, and that is a swinging door.

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I'm praying for Trump the same way he's prayed for all the victims of mass shootings that have gone on since 2016. There. That should do it.

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My thought: staged. The guy is a master at directing people's eyes somewhere else while he pulls a fast one. He'll use it to raise money because he's a con man.

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My first thought: he planned this one himself.

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It's certainly the kind of thing you know they';d be capable of. Make him a hero/martyr.

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Yep. Fire up MAGA sympathy for poor iddle twumpy and fuel the rage of the cult base...just what we need, the convicted felon hogging the media and sucking all the oxygen from any other news such as Biden's renewed attacks and fiery speeches. In fact...how coincidental.

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Oh yes TC. The pupeteer …

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Now, now let’s not give his fanatical followers something to start a civil war over. Hopefully the shooter was captured and we can get some answers to his motivations. In no sane world is this a good thing.

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The shooter was killed. How convenient.

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"I wonder how many of them are actually praying for the same outcome I’m praying for?"

I laughed put loud. Surely, a liitle nip like that won't bring down the Big Man.

I'm calling staged.

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My first thought is it was staged to foment violence.

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Reeks to high heaven. Shooter was an “antifa militant”? As if. All staged to make him a martyr for the convention.

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My first thought was that it was a fake - so easy to do: Head turned so the right ear is completely away from the cameras, press and most of the audience, slap the ear, fake blood, small caliber or blanks, his hand picked MAGAt SS pile on but don't seem terribly concerned about keeping Themselves low, hustle him out while he heroically and defiantly pumps his fist and screams defiance, they speed away without a visit to any outside medical/ambulance technician... but if a member of the audience has been killed it seems a stage too far for even the MAGAts to tread for the sake of drama.

Although, on the other hand a few R representatives are already saying Joe Biden is behind it which is clearly a call for retribution among this crowd so attuned to hearing that signal. I believe it's time for the FBI to pay some more visits to those who are none too subtly calling for our President to be assassinated.

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Where did the bullet go? You'd have thought it would have hit someone else around him. I've become so jaded.

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Good point, jaded or not.

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It was announced by the DA (according to ABC news), that the shooter & a by stander has been killed. Doesn't the Chief of Police announce this instead of the DA. I'm still jaded when it comes to trump.

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Having had a couple hours away from this hot mess, celebrating my birthday, I think it's time we all "cool off" on this topic - starting with me. The ramifications of this are too important.

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Thoughts and prayers.

Man, what if this makes all the gun freaks realize that even a good guy with a gun can’t always save you from a shooter - even when your good guys are supposed to be some of the BEST guys in the world.

Welp, we are probably either gonna get war or some gun laws.

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The gun nuts will want to arm everybody in the audience. Wait…at the NRA convention, didn’t they ban Guns???

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Another Reichstag fire?

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Could be…

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According to WAPO two people dead and apparently one was the guy with the gun. But Project 2025 wants every person to he able to get a gun and use it I guess.

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