Character matters. Morals matter. The Trump Administration has neither. It makes me physically sick, but until enough folks who voted for this truly disgusting excuse for a man wake up, this is what will pass for leadership. I am committed to doing whatever I can to obstruct their hateful and hazardous agenda.

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Thank you, Susan. Disheartened. Nauseous. I have searched for words for the feeling that washed over me when I read the headline for the first time that Jack Smith was dismissing the charges. Liza Donnelly wrote that Jack Smith’s statement was terse, because I believe he felt trapped to follow DOJ policy. And it is policy, not law. It’s an interpretation of the constitution. So Glenn Kirschner points out that while the cases are being dismissed without prejudice, meaning the charges can be brought again once Trump is out of office by whatever reason, there’s also the statute of limitations from when the crime was committed. Glenn Kirschner makes the point that the presidency is a “pause,” and therefore statute of limitations is on hold, but he also makes the point that Trump‘s lawyers later will argue that it is policy, not law, that Jack Smith and DOJ were following, and therefore it does not apply, meaning impossible to file charges again.

It’s really mind-boggling. It’s a chaotic circus of a show except it’s real. And the refusal to sign ethics statements and so forth for transition is another way to get off Scott free. Is there any way that can disqualify any of them from taking Office? So much has been custom and tradition and typical but has been understood, not set down in law. Lawless. For sure, what’s happening is lawless.

Your post pushed my button and I somewhat spewed. Please forgive me, but thank you for your post.

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Chump will be dumped by whatever means, he has more frienemies than Dems…

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Cults don’t “wake up.”

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no, they don't. a few individual cultists occasionally get out and, even more occasionally, write books (or help produce an HBO documentary series). but the cults stay cults, at least until a mass suicide or shootout (usually counterproductive) or (even more "occasionally) a few leaders doing time...

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Chump cultivated his cult with such obvious bullschittery I was sure that only morons would buy it. I seriously underestimated the number of morons. When told that all the thinking voters would vote for him, Adlai Stevenson reportedly responded. Then I’m in real trouble…

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America, Y'all wanna know what *you* would have done when the Nazis came to power? You just did it

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Appeasor nation.

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I wonder no more

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I can empathize with your statement of hard it was to write this; unimaginably hard to process that this day actually happened. As I have said elsewhere, this is a dark, tragic day. Like Jan 6th all over again. Fighting hard to stem the tears over what we’ve lost. Heartbroken for the children and grandchildren of this country.

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Understood. And somewhere else in this country there is jubilation. I do not understand us.

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Same. And I never will

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And that's a very GOOD thing.

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Us is not us anymore

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Today I drove through deep Trump country in NC. As I passed their modest homes I thought to myself will these otherwise decent folk have a revelation in 2025. Will they have regrets. I am unsure.

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I hope that they actually do have a revelation. I have my doubts. Anything that happens that they don't like, they'll do their usual intellectually-lazy thing a "blame the Democrats!" Laziness morphs into evil.

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No they won't. Their information will still come from Fox News, Newsmax, etc. so instead of blame Obama, it will be blame Biden.

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Nah, blame dems

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I would have given a lot not to read it, and even more not to have to agree with you, but I'd give most of all to have a strategy for changing it that didn't involve significant levels of violence and death.

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Yes, you are very likely right.

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All other reasonable options have been foreclosed, as all three branches have failed.

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Well said, Dave. I couldn’t agree with you more.

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I may not have understood Dave. To save us from the German experience with horror I am full on to significant levels of violence and death.

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As am I, I just wish it was otherwise.

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Once again I liked that you wrote what had to be said, but I dislike that it had to be said. That's a round about statement if ever I wrote. But, you are absolutely correct, As associate Justice on the Supreme Court Merrick Garland would have been superb, Worlds better than Neil Gorsuch, Garland would have be unbiased, upheld both the Constitution and the precedent law of the land. Citizen's United and Dobs would have been defeated. But the very qualities of deliberation that make him a good judge are 180 degrees opposite of what is needed of an Attorney General. Jack Smith or Kamala Harris would have made better Attorney's General.

While I still think Joe was the best President since FDR, But you are correct - he never took trump with sufficient seriousness. I hope he doesn't fair as poorly as you think he will with future historians

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Well done Fay.

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Thank you, Frankom

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Fay, agree 💯

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You are right on. The ascendancy of Clarence Thomas meant that the Supreme Court was able to elect George W. Bush who then proceeded to nominate the traitors Alito and Roberts.

He made Garland out of sympathy for the treason of McConnell. Then Garland sat on his butt for 2 years, thereby enabling time for the crooked "Supremes" to anoint Trump as King.

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McCarthy resurrected the monster

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Yes, it was totally within his abilities to have maneuvered the vote to impeach and thus disqualify Trump from ever holding the presidency again. He did what he did to maintain his self serving quest for power at the expense of our democracy.

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I didn't believe January 6th as it was happening. My brain kept saying NO. It took me a few hours for it to sink in. It was horrific.

Biden gave Garland a consolation prize. It was a bad fit. Democracy did win that night.

Now it's going to be really hard, but not impossible.

I believe in rebellion.

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You speak for millions. Sadly.

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I can't bear to read this article. Couldn't read Robert Reich's today, either, after I saw the headline.

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Agreed. There is a 50/50 chance Biden may be remembered among the worst of our presidents.

We are definitely testing whether a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal can long endure.

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I think Biden will be remembered as a great president due to the domestic legislation wins.

Legal decisions or lack thereof are easily forgotten, unless it changes society, i.e. Dobbs decision. What the DOJ doesn't accomplish gets lost. I look back at the Ronnie Raygun and Gdubya DOJs and some of the crap they pulled. No one remembers unless you are a history buff. I forgot the Nixon DOJ. A huge criminal was in charge.

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Deciding the president is above the law changes society. Of all the decisions made by the court in all its existence, this is the only decision that could literally lead to the end of the USA as we have known it. That's pretty consequential.

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Agree. I was referring to the DOJ. SCOTUS has changed things irrevocably. At least in my lifetime and my children's, possibly even grandkids.

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We are seeing the destruction of the United States of America as a democracy and its fall into a dictatorship as facilitated by the scotus ruling on presidential immunity. It is in motion and will be our reality as Trump takes the oath of office in January. It is Trump’s heart’s desire to plunder our country for his own wealth. Protections for the workers, children, minorities, those of faiths other than the religious right Christians, immigrants, and environment will become history. Dissent will not be tolerated and you will see the employment of all government entities to squash it at any cost as dissent would threaten Trump’s rule. Reality will suck.

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No argument here. Do Dems have even one person with the fight needed for these cretins. The Dems still think it’s a (political) game. Robert’s Rules of Order v. Vicious Guerilla warfare.

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I hate that I agree with you 100%. What a shit day. Every day I wake up sick; many days I just rage. And he's not in power yet. He's got the whole damn "justice" system on his side before he is even in real power.

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Linda A. Physical movement is proven to be medicine for the mind. Walk, bike, pull weeds read a book outdoors. Move and do something. That is helping me and I think it will help you. If you have a liberal neighbor sharing disappointment is good as well.

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He does indeed

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So sad but so very true, Tom.

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Somewhere, in the 10th level, Old TR&R is smiling. Dante 7th level has been expanded.

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Today was a total travesty of

Justice. It's time the Lady

ripped off her blind fold and

took a good look around at

what has happened to the

rule of law.

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I find myself in quite a state. A lot of time on my hands because I gave up on the cable shows. I open my computer, click on my home page (The Guardian) and look for the headline I want to see, but it's not there. Maybe next time, maybe tomorrow, there will be the headline of the stroke, the heart attack, with video of IVs going into him and tubes of orange shit coming out. I'll record it.

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I pray every night I'll read of one of those events the following morning.

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Except we would then have Vance as president. He is Peter Thiel’s puppet and more than a little misogynistic. Really no improvement over Trump as he is smarter and more malleable by others of Wes

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I don't think that Vance has anywhere near the charisma of rump. Vance's attempt to get the senate to support gaetz failed miserably.

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He isn't Trump,. however, he has the charisma of a rock.

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I don't pray, but I secretly hope. I am not proud of that.

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Paul's right - none of us are.

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Neither am I Hannah. I suspect none of us are.

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