“In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.” In this astonishing, horrific statement, he has just declared the end of democracy. The present Supreme Court would rubber stamp his intentions. This has to called out at every turn. This cannot stand!

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It took me a long time to understand what people meant about the corporate media. But I see now how they roll and once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Thank you, TC, for another fine essay.

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Couple that control at the top with the gutting of local news outlets all across the country and it looks even worse. Now we don't have reputable news organizations to rely on -- we have "influencers."

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So, in a nutshell, MAGA Trump and Project 2025 promise: No Taxation & No Representation.

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No taxation if you're rich; no representation if you're poor.

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EGAD. His "you're not gonna have to vote again" remarks should be banner headlines everywhere. WTF, MSM???

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The principles of governance as presented in the Constitution aside for a moment, consider the point that Trump’s vision for America is not only a vicious takedown of democracy, it’s a bad business plan. Trump’s insane rants increase the likelihood that the managers of the mainstream media in their abdication of their role as of protectors of the Constitution, will continue to lose discerning customers, which also means their advertisers will lose customers and like the Trump organization, the whole corrupt, corporate sector of MAGA grifters will eventually go out of business. What’s more, if the Republicans insist on pursuing their fascist Project 2025, their agents of implementation will need to wear flak jackets and steel helmets and go about their duties heavily armed. The prospect of a Gaza nightmare unfolding in the streets of America raises the cost of doing business considerably.

The bottom line in Trump’s weird and whacky scenario is the majority of Americans will not stand for this insane horseshit much longer and there will be Hell for these jackasses to pay. I don’t think even the most egregious, flame-shooting assholes that comprise the ranks of America’s so-called "corporate chiefs” relish such a spectacle in their lust for profits. One brilliant, well-adjusted, and eminently rational logistics executive I know recently commented, “Chase CEO Jamie Dimon might be comfortable with Trump back in the White House, but I’m not. Let’s face it, Trump’s not only a hateful, fascist pig, he’s a moron and a bad businessman. Actually, Trump and the humorless MAGA Republicans have done us all a big MAGA favor by letting us know how stupid and truly insane they actually are. They don’t even get it that voting is good for business. People like to vote, especially those who live in America, and there are lots of profitable products associated with voting and the entire political spectacle that surrounds this fundamental democratic act.

What’s more, the MAGA dolts fail to realize that in the end, and I mean that literally, hate doesn’t sell. It might succeed in getting people’s attention for awhile, but ultimately the consuming armies of the mindless will flock to hedonic musical concerts or religious rallies where the message is peace, love and the iron-clad assurance that corporate America will always give it to you up the ass along with plenty of salubrious lubrication!"

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Of course, if trump has deported all the criminals back to Venezuela, it won't be a nice safe place for the conference to meet.

I can't get over how the MSM continues to think the trump is a rational actor, so of course he couldn't "mean" that votes would be over. Of COURSE, they think, he understands that the 22d Amendment means the members of Turning Point have to vote for SOMEONE, even if it is Eric. I don't see any actual evidence that he doesn't intend to try to do just what he says. Including shutting down "Fake News." Yes, it is "trump being crazy." That's the problem, dodos.

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Anyone thinking that the press is a defender of democracy in this country is absolutely deluding themselves.

The mainstream "legacy press" is ultimately just a huge capitalistic enterprise, a collection of big businesses in search if big profits. That's it. And that's all.

These businesses are motivated by their bottom line, not ethics, morality nor any political ideology, and they see Donald Trump in only two ways. The first is as a profit center. The second is as a potential threat to their livelihoods if he's re-elected. So, it's never too early to demonstrate that they're really not any kind of a *serious* threat to him. Throwing an elbow here and there's fine; that's how the game's played. Just don't make any of them so sharp that their memory lingers for too long.

The press does indeed report the news. It just reports it in the way that's in its own best interests. Not yours. Not mine. Not the country's.

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I once wrote Jennifer Rubin at WAPO and asked why so much anti-Biden/anti-democracy pieces were allowed. It was like Goebbels had a column. Her response: "it's above my pay grade". I canceled the Post that day.

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Excellent Rita. Every now & then I’m guessing a group of reporters might rebel in WaPo or NYT, and perhaps say how the orange slime in unfit

to be you-know-what.* I’m unable to even put that P noun anywhere close to the orange slime criminal w heel spurs that have grown through the top of his head 👿

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I read Project 2025 in March. I know how extreme it is. I don't recall that the plan explicitly says that, but you don't have to be a seer to read between the lines and see this coming.

Well, now we all know what he has in mind. As does the rest of the world.

I heard about this last night.

It will be will be the women and young voters that save us from this fate.

Let's get to work. We have Kamala to elect.

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Do you follow Andra Watkisn? As a “Christian” Nationalist escapee she is excellent at “translation”.


Agreed on GOTV !!! ✍️📲💲🚶🏻👕🛒

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Hadn't see her stuff. Thanks.

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I'm subscribed to Andra.

Fast Politics with Molly Jong Fast, has put out a couple of YouTube videos regarding Project 2025, as part of a series.

Project 2025: The History Of How Trumpism Radicalized


Project 2025: The Plan To DESTROY Women’s Rights


Project 2025: Trump’s Second Term Not-So-Secret Plan


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Ya know Tom, if we weren't living through it, in Technicolor and Surround-Sound, this whole mess is really a bad screenplay, with unbelievable characters and lousy plot, but a lot of mad cat ladies.....

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Exactly right. If I pitched a story like this, they'd throw me out of the room and tell me never to come back.

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I've been saying this for how long?

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Can Biden neuter the kangaroo SC please?

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The deep vein of American Christo-fascism will destroy the Country on every level in every way. It is wrapped around the Supreme Court and half of the Legislative Branch and most of the major media. If it seizes the Executive Branch, we are going to need a whole lot more graveyards.

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The most charitable take on the press missing the big story is that they have conditioned themselves completely on the horse race. They don’t even recognize a new policy proposal, such as ending the right to vote. Blows right past them.

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I have been saying Trump is the anti-Christ for over a year. I am serious. Watching a clip of his insanity chilled me. Most of the media is complicit in helping Trump. I was angry when George Clooney publicly launched an attack on President Biden and told him to step aside. The same with Adam Schiff, et al. It's time these mouth warriors come out and launch attacks on the fourth estate.

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This is the anti-rapture.

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ProPublica has been reporting on the far-right org, Ziklag.This is from ProPublica’s newsletter today:

“ Lance Wallnau, the Ziklag adviser that we wrote about in the story, said that Harris represents “the spirit of Jezebel in a way that will be even more ominous than Hillary” Clinton and that “the demon” was speaking through her.”

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Perhaps all us so-called Jezebels ought to march over to the nearest voting machine and send Lance, et al. back to the Dark Ages where they belong.

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On the other hand, my 20 something daughters tell me this is the Kamala summer. She is EVERYWHERE. In a good way. I’m not on social media anymore but they are dialed in. My daughter told me I have no idea what’s going on. She is gaining lots of voters. It seems like these young people are all up on Project25, and all the other issues we care about. I guess they’re using Insta and Tic Tok? I have no idea

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Oh yes they are! And some of us boomers have been on socials all along and are in the save democracy fray for keeps. I live in the UK now but am heading back to Seattle for Sept/Oct to get out the vote. My niece and nephew are already highly engaged. What a breath of fresh air is blowing the dust off this election. May it blow strong, true and free.

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And the Dumpster confessed!

"I'm not a Christian." No,

you're a very dark passenger

for an entity that shall not be

named; thus your f@#ked up

brain and soul.

MSM is along for the ride, as

history verifies in too many


The Guardian had a good

headline take on the yams

damning rally. Gee, a foreign

news agency.

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