Nov 16, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Thank you for this, and for your memory of your friend.

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My heart goes out to Dave and every other human who has had to hide behind a mask because of other humans' in-built biases.

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This is a wonderful essay, TC. I thank you from the bottom of my “born this way” heart.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022Liked by TCinLA

This is a surprise and yes! a BFD. Let's hope this lame duck Congress has more surprising goodies for us. So many opportunities...

I am now raising a glass to Dave. The fact that any of this needs to be codified speaks to the primitive superstitious beliefs of millions of bigots.

And I just sent Clarence Thomas a painting I have been working very hard on. It's sort of Warholish. And simple. Just a can of Coke with a pubic hair on it. Coulda been a can of soup, but...

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BFD indeed! mostly because I had really thought that laws like this one wouldn't survive both legislative bodies (remembering that vile Defense of Marriage Act and, earlier, Clinton's utter cowardice on this issue, especially his fucking things up in the military with DADT).

once in a while, common sense can prevail. most of us could be forgiven for not necessarily continuing to believe this.

and yes, Tom, this one is especially moving. congratulations, as usual.

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Please Clarence resign. You are a white supremacist homophobe. You belong on the ash heap of history or preferably in an ash heap in a landfill. You and Ginny are examples of the worst this country produces. (Strong message to follow)

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I wish my oldest son were alive to live this BFD. Thank you, TC.

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My eyes are moist. I'm sorry Dave didn't get to see this day, but I hope he had a good life and good love. The more love in the world, the better.

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There could not have been a more loving endnote to this piece about landmark legislation to provide federal protections for same-sex marriages than the photograph of your dear friend, David Faris, 1944-2015. Thank you, TC, for calling attention to this life affirming legislation.

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For my brother. And every other. Thanks to those who are making this real!

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by TCinLA

It's a good day when America lives up to her promise and potential.

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What a victory, piss on you Clarence Thomas. Now get to passing the voting rights act.

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by TCinLA

What a lovely tribute to your friend. Thank you.

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Thank you for posting about this, TC, and for sharing your memory of Dave.

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by TCinLA

BFD! For sure, as everyone else has said. Thanks for getting this out there, TC.

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When our newspaper (The Oregonian) printed a large front page photo of the two lovely women in San Francisco who became the first legal same sex married couple in the nation, I wept with joy for them our country as a whole. Reading this I got teary again. Cheers to your Dave and my many who never made it out of the 80's and AIDS.

They imagined and hoped but never would have believed this. May love keep prevailing.

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