In fairness, there aren't many in either house who aren't on the take from somewhere; witness the F-35 money pit with a vendor in every Congressional district in the country. I suspect that, in this case, the two named Senators are providing valuable coverage for some of their colleagues who would otherwise have to put themselves in political jeopardy by making their positions clear.
As much as I'd like to see Medicare be able to negotiate drug prices, as long as PhRMA is supported by 10% of most members gross annual income (listed as Advertising and Promotion in the annual statements) we're unlikely to see any effective change.
Yes. Witness the difference I pay for medicine through the VA - which can negotiate prices - to what I pay through Medicare. They have a lot of "coin of the realm" to pass around.
Someone once wrote that representatives and senators ought to have to wear "Congress
Suits," like the overalls racecar drivers wear, with all their "sponsorships" on the suit.
So what can we do to motivate the great people of West Virginia and Arizona to stand up to Manchin/Sinema and let them know they are not representing their interests? Since these senators don't listen to anyone not in their state, it is up to the people of WV and AZ to speak for us. Can the Lincoln Project (who does such great ads) put together something to play to those folks specifically telling them how M&S are selling them out? What about postcards to voters? There is much to amplify in these two states, so we need some solid resources to counter the nefarious other voices.
Good idea. I always share this on Twitter. I'll do it again and tag Project Lincoln. Might even tag some of my MSNBC favs while I'm at it. This is a good "uncoverage" of dirty money, with names and corporations. This piece could be a real help to reporters. Thanks, TC!
Manchin and Sinema are not principled moderates; they are greedy opportunists. Their greatest concern is for their personal pocketbooks. For Medicare to be unable to negotiate drug prices is completely unacceptable. To pretend concern about spending levels of legislation and then oppose negotiating drug prices for Medicare is hypocritical to a fault. But their positions are bought and paid for. American corruption is not quite as visible as corruption in other countries.
In fairness, there aren't many in either house who aren't on the take from somewhere; witness the F-35 money pit with a vendor in every Congressional district in the country. I suspect that, in this case, the two named Senators are providing valuable coverage for some of their colleagues who would otherwise have to put themselves in political jeopardy by making their positions clear.
As much as I'd like to see Medicare be able to negotiate drug prices, as long as PhRMA is supported by 10% of most members gross annual income (listed as Advertising and Promotion in the annual statements) we're unlikely to see any effective change.
Yes. Witness the difference I pay for medicine through the VA - which can negotiate prices - to what I pay through Medicare. They have a lot of "coin of the realm" to pass around.
Someone once wrote that representatives and senators ought to have to wear "Congress
Suits," like the overalls racecar drivers wear, with all their "sponsorships" on the suit.
Some of them would need flowing robes to hold all the logos.
Exactly Dave. The robes that have trains of many feet of material trailing behind them.
Yards of material. :-)
Interesting perspective from Steven VanZandt:
Get his book. It's really really good.
So what can we do to motivate the great people of West Virginia and Arizona to stand up to Manchin/Sinema and let them know they are not representing their interests? Since these senators don't listen to anyone not in their state, it is up to the people of WV and AZ to speak for us. Can the Lincoln Project (who does such great ads) put together something to play to those folks specifically telling them how M&S are selling them out? What about postcards to voters? There is much to amplify in these two states, so we need some solid resources to counter the nefarious other voices.
Good idea. I always share this on Twitter. I'll do it again and tag Project Lincoln. Might even tag some of my MSNBC favs while I'm at it. This is a good "uncoverage" of dirty money, with names and corporations. This piece could be a real help to reporters. Thanks, TC!
Manchin and Sinema are not principled moderates; they are greedy opportunists. Their greatest concern is for their personal pocketbooks. For Medicare to be unable to negotiate drug prices is completely unacceptable. To pretend concern about spending levels of legislation and then oppose negotiating drug prices for Medicare is hypocritical to a fault. But their positions are bought and paid for. American corruption is not quite as visible as corruption in other countries.